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J-SNAKE: 2008-07-28 01:57:15 pm
thats me
short question before probably downloading:

Is the game much shorter than the original SM? And is it supposed to be playable without using quick savestates after every second, or are quick savestates intended?
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Gaius_4: 2008-07-28 12:40:01 pm
Quote from J-SNAKE:
short question before probably downloading:

Is the game much shorter than the original SM? And is it also a little intended to use quicksave, since it is supposed to be very hard?

I can't say about the length of game play. 

But as for quicksave'ability...  That would depend on the emulator you're playing it on.  And I don't know of any that wouldn't let you use save-states.

I'd advise using multiple quicksaves* -as in- 'steps' in case you have/want to go back to a previous state for some unforeseen reason.  Like if you find out you'd need more e-tanks to survive an area/boss and may have missed some.  ..etc.

*but that is up to the individual.  If you have the patience or like the challenge, then don't use savestates as much.
Think I'm stuck.  I'm trying to find somewhere to make progress, but everywhere I want to go, it's all blocked off by speed booster blocks.  Wondering where I should be exploring or, better yet, a hint in the direction of the Speed Booster.
Quick Update: Where's the Charge Beam? That's the last thing I need until I go down into Lower Norfair. And don't I need it to defeat Ridley?

Anima, perhaps you could help me?
If anyone else doesn't want a location spoiled, don't read the following.

Charge Beam:
Defeat Crocomire, then make your way to where the Hi-Jump Boots would be in the original game.
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Obbligato: 2008-07-28 03:38:51 pm
Quote from Anima Zero:
If anyone else doesn't want a location spoiled, don't read the following.

Charge Beam:
Defeat Crocomire, then make your way to where the Hi-Jump Boots would be in the original game.

The room next to the main shaft? The door's still locked, for some reason...

EDIT: Nevermind... Thank you. grin new
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Gaius_4:
But when you just can't...  Like the ibj, unmorph and fire upward, and continue ibj'ing...  It makes me want to give up. 

If that's required I may have to throw in the towel.
I don't use slowdown when I play SM, its one of my rules.
I had to break it in Impossible in the grapple room and it really pissed me off.
Technically, you don't have to the unmorph, shoot up, continue ibj at all.  You could do what I did which is to keep ibj'ing until you get close to whatever block you'd have to shoot through, save state, then just spam bombs when you're near it.  Eventually you'll be able to get through.

That's how I do it anyways :P.
I've only (yet) come across 2 places I think you need to do it.

In the shaft that leads to the Power Bombs (in Reg. SM) [Red Brinstar] -- But I'm not sure what exactly is up there -yet.

But the way Anima Zero does it can work too.


Getting up to Kraids area.
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aigamerDS: 2008-07-28 10:10:03 pm
Quote from Anima Zero:
Technically, you don't have to the unmorph, shoot up, continue ibj at all.  You could do what I did which is to keep ibj'ing until you get close to whatever block you'd have to shoot through, save state, then just spam bombs when you're near it.  Eventually you'll be able to get through.

That's how I do it anyways :P.

To me, I don't unmorph at all. I just stay in the ball, just bomb the block while in mid-air, and then continue on ibj. I don't need use save state for this stuff.

Quote from J-SNAKE:
short question before probably downloading:

Is the game much shorter than the original SM? And is it supposed to be playable without using quick savestates after every second, or are quick savestates intended?

Not that rapidly. I was able to beat Ridley without using any save states or slow down and it was played on my nintendo wii (by using Snes9x emulator). I should post that video on youtube soon. No, you don't have to use savestates in every second or very rapidly.

Of course it's much longer than original SM because hard mode takes more time to complete.

Quote from Anima Zero:
Technically, you don't have to the unmorph, shoot up, continue ibj at all.  You could do what I did which is to keep ibj'ing until you get close to whatever block you'd have to shoot through, save state, then just spam bombs when you're near it.  Eventually you'll be able to get through.

That's how I do it anyways :P.

That's exactly what I did too except I don't spam bombs that much.

Quote from Anima Zero:
Think I'm stuck.  I'm trying to find somewhere to make progress, but everywhere I want to go, it's all blocked off by speed booster blocks.  Wondering where I should be exploring or, better yet, a hint in the direction of the Speed Booster.

Have you tired the back door of WS?

Quote from DMantra:
If that's required I may have to throw in the towel.
I don't use slowdown when I play SM, its one of my rules.
I had to break it in Impossible in the grapple room and it really pissed me off.

You didn't have to break your own rules after all if you doing it in my or Anima's way.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Mind putting up a few screen shots?
I would like to get a general idea befor downloading a hack theys days. :/
Quote from aigamerDS:
Quote from Anima Zero:
Think I'm stuck.  I'm trying to find somewhere to make progress, but everywhere I want to go, it's all blocked off by speed booster blocks.  Wondering where I should be exploring or, better yet, a hint in the direction of the Speed Booster.

Have you tired the back door of WS?

