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hoo boy...
another spikey half hack...
And I thought you were removing blue brinstar.
anyways, I'm disappointed by the spikes. :(
Fear Me! (Or else...)
It's not gonna be a half-hack when I'm done. Also, I've mixed in Blue Brinstar with the other kinds, and the results look good. That's the only room that's completely blue, and I'll probably go back eventually and fix it up.

Also, about the spikes - that's not the hardest spike room in here, but also if you look at the original, those were originally blue tiles that were broken. They reminded me of spikes, so I put those in there. Also, I will be coming back and redoing all of these redone rooms, and probably mixing them up some, so don't worry - when I'm through here, they won't be bearing such a striking resemblance to the original rooms.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
I like the crittery things that follow you... caught me off-guard. I tried to jump over one and it turned around. I thought "wtf is with this thing?". Just wouldn't leave me alone... so I killed it  laugh new
ASM i suppose?
Go ahead. Stare.
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
I like the crittery things that follow you... caught me off-guard. I tried to jump over one and it turned around. I thought "wtf is with this thing?". Just wouldn't leave me alone... so I killed it  laugh new
ASM i suppose?

Not ASM actually, unless it is a different bug that does that. I believe he used the enemy in the WS, it is located in that small 1x1 room before you grapple across the spikes to the Chozo statue that takes you to Gravity Suit.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Wonderful little critter lol laugh new. I used it a bit in the following rooms... You have only Dmantra to blame here (just joking Dman!), because he gave me the idea grin new. Love those bugs! Harder to get by now grin new... especially when falling down a narrow pit filled with four of them...
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
The only problem with them is that when they're on a wall and you're next to them, they try to go straight off the wall towards you (which they can't do), instead of going down to the floor and then after you. I think when they're on a wall they go for your Y value instead of X.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Hm... well, since they start on the floor, and you drop straight down on them (considering you can't be outside the walls), they ought to be on the floor, going for you. Hm. Send me a screenshot with that, and I'll have a look-see.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!

If you jump up over one while its next to a wall it'll climb up the wall, but when you fall on the ground it stays on the wall.

Fear Me! (Or else...)
Ack! Spoiler! Anyways, what does it do to come to you? Does it just stay on the wall, or something?
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
oh sorry. lol

yeh it just stays on the wall. but it's shaking as if it's trying to let go and come at you...
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Probably because it moves by two pixels, or something, and it goes down to be the same y as you, then up because it's lower then. Did you know they can also take slopes? I saw the one Dmantra used doing that.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Nah. Though you know that green enemy in brinstar that flies at you? I've seen some hacks (pantheon I think), where it moved really slowly and just kept coming towards you with out stopping. It was kinda freaky at first, but you could use that enemy too if you can get it to follow you like that. Or you could ask whoever it was that made Pantheon how they did it.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Lol... but probably not too slowly. Is it one of those firefly thingies that you meet on the way to the Chozo room? I could make it go a bit faster, probably, so you have to constantly dodge it. That's a neat idea... Anyways, I erased the second major room in Brinstar, and am doing it from scratch. I'm also ditching the total pink graphics in favor of more green and gold - although I will mix in the pink stuff. The interesting thing is, that background in that room was apparently custom made for it...

Edit: Hurray for ninja posting! Still, just get on the chat and save room. Thanks for all the input, though!
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Nah it's that big green one on the way to the Map room.

If you like the tiles that are from the pink area you could always change the pallete? You can even steal tiles from other areas, you don't need to stay within the original tileset.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Well, yeah, but I just don't really like those tiles by themselves, although I'll still use them. As for changing the tileset, you then need to change the background pointer. That's just a little too much work for me lol laugh new. I don't really like messing with pointers... Especially when the background was made for this room specifically.

Too many ninja-posts! Let's use the chat instead. http://bioniclegenius.googlepages.com/chatroom
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Lol trust me, you'll have changed a LOT of pointers when you get further into the hack. Though I just have one background pointer for most of my rooms in one area. And just set the same pointer for each room that uses that background. Means I can use the space from the other bg pointers ofr other stuff.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Chat time! Sorry for nagging, but I checked and you were already posting when I put that. Possibly you won't look back at it, so I just need to repeat it in an original post before you read it and start posting back. Anyways, I'm willing to do that later on, but not with the tileset-changing and then the background. Especially not when the background was made specially for a specific room. I'll conform the room to the background in that case, not visa verson. Anyways, backgrounds are kind of hard to mess with, so I'll leave them alone for now.

Love the new room! I really like it because it really captures the mood of Brinstar's music. Also, I have a few rooms that I need to go back to (sooner than the going-back-over-all-the-rooms at the end) because of errors spotted in them, or them just not getting finished, and I have the next room picked out. Arg, this room is good enough for a screenshot! Since I can't just edit and attach, I'll put it up on the site. so check back soon.
Edit history:
Sadiztik Fish: 2008-12-13 06:23:23 pm
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
You can't edit and attach??? That's weird...

EDIT: That's really weird because I can do it as much as I like.

Sorry for the off topic post...

ON-TOPIC: I think you've screwed up the 2nd tileset, or just made an REALLY bad pallete

Fear Me! (Or else...)
I can edit, but I can't edit and then attach to my edit, or edit an attachment. Really weird. Also, what'd I do to the second tileset? Just send me the image by email.

Ah-ha! Found out how to edit the attachments! I kept clicking that little paperclip to the lower-right of the message to edit. If you click 'modify', you can edit the attachments! Anyways, here are some more recent screenshots. Schnoz keeps sending me boatloads of them, mostly with glitches he found... Oh, by the way, the third attachment is an old one. You'll have to see what it is now... which I won't reveal! Mwahahaha! The fourth is the bottom-right of the chozo fight room. And that last one that I just edited in is the part that I really love of the new room.

