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Time bomb set get out fast!
Final time 27:29.  Collection rate 85.1%.  Animals saved.  Yeah, baby!

I'm gonna post a full review of the hack later, but suffice to say I had way too much fun with it... and I've already started a faster playthrough now that I know where everything is.

I've also found a sequence break!  It's very small, and probably slower than the normal route, but it technically breaks sequence.  After you get the bombs, you're supposed to get your first Super Missile pack high up in Spore Spawn's room, right?  If you go right instead of left when entering Brinstar, you eventually get dead-ended in a pit of spikes.  There's a Super Missile tank at the bottom left, and unlike most others in the game, it's not guarded with a Super Missile block.  You can fall in the pit, bomb your way to the expansion, and get out alive if you're quick.
Quote from Zeke:
I've also found a sequence break!  It's very small, and probably slower than the normal route, but it technically breaks sequence.  After you get the bombs, you're supposed to get your first Super Missile pack high up in Spore Spawn's room, right?  If you go right instead of left when entering Brinstar, you eventually get dead-ended in a pit of spikes.  There's a Super Missile tank at the bottom left, and unlike most others in the game, it's not guarded with a Super Missile block.  You can fall in the pit, bomb your way to the expansion, and get out alive if you're quick.

This is well known, but bravo for finding it on your own. 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I know Saturn used it it the recently finished TAS, but in a normal run, I'm not sure whether it actually saves any time, as it'd take about the same time to get to Spore Spawn's room, I reckon.  If you collect that set, I don't think there's anywhere you can go at that end, and you just have to come back to the left anyway, but it is still a sequence break.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Nuts.  I've read this whole thread, so I thought it would've been mentioned here if it were known.  Ah well -- I'm still pleased about finding it.

Here's something to chew on.  Yesterday in #sda, Name13013 was telling me that runs on the Wii's Virtual Console are SDA-legal, even if they go through homebrew.  It should be easy enough to set up Redesign on a homebrew-capable Wii (in fact, I plan to do just that).  Now, SDA only takes games that have been legally sold at some point, so Redesign is ruled out from the start.  But what this basically means is that you could play this inherently emulation-based game, in an emulator, and get a proper console run.  Weird, isn't it?

I'm gonna watch the latest TAS, but I for one would also be interested in seeing a proper speedrun done that way.
What'd you say?
Quote from Quietus:
I know Saturn used it it the recently finished TAS

Wait, that TAS is finished now?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes, you can view it [noembed][url=[/noembed].

Although I believe that Saturn was looking at possibly changing some of it.  I know at least one section has been redone due to a newly found glitch through a gate.  You can see the glitch in WIP 7 above.
Just to clear things up for tyjet, the full TAS is not finished, just the latest WIP.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, sorry if I made you confoozed, but im just so used to seeing Saturn's Youtube profile, and everybody pestering as to when the next WIP is being released, so I assumed that's what you meant.  My bad. Razz
What'd you say?
Quote from Cardweaver:
Just to clear things up for tyjet, the full TAS is not finished, just the latest WIP.

Aww...I was looking forward to it.
Quote from tyjet66:
Aww...I was looking forward to it.

You know, you can still look forward to it!
the metroid is a lie !
so, ive never really gotten into this before, but this has REALLY got me hooked now, but ive been running around for about 4hrs, and i still cant find anyware. what do i need next? i have:
6 e -tanks,15supers,13 power bombs,grapple,charge,ice,wave,spazer,varia,morph,bomb,speed booster,high-jumps and 1 reserve.

help please Embarassed

thanks in adv.
You need to explore crateria more, focusing on getting to the lower-east section of it. 
the metroid is a lie !
thanks opium, i kinda found it last night tho lol, thanks anyway  Very Happy
Time bomb set get out fast!
Woot!  Redesign + Wii homebrew + Hori pad = fun fun fun.  It's even better than playing it on my PSP.  I've decided not to go for speed on this playthrough after all; I'm gonna take my time and get to know the game better, now that I know all the main points.  Next time I'll do it fast.  (Of course, I have no real basis for comparison... what's the Redesign equivalent of, say, 1:30 in Super?)

In other news, I found a trap a while ago.  It's in this room in Crateria:

You're meant to shinespark up from a hidden room down below.  (You get to that room by
blowing up a Kago and rolling past it
.  Thank you oh so much for making that particular tunnel not show up on X-Ray, Drew...)  I hadn't found that room yet, so instead, I carried a speed charge from the room to the right.  This works fine for breaking the ceiling blocks and getting what's up there.  But I tried boosting along the ground to break the floor block too.  Trouble is, this just drops you in a vertical tunnel with regenerating speed blocks at both ends.  Once you're in it, you can't get out. 

(Okay, technically you can get out if you manage to store your charge just before falling.  But A, that's really hard, and B, all you can do is get back out the way you came.  No direction of shinespark will break a block directly under you.)

The simplest way to fix this would be Zero Mission style: make the whole vertical column into speed blocks.  This would preserve the intended use and make it impossible to get stuck.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
There are probably any number of places where it's possible to get stuck.  Drewseph ironed out a tonne of them during the early stages, and I can understand why the line is drawn in not fixing every bug.  I know for certain that you can get stuck in one of the firt rooms in Brinstar, just by bomb-juming into a gap between those metallic-looking platforms, for example. Very Happy
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
The game's also been out for so long, and so many people have it and have finished it, that updating the patch and asking everyone to redownload is kinda pointless.
There comes a point when hacking where you have to determine whether or not to fix things like that.  I have a couple of vertical shinespark areas and I've added ways out if you get stuck in them due to low health when shinesparking but seriously, the player should use proper judgment when playing.  For something like that where it's rather difficult to force your way into the area, that's entirely the player's fault if they get stuck, not the creator's.  The creator never intended the player to get stuck there, and so they never bothered to add a way out.  I guess you could go and try to make it impossible for a player to get stuck in your hack but it's a lot of work and you'll miss sections anyway.
Quote from Quietus:
There are probably any number of places where it's possible to get stuck.  Drewseph ironed out a tonne of them during the early stages, and I can understand why the line is drawn in not fixing every bug.  I know for certain that you can get stuck in one of the firt rooms in Brinstar, just by bomb-juming into a gap between those metallic-looking platforms, for example. Very Happy

Firstly, yeah those damn speed blocks. okay so SMR has ONE place, actually there might be just one more, but you need to have just the right amount of low HP to get stuck (lower norfair to prime 1 morph ball maze shine spark) where you have potential to get perma-stuck, but you need to have shitty luck to fall into it, sorry for it though lol

But I challenge you Quietus to show me where else you can get indefinitely stuck.

Also the equivilent 1:30SM to SMR would be about 3-4hours
i got done with kraid
so far the only upgrade i got was super missle after collecting bombs

where do i go next? Question
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
A door will now be accessible in the lower left corner of the area you are in.  You have the joy that is 'Hell's Run' coming.  Make sure you save before using the lift.
defrag in progress
Or watch Saturn`s TAS how to avoid the hell`s run. Wink
Am I the only person who actually really liked the Hell's run?
I love the hell's run, except for the first couple times I did it.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
since I was the first one to do it publically :-D, naturally I liked it because I thought I was sequence breaking
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, Hell's Run is great.  I wonder what the difference is between the number of attempts people made before realising you had to use the bugs.  I know that I must have made at least 10 attempts before realising, and even then it was because I happened to stop running and went through those crumble blocks.