I tried going that way, but of course there's a gray door impeding progress to the elevator in Maridia so I can get into WS (The door in question is in the big room with one door that leads to a key item and 2 other doors at the bottom of the room).  I do believe I ended up killing all the enemies too in that room unless there's a cleverly hidden one I missed.

That or I'm supposed to find a way to
and defeat him (Considering it's RBO, my assumption would be that boss is the next one I'm supposed to fight).
Okay, new problem.

I just got to Maridia, and I'm in the room before Botwoon. The door to it is blocked off, and I don't have speed booster.

Am I supposed to face him yet? Or do I need to go to somewhere else?
Quote from Obbligato:
Okay, new problem.

I just got to Maridia, and I'm in the room before Botwoon. The door to it is blocked off, and I don't have speed booster.

Am I supposed to face him yet? Or do I need to go to somewhere else?

I haven't made it that far but in the original SM, if you don't have gravity suit...

You can freeze one of the mocktroids, then do the 'jump though platform' trick.

But that could be wrong for this hack, but you could still try it.  Sorry I'm replying without actually knowing.

Now for a question of my own...

I've gotten into Maridia, mainly to look for more items -epecially etanks for hells run...  which I haven't been through yet.  I'm thinking it's too early to do that.

Am I wasting my time in Maridia since I haven't been through the 'hells run' yet?

I'm in the room with the crabs and the 2 narrow 'shafts' that go upward.
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-07-30 03:16:12 pm
Quote from Obbligato:
Okay, new problem.

I just got to Maridia, and I'm in the room before Botwoon. The door to it is blocked off, and I don't have speed booster.

Am I supposed to face him yet? Or do I need to go to somewhere else?

Have you get your enemy to destroy some block for you? (no, not the speed booster block, some other wall)

Quote from Anima Zero:
That or I'm supposed to find a way to
and defeat him (Considering it's RBO, my assumption would be that boss is the next one I'm supposed to fight).

You're suppose to fight Draygon before you enter WS (that's the rules of RBO)

Quote from Gaius_4:
Am I wasting my time in Maridia since I haven't been through the 'hells run' yet?

Maridia isn't the right place to be. All the energy tanks before hells run can be found in Brinstar.

Quote from Green-Kirby:
Mind putting up a few screen shots?
I would like to get a general idea befor downloading a hack theys days. :/

Have you played Super Metroid Impossible hacked by Saturn? It's like that. I have uploaded some screen shot for you already.
Finished! aigamerDS, that was a very cool hack. However, I curse you and your damn Mini-Kraid!  laugh new

Seriously. What the hell was up with him? It took around the equivalent of 200 missiles to destroy it for good. And I had to do it twice.

Beware the Rinkas!

Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-07-30 09:13:49 pm
Quote from Obbligato:
Finished! aigamerDS, that was a very cool hack. However, I curse you and your damn Mini-Kraid!  laugh new

Seriously. What the hell was up with him? It took around the equivalent of 200 missiles to destroy it for good. And I had to do it twice.

Beware the Rinkas!

I'm so evil. laugh new

Hack completed.  Very fun and quite challenging.
Quote from aigamerDS:
About the E-tanks

Energy tanks are mostly located in Brinstar including the place where you found morph ball....

I have 2 E-Tanks and 1 Reserve.  I don't think I've found the one you mentioned in the above quoted spoiler.  I'm pretty sure I've bombed and shot everywhere.  But there are some speed blocks and PB blocks.

Once I get that - that would make 3. 

I still haven't done the first Hell's Run yet and I want to be sure I'm well prepared.
Quote from Gaius_4:
I have 2 E-Tanks and 1 Reserve.  I don't think I've found the one you mentioned in the above quoted spoiler.  I'm pretty sure I've bombed and shot everywhere.  But there are some speed blocks and PB blocks.

Once I get that - that would make 3. 

I still haven't done the first Hell's Run yet and I want to be sure I'm well prepared.

Have you go to the place in Kraid's area? E-tank can be found there.
Yes, I've got that one.  And the other one I got...  I'm not sure...

Was the other one on the other side of the Super Missile door where the green Pirates are?

I'm certain I'm missing one (or another) from either the blue or green brinstar area/s.
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-08-01 07:32:05 pm
Quote from Gaius_4:
Yes, I've got that one.  And the other one I got...  I'm not sure...

Was the other one on the other side of the Super Missile door where the green Pirates are?

I'm certain I'm missing one (or another) from either the blue or green brinstar area/s.

Yeah, it's also in Crateria. Just one.

Off the subject

I'm making my next hack called Super Metroid RBO Insane. It is so crazy that I even made "LOL" sign.

I'll take a whack at this on sunday. Looks promising.
I will need help.

Before (the first?) hells run you get e-tanks in these areas and _____ (fill in the blanks for me):

The area before Kraid in the small 'flea' room.
Behind the Super Missile door past the green space pirates.
and ____________.

I thank the person that replies in advance. :D