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Hello Everyone!
I am a huge fan of Protos, Betas, and Unreleased Games for the SNES. My favorite game ever created just so happens to be Super Metroid. I have spent years searching for any Beta information regarding Super Metroid, but have come up with little. So my question to you guys is, Do you have anything Super Metroid Beta related?
Images, Info, etc. Anything is welcome.

The only thing I have managed to find is in Nintendo Power Bonus Issue : Volume 56. (This is the one that has a metallic embossed Megaman on the front)

Anyways, it shows a preview for the upcoming game, "Super Metroid." It talks about how it has "24 megabits of memory, making Super Metroid the biggest game ever for the Super NES." Wooooo!  laugh new Anyways, it shows 6 ingame pictures, and 6 pieces of Concept Art. The Ingame images, though, are whats most interesting.
(WARNING - The Upcoming Images Will Be Blurry, Lo-res, and just plain terrible due to the fact that I am using my Cell Phones Camera...  :(  )

Number One:
The first image shows Samus running while shooting under her famous Gunship. She has just arrived on the planet (We can infer this since rain is visible in the background and she has no items).

1 - The Map is located in the middle of the top info bar now instead of the top right.
2 - The Health Meter is now moved to the top right
3 - The Gunship has little difference. The front window is slightly more detailed then the released version. There is also a Pink bar above where Samus Enters (Probably for testing purposes).

Number 2:
The next image shows Samus Speed Dashing in an unfamiliar area. Samus is clearly in Norfair (as you can see by the textures) but the area is not the same. We can also see that she is running from the left side, yet there is no door on the left side, so we can guess that it is connected to another hallway and there is no room transition.

1 - The Map is most likely one of the strangest parts of any of the images. It resembles this
  \__    __/

Upclose Picture!

As far as I know, no part of the map in the released version has "slants or curves." The Map we know is just pure squares.
*Corrected. My stupidity has been pointed out. Of course it has slants.*
2 - We can see that she is running from the left side, yet there is no door on the left side, so we can guess that it is connected to another hallway and there is no room transition.
(Even though its not very visible, note that Samus has a large capacity of Ammo. Probably for testing purposes as well. She has 900 Missles, 08 Supers, and 86 Power Bombs. Strangely, in between the 8 on Supers and the 8 on Power bombs is a 9. I have no idea if it means "089" Supers or "986" Power Bombs)

^ That must be confusing, sorry its kind of hard to explain.

Number 3:
The next image we have shows Samus in the room right before the Mini Boss Battle with Spore Spawn. Nothing looks to different except minor graphic changes.

1 - The Map is strange. It resembles the shaft you fall down to recieve your first Super Missles, yet its in the totally wrong place...?
(Samus has the huge capacity of items still)

Number 4:
The last of the images show very little difference.

Again, large amount of ammo.
There is also no map (probably not programmed yet)

Number 5:
The last image I cant take a picture of because my phone is being strange as usual, but its pretty basic. It just shows Samus fighting the Chozo Statue for the first time. The image also appears to be zoomed in because we can not see her health, items, or the map.

Well, thats pretty much it for my little analysis of these "Beta" images. If anyone would like to take some hi-res pictures or scans from the magazine I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading!  grin new

(If this violates the rules in anyway, please remove my topic. Thanks) Embarassed
Thread title: 
Interesting, but you need to use a camera besides a cell phone.
Quote from BioSpark:
Interesting, but you need to use a camera besides a cell phone.

Yes, I stated that already. If I had access to a Camera or Scanner i will gladly replace these images with much better ones. Thats why I requested that someone could capture these for me.
I hope someone can!
grin new
I should get with the times and get a scanner...  laugh new
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Wow.....Now I'm going to serch the net for this one. I love beta releases.

Woneder if I can find it....Any way good job!

Also you fail! Here is a map of norfair...well part of it...see if you can find out how you fail:

Shot at 2007-07-05

off topic: I have a sonic advance 3 beta rom totaly rocks! ^^
Armor Guardian
Quote from CrAzY:
Number 4:
The last of the images show very little difference.


