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Gaius_4: 2009-04-23 05:42:58 am
I think it was because of this Hell's Run I learned to quickly reload save-states -one handed.

Alt+F, L, 2....  Alt+F, L, 2..  Alt+F, L, 2.

Over and over again every time I'd mess up.  laugh new

It prepared me for the Speed Booster escape.  extra_smug  Edit2:  Well, okay.  NOTHING prepared me for that. Razz

Edit:  And I must say...  Cool avatar there Quietus.  Cool
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Gaius_4:
And I must say...  Cool avatar there Quietus.  Cool

Why, thank you, sir! aiwebs_011

I tend not to use the states themselves too much, as I usually find that with the rewind feature, I can usually go back to the last door I entered, which allows me to try something again anyway.  And since you have the slow door transition allowing you time to get ready to play agin, there's no rush. Very Happy
Quote from Gaius_4:
I think it was because of this Hell's Run I learned to quickly reload save-states -one handed.

Alt+F, L, 2....  Alt+F, L, 2..  Alt+F, L, 2.

If you guy a gamepad with enough buttons on it then you can create and load save states via the controller.  Comes in handy on hacks where you have to use them alot.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I also have R2 mapped to fast forward, which means those door transitions and item collections aren't half as bad as normal. extra_smug

I just noticed that I forgot to post a video of the permastuck I mentioned.  Although I did mention that you have to bomb-jump to get to it, so it's not exactly on your route.  I'll post the video tonight...
Quote from horscht(i):
Or watch Saturn`s TAS how to avoid the hell`s run. Wink
lol after going through cliffhanger.... ima have to stick with his advice
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
OK, [noembed][url=[/noembed]'s the vid of the permastuck I was on about in redesign.  It's early, but you are unlikely to find it on your normal route.

And [noembed][url=[/noembed]'s the example of IBJing I was going to post a while back, before YouTube started giving me grief.  Turns out it was just the beta uploader, and it works fine if I circumvent it. Rolling Eyes
If I ever play on my 360 controller, I'll map save/reload to LB/RB respectively.  They're right there.  Otherwise I've got them mapped to standard ZSNES F2/F4, with Rewinds on Q.

I remember Hell's Run was so tough the first time.  Now I can do it in maybe one or two reloads.
WTF Question where's the energy tank that was in the elevator room that leads to norfair?
i ask this because i was watching saturn's videos and an energy tank popped up when he first entered the room
There are two energy tanks in that room that only appear if you didn't collect the other two before the points of no return in Brinstar since you must have 3 tanks before Hell's Run.
The IBJing is a lot like MZM, kewl.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Thanks for the reply, Drew.  I knew you wouldn't be annoyed with me, as some of the others seemed to think you would -- I was just posting it as a point of interest, not to demand a fix.  Sounds like you knew about it anyway. 

And speaking of whether you knew about things, did you include the early Lower Norfair break-in on purpose?  I half-jokingly told Kejardon that he "missed a spot" in terms of disabling the Crystal Flash.  (Alas, he did not miss the spot I found -- a Crystal Flash would have gotten me past the Super Missile block in lower right Crateria if I'd been able to use it.)

Out of curiosity, what happened with the dumbed-down "Axiel version" you were talking about a while back?  Did you decide not to do that?
i found a way to get out of the tough spot if u get the screw attack early if u missed the speed boost slope

I don't guess it would've been possible to fall far enough to (re)charge another shine spark on the ground that is near the Screw Attack upgrade...?

It looks like it would be to me.  Confused
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes, you can, Gaius.

You can they either use your charge to spark to the right, or back up the way he came in.
the metroid is a lie !
so, i finnally completed it  extra_smug, it took me all last week and a half, so here are the good points and the bad points,

pros: physics are much better than that of vanilla sm, the different beams are actually required more, and some of the gfx are amazing, also the map was well put together.

cons, although the start was filled with exploration, i found that after the hi-jumps, everything was easy to find from there, the plasma beam was way to late, as was the beam combo, i also think that the screw attack was to early, as you could just sawblade through everything once you had that and it kinda made the beam upgrades pointless.

all in all a great hack, shame about the lack of the wrecked ship tho Sad

so finally completion rates:


item rate:79.7%

great job drew  Very Happy
SuperKB: nice find, I always wondered what that platform was any good for.. >_<
Ok, I picked this back up a few weeks ago to continue my run.  I stopped soon after Draygon for no good reason, but after starting again pretty quickly got from there to the end.  Ridley gave me some trouble, and the infinitely-spawning metroids did as well, but I got past them.  What I can't seem to get past is the metroid room during the escape.  I morph ball under the metroid in the first room and it gets stuck on a platform.  Once in the second room though I always get hit and can't get it off long enough to get away.  I know there's another metroid later in that room, but the first always kills me before I can even get to the second.  What am I doing wrong?  I have 10 e-tanks and a reserve.
What'd you say?
Could you post a smv of this? I could probably help you.
Oh, wow, I just went to record the video and managed to trick the metroid into flying past me and going offscreen.  I died later on during the acid part in crateria, but now I have the video so I should be able to figure out what I did differently.  Thanks anyway, though.
What'd you say?
Quote from snakerbot:
Oh, wow, I just went to record the video and managed to trick the metroid into flying past me and going offscreen.  I died later on during the acid part in crateria, but now I have the video so I should be able to figure out what I did differently.  Thanks anyway, though.

Lol, nice job, glad I could help.  laugh new
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
I guess this is the best place to ask...

Drew how did you remove the palette change after killing Phantoon? I need to remove it cause I made another boss out of Phantoon's AI, but the palette change is screwing it up. Bah! Everything keeps going white, no matter what I do.
I have no clue, I forget how I did that
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Dang! Ah well. I'll think of something. Maybe i can use another area.
Took me long enough.

So comments.  I really enjoyed this hack.  The best part was the size.  It was huge, and I loved having a completely new world to explore.  I did think a few parts were a bit hard though (grapple beam area mostly), but I also was using a controller and playing without savestates or slowdown, so that might have contributed to it. 

Does anyone know how many people have finished a 100% run under console conditions?  I'll be doing one and I wanted to know who else has.

yo where is the spazer and plasma beam? i cant find it in this big ass game