Btw, how do you close a poll?

Quote from Bioniclegenius:
Also, what'd I do to the second tileset? Just send me the image by email.

Anyways, here are some more recent screenshots. Schnoz keeps sending me boatloads of them, mostly with glitches he found...

Btw, how do you close a poll?

Send you the image of the second tileset through e-maill??  Huh, not sure what you mean or even who you're talking to here as there are probably only a small handful of us here that has your e-mail....  Hopefully one of us can help nonetheless. 

Aarrgghh, you blew my cover!!  I was hoping no one would know until the project was nearing completion. Razz Razz  For this crime, I'll send you many more boatloads of screenshots in the Seas of Glitches.  laugh new laugh new

I don't know how to close a poll, but my vote of I'm not voting anymore is currently at 100%.  grin new laugh new
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Quote from BiggestSchnoz:
For this crime, I'll send you many more boatloads of screenshots in the Seas of Glitches.
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! laugh new grin new laugh new grin new Anyways, I think I'll skip that next room for now... it's too big for me to willingly attempt all at once...
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Ok, back in action! The details of my long break are on the site, and I've worked some more on Spore Spawn's room. Now, it's challenging enough that I almost lost the first time through, and - forgive me, Bolognab - Infinite Bomb Jumping is now a required feat of this game. I considered doing something really evil, so in one spot during the battle that you have to lay bombs in to actually attack SS, you get one shot, or you're back in the room below and have to restart the battle, but I decided that was too evil, even for me. I'm probably going to go back and mess with his palette some, but it's dinner time, and I need to get off. Oh well! Still, progress is progress.
"Infinite Bomb Jumping is now a required feat of this game." - Bioniclegenius


Dang, you are evil!!  That's one thing I have nothing but problems pulling off....  Well, I need to practice, practice, practice and sooner or later I'll be able to do it whenever I want. 

Keep up the work, this'll be an interesting hack methinks.  grin new
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You shouldn't have too much trouble after a little practice.

Performing the faster IBJ is tougher, but still possible.  For the easy version:

1. Lay your bomb.
2. Lay a second just as it explodes.  You'll know if you've done it right, as it'll appear to be a few pixels above the first.
3. Wait to fall, and lay your third about two bomb heights above the second.
4. Wait to fall, and lay another two bomb heights above the last.
5. Repeat.

I found that with most tricks in this game, just 10 minutes of solid practice can render a difficult trick much easier to perform regularly.  Although, try as I might, Hotarubi's short charge in Maridia's entrance still escapes me. Evil or Very Mad
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Actually, that timing's a little off at the start. You lay the first, then just as it starts blinking faster, you lay the second. Then, I guess you could do it your way, but my way tends to be a bit safer, because if you're just a little off on yours, you lose it and fall all the way back down. What I do is I lay it just above the next bomb, as I come down on it.

Short charge, you can figure out an easy timing, once you have it. It's generally about as your elbow is all the way back the first time. Start holding the run button just as the elbow reaches that point, then hold it. That's around the time you need, but you need to practice to figure out the exact timing. It's quite a bit easier when you get that. Also, if you wait a split second more, and then hold the run button, you charge in about 2 tiles less space. Wink. I spent quite a while on Cliffhanger before I finally got the timing down pat... Mainly, at one point, where there were 2 speed boost tiles you needed intact to get to the large speed boost wall to the right, is where I figured this out. At times, you need to not use those two tiles early, and at other times, you don't have enough room to do it that way. Together, they work out very nicely. grin new

Also, I mentioned earlier in Sadiztic Fish's Impulse thread an idea I had about two chozo statues in the same room. I don't know if that would work out, because of the AI, and the room being opened when you beat one, but it's a fun idea to play with. Maybe you could set the minimum required enemies to '2', and that might work. It's an idea to play with. There's another reason I just thought of as I'm typing this why it wouldn't work out quite as well as you might want: the first chozo has a specific, hard-coded spot where it drops in the room when you pick up the bombs. If you had two, dropping in the same space, they would react mostly the same ways, because the positions in relation to you are the same for both of them. Probably wouldn't work out as well as one might hope. Now, if we could change that code, and make them drop where you want them to, like most of the other enemies, then this idea would work out very nicely. Another thing about the first chozo: when you beat it, the items that appear when you beat it appear in a hard-coded screen, namely screen 1-1. They don't appear where the enemy was when you destroyed it, they appear in that spot. So, in my game, even though I expanded the room to a 3 by 3, when you destroy the chozo, you have to wall jump up immediately to the top, if you want to get the items. Kind of a pity, that. Oh well! Enough discussion and picking apart of the first torizo.

With Spore Spawn's room, I'm done with it for now, but I'll come back to it later. For now, I'm moving on to that next room over. Also, I think I know what part of those flying enemies' AI that I somehow overwrote, that makes the game crash when you kill them: It crashes right about when they would respawn, and wait in there, so I apparently overwrote something that has to do with the respawning of them. For now, I'll just either replace them with other enemies, or move them completely out of the way so you never have to deal with them, but if a solution to this problem is found, I'll use that. Also, I'm considering another poll to release one of the rooms I have so far in Brinstar, for a sneak peak. I'm going to try to do this once per area I start, which means there will be about 6 spoiler rooms total. Possibly also when I go back through and redo it a second time on top of what I have, and rearrange the rooms, which means you'll get a second shot at this. Currently, I'm not doing all that much redoing in the first time around, which is why I'll have the second time.

Finally, happy New Year's, everybody!

Whew, this was a lot of typing! I hope I get some good feedback and responses to this post. laugh new

Oh, by the way, the IBJ is just short term. Unfortunately for you, I'm making another room that requires it long-term, so better get ready!