There is also no map (probably not programmed yet)


If you look up close you can see that the three right 'squares' of the map were cut off from the picture, implying that the picture was zoomed in or cropped. Your conjecture is clearly wrong.
Additionally, that location does not exist ingame.  The only set of grapple blocks in a bubble room are the set of three at the top of the big bubble room.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from BlueGlass:
Additionally, that location does not exist ingame.  The only set of grapple blocks in a bubble room are the set of three at the top of the big bubble room.

Your right, How ever I think that room become the one with 3 grapple blocks in the roof.
Take a look:

Shot at 2007-07-05
The roof looks the same...There is one difrens.... The gape is longer as you can see not much though. And there is a lot more grapple blocks. And a few tile edits.

Only a guess though.
That'd be my guess as well. Take out that final block on the left ledge, and you have almost a perfect match for gap length and floor tile placement. Of course, the passage height is much more constrained in the beta.

I'm very curious as to what that "V"-looking section of map actually was before, since it looks like it has a completely separate room in the middle of it.
Quote from RT-55J:

If you look up close you can see that the three right 'squares' of the map were cut off from the picture, implying that the picture was zoomed in or cropped. Your conjecture is clearly wrong.

I know that the actual map holder is there, but it appears that there is no actual data of map (Pink or Blue Squares)  grin new
*Edit again* I re-read your statement and understand completely what you meant now. Sorry. Its still possible that it has yet to be programmed, but it was probably just cut off.

Hahahaha, it seems that many of you are trying to prove me wrong! This is exactly what I want. Everything I have posted is just all my opinions and theories. So if anyone has anything to add to get a clearer picture of the beta, please do so.  laugh new

*Wow, thanks for pointing out my stupidity Green-Kirby, of course the SM maps have curves.*

Quote from Green-Kirby:

Your right, How ever I think that room become the one with 3 grapple blocks in the roof.
Take a look:

Shot at 2007-07-05
The roof looks the same...There is one difrens.... The gape is longer as you can see not much though. And there is a lot more grapple blocks. And a few tile edits.

Only a guess though.

And I was thinking the same thing. Both of these areas are extremely similar.

Quote from Green-Kirby:
Wow.....Now I'm going to serch the net for this one. I love beta releases.
Woneder if I can find it....Any way good job!

Oh and by the way. This has not been dumped or released (almost 100% positive)
These images are just from an old Nintendo Power magazine from early 1994. I mean, search for info and etc., but I doubt you will find a playable build.

I feel like less of a fan now... My brain is failing, hahaha.

But please! Everyone add as much info as you can!  :P
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Looka t those killar graffics! Is he using his runing as an attack?! Thsi is gonna to be the bestest meteorid EVAR!!1
Hi!! I'm a big fan of betas, myself, I find them extremely interesting XD  extra_smug I found a couple of other differences in the beta version of Samus' ship. In the comparison below, I have the final version of her ship in the top-left picture, with the beta on the right. The bottom two are the ones I drew on:

In the bottom-left image, the red designs on her ship (refer to top pic to see the original) are not seen in the beta image. Also, the red line refers to the two "humps" at the top of her ship, where Samus is standing (in the left picture, anyway). They appear to be at a slight angle in the beta image.

Oh yeah, I re-adjusted the contrast... Not sure if it helps or not, though. To me, it seems like the beta version of her ship is somewhat brighter in contrast, instead of a dark yellow as in the final version. it could just be the camera-phone + magazine = weird colors/contrasts.... but then again, if you make it greyscale:

The clouds in the sky for both pictures seem to be almost the same in contrast. So, I think, Samus' ship actually is a higher yellow contrast in beta.  Shocked Also note the "window" on her ship. They seem to be very different contrasts.

What do you think? Sorry, I look at things too much. I have some form of OCD (or something), so little things stick out like a sore thumb to me  laugh new And I look into things too much, sometimes. But those are just my opinions.

Edit: Ooo, I just thought of something! It's probably not true, but since her ship looks so bright, what if they originally intended for Zebes to be sunny when she landed? o.o ...  laugh new ...That actually sounds stupid, lol, but the thought did occur to me. And maybe they changed her ship to be a darker yellow so it matched the "mood" of rainy/stormy Zebes, later on in the development.

