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playerman1230: 2009-01-26 11:05:09 pm
Hated by all
That is genius! Classic beyond all counts!

I would suggest putting frozen Goombas and Koopas if it looks like Mario's locked up in a prison s[l]ave station.

For the game over screen: Put "Epic Fail" in place of Game Over. And put in the next line "Why the hell did you die!?"

Edit: Page Break owning. Why do we fight over these? [glow=teal,2,300] Can't we all just get along? [/glow]
Nice job squish. nice to see that hackers are getting more and more creative :D
I'd suggest adding a bit of detail to the name though. (saying Super Metroid World)

also, about the death text suggestions...
If that uses the TITLE 2 .GFX file, it may be possible that you count through the tiles and mark down what bytes are the bottom/top tiles of each letter, then search for that specific string in the rom, andyou may be able to change the death text.
it would be hard, but worth it :o

EDIT: hey, it's that face you drew that other night! XD
holy shit aiwebs_016

sa casse des briques Exclamation
How is the hack coming along?
We haven't heard anything for awhile.
HOPEFULLY, squishy_ichigo can get his internets up and running by today. If not, well, then... expect not to see anything here soon after.

As far as he's been telling us on IRC, he actually hasn't gotten much done on this recently... He blames his Wii and DVD collection of Lost. grin new However, he HAS been working on a Pokemon hack. >_>
. . .
yeah... I've been slacking alittle bit, huh?  Haven't worked on it in a month, but good new, I started back on it earlier today!

10 more rooms left on Plumber Hills, and then I'll be releasing the first chapter of the Fanfic.


As Zhs2 as already said, I started working on a Pokemon Hack, so this will not be getting my FULL attention, but will still be getting attention.  I've just been real busy watching LOST and playing on my new Wii to da any real hacking this month.

GAH, I'm sorry, what was I thinking!  I can't hack two games at once!  People will get pissed at me!  I'm so sorry!* squishy_ichigo kills himself

anywho.... I'll be posting soon enough when Plumber Hills is done, and I start up on Mushroom Woods, until then!
Quote from squishy_ichigo:
yeah... I've been slacking alittle bit, huh?  Haven't worked on it in a month, but good new, I started back on it earlier today!

10 more rooms left on Plumber Hills, and then I'll be releasing the first chapter of the Fanfic.


As Zhs2 as already said, I started working on a Pokemon Hack, so this will not be getting my FULL attention, but will still be getting attention.  I've just been real busy watching LOST and playing on my new Wii to da any real hacking this month.

GAH, I'm sorry, what was I thinking!  I can't hack two games at once!  People will get pissed at me!  I'm so sorry!* squishy_ichigo kills himself

anywho.... I'll be posting soon enough when Plumber Hills is done, and I start up on Mushroom Woods, until then!

That's fine no need to kill yourself.
Thanks for the update.
Go ahead. Stare.
Alright squishy, you wanted me to put my ideas here so here you go.

I actually thought about the fog in the Ghost House tileset and it makes sense, but I have an idea on that. (Surprise! Even my bro hates all the endless ideas I come up with.) A few of SMW's ghost houses have those Boos that swoop from the top down toward the player. I was thinking you could redraw the fog to look like little Boos to make it look like the place was infested with them. You can have some stick their tounges out and whatnot...
The fog is layer 3 though and likely only a couple of tiles flipped and arranged.  He'd be restricted by palette since layer 3 is on a 2BPP GB format (4 colors) and the little tiles space would leave him with no room for good ghosts.  I don't really think it would work too well...
Go ahead. Stare.
I don't mean having the colors look right, just that the clouds are shaped liked boos period. The fog is transparent already so it would give them a ghostly look no matter what color. Just think of floating balls with little arms and a tail and maybe eyes.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
A few things I loved in the title screen were Mario in the place of the metroid, the title was great, and I also like how the music completely did NOT match up with the screen lol laugh new.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Quote from FirePhoenix0:
The fog is layer 3 though and likely only a couple of tiles flipped and arranged.  He'd be restricted by palette since layer 3 is on a 2BPP GB format (4 colors) and the little tiles space would leave him with no room for good ghosts.  I don't really think it would work too well...

Actually it wouldn't be hard at all. SMILE 2 has the layer3 editor right? Just open the fog layer3, and place boo tiles on it, instead of the usual fog.

Done it in about 15 mins. Here's a vid.
. . .
I might just do that! No promises though...

anywho.... its been quite a while since my last one so...
I'm all done with Plumber Hills besides some fixes here and there... and I started on Mushroom Woods!  Two rooms in as of today.

A fanfic chapter! <-- Chapter 1 FINALLY! Its not very long, but meh...

and a video!


AND my latest room! (see attachment!)

Sweeeeet. No time to read now, though. Gotta go to class soon. :(

I loved how "Petey" there turned green when he died. Its going to be kind of hard to hit him when he gets stuck in the structure to the left, though...
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, you should really lower those platforms, as not only is it annoying having no way to avoid him other than jumping, but getting stuck in the scenery will get frustrating fast.

As far as the boss himself goes, it looks fantastically like it should. (That sounds weird, but it looks really Mario-ey, and should be taken as a compliment)
What'd you say?
So how far is this hack now? I can't wait for this to be released!
I was a little doubtful at first because it seemed like a fairly large task, but it seems you have it all under control. Looking forward to this.
maybe if you run out of bosses from mario world maybe you could use an ing for kicks
. . .
and... why did you find it necessary to bump a topic that hasn't been talked in since April?


There are forum rules for a reason you know. <_<;

btw... since this topic DID get bumped, I should say that this project is on hold while I work on my mini-hack.
Most of you knew that already, but APPARENTLY some people didn't know. <_<;
edit: I thought I should add that only an idiot would take that advice seriously. I'm usually a nice guy... but seriously.  Why the hell would I use Ings in a MARIO based hack?  That's just stupid.

I really feel like a dick when I go off the handle like this, but come on Samus Aran.  I know you're young and everything, but thats really no excuse.
sorry i didn't relize it i didn't pay atention to the date
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You don't need to monitor the date.  If you click reply in a topic older than a month, you are warned in red text above where you type your reply.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Samus-Aran's posting privs in the hacking fora have been revoked indefinitely, so we shouldn't have any more problems with him.
This is Life
dont make pointless posts.
This is Life
i didn't Acheron86 posted when i did so i had to write .....