Amazing hack so far, but right now I simply cannot figure out where to go next. Every way seems to be a dead end
I think the next item is either the grappling beam, the high jmp boots, or the speed booster, but I have no clue where to find any of them. Help? My last major item was power bombs.
I just got the power bombs, and blasted my way through the tube behind kraid. Now I'm in the upper right corner of the Norfair map, in the part with the three tall columns. It appears that I need the grappling beam to leave this area either behind me or ahead of me. I've looked around for quite a while, and can't find anything. Am I stuck, or what am I missing?
A general hint would be not to do anything spectacular, just keep your eyes open.
I think this would be the solution to your problem:
Go as far back as you can, where progress back up requires the grapple beam. Drop a power bomb. Notice two blocks on the wall above you crumble, and reveal a hidden tunnel. Mid-air morph to get in.
Return to brinstar, consult with your map. There must be a blue square with a dot, to the right of the tall shaft. Try to use your Ice beam to proceed.
Good news: just got the Speed Booster. Bad news: it was harder than the Ice beam.
I have a request. My school sucks and zophar is blocked. Could anyone attatch the hack to a post or something? I can't play at home, so I want to here at school.
Now I've gotten the speed booster and wave beam. I used the wave beam in the middle of norfair to get to a room with lots of little platforms you have to bomb jump between. When I get to the end of this room, it seems like I should stand up and jump, but the game won't let me stand up. Am I missing something?
the order for my last items was: P-bombs, Grapple, Speed Booster (WTF! I'm not supposed to get it before Wave, am I?), Hi-Jump/Spring Ball.
Also, I've found a TON of Missiles (112 to be exact) and 12 P-bombs (dunno if I'll ever need all of them). Crateria and Brinstar are very rich on them. :P
Okay, I just downloaded the patch, and as you mentioned the whole entire High Jump/Physics thing, I decided to see what it was about. Now the physics thing will take some getting used to but, if you jump while samus is Ducking, you get a higher jump, which doesn't seem right(the begging of course) with you hack.