The thing is, when you look at beta/prototype images of pre-released video games, there will always be "what if" and "well maybe this..." questions and theories... ...that will most likely never be confirmed  Rolling Eyes Oh well.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from Kyousha:
Edit: Ooo, I just thought of something! It's probably not true, but since her ship looks so bright, what if they originally intended for Zebes to be sunny when she landed? o.o ...  laugh new ...That actually sounds stupid, lol, but the thought did occur to me. And maybe they changed her ship to be a darker yellow so it matched the "mood" of rainy/stormy Zebes, later on in the development.

I have trouble seeing a dark, cloudy sky as a sunny afternoon on Zebes. :^P
I have trouble seeing a dark, cloudy sky as a sunny afternoon on Zebes. :^P

...that's why I admitted "That actually sounds stupid, lol,"  ...:| 

Maybe they made the colors + lighting for Samus' ship first, then added the planet's atmosphere. Then, they later adjusted the contrast for Samus' ship so that it matched the mood of the environment. That's probably what they really did. When I said they may have originally intended for the sun to be shining on Zebes, I was mostly joking  Rolling Eyes lol.
Okay, disregard the last image I posted of the screen shot comparisons!! lol.  laugh new  I actually found this issue of Nintendo Power in a box I had in storage. Issue 56, the one with the silver megaman X cover. Here are the higher quality screen shots, that I scanned:

Every difference I mentioned about her ship was wrong. It must have been the camera phone that made it look a little weird, lol.

Note the numbers that depict Samus' energy. They're italicized. This isn't really news to many people, though, lol. A lot of people knew the beta font was slightly different. The 2 blocks on the ground also look bombable... maybe an early version of the first room in Norfair? The map contradicts that theory, though, unless it had a massive overhaul. It eerily reminds me of the map layout in the original NES Metroid...

Not way too much different, here. I'd like to have 900 missiles, though. And the enemy's wings seems brighter. Or is it just me? lol.

Nothing new that was already discussed in this picture, but it's the scanned version  :P  Hehe.

It looks like a few minor things changed from the final release. Samus is slightly less detailed in the pre-release version, for instance. I'm not sure if Nintendo Power had these images brightened so the readers could better see the images or not, but it seems everything is brighter than normal, lol. Here's a screen shot of the same room in the final version of the game:

It looks like some of the wall textures/blocks underwent a slight change, as well.

I only remember seeing one of those enemies in Norfair. And it wasn't in that spot. I don't even know where that spot in Norfair is, either!  laugh new It should even be flat on the ground. Why is it hovering Shocked And shouldn't Samus be taking damage from heat without the Varia Suit? It almost looks like there are heat waves in the background. But it'd be difficult to actually study if that were true or not, in that image. I'm probably wrong  extra_smug

... I also found some interesting reading in the article that goes along with the images in the same NP issue. Made me wonder a little bit:

    Ever since the introduction of the Super NES, players have been calling Nintendo to find out when Super Metroid will come out. Players assumed that any game as good as the original Metroid had to be adapted to the Super NES. THey were right, and the long wait is about to end.
    When Super Metroid hits the stores this spring, players will return to the planet Zebes with Samus Aran, a one-woman, intergalactic SWAT team, to battle the evil Mother Brain for the last time. Although this will mark the end of the Metroid series, Samus Aran will have a new galactic menace to overcome in future games. In Super Metroid, players will revisit several areas and enemies from the original game, but they will also explore new regions and battle new foes with new moves and weapons.
    Many elements that made the original game a classic have been enhanced. The passages of inner Zebes are so vast that the programmers anticipate having to use 24 magabits of memory, making Super Metroid the biggest game ever for the Super NES. Some elements were borrowed from the Game Boy, like the Save Points and the battery-saved memory. Kraid and Ridley return from the original in hideous new forms along with an army of new and redesigned enemies.
    Mr. Sakamoto, the project director, told Power that, "Metroid has a lot of possibilities and we have to include all of them to makke the game as enjoyable as possible." Ten programmers and designers at Nintendo's R&D 1 group have been working overtime for months trying to include those possibilities. The game is being tailor-made for North American players, because Metroid was never as popular in Japan due to the fact that it was released on the Famicom Disc player format.
    As for the popularity of Super Metroid in the U.S., the incredible action and vast world are sure to make it one of the top games of the year.

I find it interesting, having this be a January 1994 article, that they stated, "Although this will mark the end of the Metroid series, Samus Aran will have a new galactic menace to overcome in future games." ...How did they know?... Shocked  Hehe.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Kyousha:

I only remember seeing one of those enemies in Norfair. And it wasn't in that spot. I don't even know where that spot in Norfair is, either!  laugh new It should even be flat on the ground. Why is it hovering Shocked And shouldn't Samus be taking damage from heat without the Varia Suit? It almost looks like there are heat waves in the background. But it'd be difficult to actually study if that were true or not, in that image. I'm probably wrong  extra_smug

I have never seen one of them in Norfair! They are some in crateria though. That background have heat effect animation in-game. ;P

Quote from Kyousha:
I find it interesting, having this be a January 1994 article, that they stated, "Although this will mark the end of the Metroid series, Samus Aran will have a new galactic menace to overcome in future games." ...How did they know?... Shocked  Hehe.

What I know of nintendo stated that super was the last metroid game at some point.
Anywhere, everywhere
Quote from Green-Kirby:
I have never seen one of them in Norfair!


Thank you Kyousha! Thank you a ton! Those images beat mine 1,000 times over!  grin new

By the way, take a look at the new scans of the magazine. Now compare Samus' ship in the pre-release to the released version. The pre-release shows that the Wind sheild was much more detailed. (tons of lines) Thats all I see, however.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from rekameohs:


Oh there....I have not been there for some time. No wonder I did not remeber.
Quote from CrAzY:
Thank you Kyousha! Thank you a ton! Those images beat mine 1,000 times over!  grin new

By the way, take a look at the new scans of the magazine. Now compare Samus' ship in the pre-release to the released version. The pre-release shows that the Wind sheild was much more detailed. (tons of lines) Thats all I see, however.

Yeah, I noticed that when I saw it in the NP mag. I'm glad it's less detailed in the final release, however... because in the beta version, it looks massively cracked... XD lol. Samus needs to go to an Auto Body & Collision Center, XD hahaha...

But anyway. yeah, it's sad that people find a TON of beta content for many other video games, but... even for how popular Super Metroid is, there just isn't really a lot beta information about the game. :( *weep* Oh, and you're welcome for the scans =D I was awed when I found the NP issue in a box in our storage closet. I was like "Yes! I can use this!!" lol *holds it high above my head like Link from the Zelda games* Oh, but this is a Metroid forum... so... *Item collect music theme from Metroid plays* Whoo!  grin new
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Kyousha:

Every difference I mentioned about her ship was wrong. It must have been the camera phone that made it look a little weird, lol.

the ship may be bright because of the lightning effect. I'm not sure that's it though.
Quote from Kyousha:
Yeah, I noticed that when I saw it in the NP mag. I'm glad it's less detailed in the final release, however... because in the beta version, it looks massively cracked... XD lol. Samus needs to go to an Auto Body & Collision Center, XD hahaha...

But anyway. yeah, it's sad that people find a TON of beta content for many other video games, but... even for how popular Super Metroid is, there just isn't really a lot beta information about the game. :( *weep* Oh, and you're welcome for the scans =D I was awed when I found the NP issue in a box in our storage closet. I was like "Yes! I can use this!!" lol *holds it high above my head like Link from the Zelda games* Oh, but this is a Metroid forum... so... *Item collect music theme from Metroid plays* Whoo!  grin new

Hahaha, yeah I definately agree on the Window. When I saw it I thought it was cracked!  laugh new  And again I can agree with you. I have been a huge collector/fan/lover of Betas and such, but when it comes to Super Metroid, I could not find anything, let alone anyone even mentioning the words, "Super Metroid Beta." I was amazed how scarce info on it is... Nintendo must have shown more of a pre Super Metroid somewhere.... right?

I just hope it is revealed to the public sometime in the near future. I love Super Metroid Oh So Much!  grin new Glad you found your own NP Magazine!