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Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Download links will no doubt be added both here and on MetConst when the time comes, so don't worry.
hey guys  my game is coming along great.  I see someone here wants m1 doors  if you want to make them  ill definitly use them  also  i want to give you a sneak preview of what m1 maridia is going to look like hope you like it

Reminds me of RoS.  Looks great.
Abandon All Hope !!
Very cool I like the place will look like Maridia...!
However, it is always renewed  these areas because there is no M1...
So I hope a very good area of Maridia since  several alternative ways in M1...
Of course, with several events hidden...!

See You Next Time !!!

Sarabada !!!
What'd you say?
Quote from Saga:
Very cool I like the place will look like Maridia...!
However, it is always renewed  these areas because there is no M1...
So I hope a very good area of Maridia since  several alternative ways in M1...
Of course, with several events hidden...!

See You Next Time !!!

Sarabada !!!

Man... that was a pain in the ass to read... Maybe choose a different color next time?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Or not use colours at all, since people use different themes, and it can be hard to see.
Quote from Saga:
Very cool I like the place will look like Maridia...!
However, it is always renewed  these areas because there is no M1...
So I hope a very good area of Maridia since  several alternative ways in M1...
Of course, with several events hidden...!

See You Next Time !!!

Sarabada !!!
Abandon All Hope !!
I do not see any problem in this kind of sources ...!
Imagine if I use color violent !!???
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Some people have different colours for their background.  This makes it hard to see when you use different colours.
Miikii is the default theme and by far the most commonly used one.  It uses a dark background which makes blues and violets fairly difficult to see.
Abandon All Hope !!
Sometimes I do not have the right color to use!
So I will try one until it is cool ^ ^
But it's worth it!
Such that
What'd you say?
I used the default, yellow works for me.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Saga, please do not change the colour at all.  Just use the default, so that everybody can read it.
Ok  all the votes are in  and looks like the blue bubble will be upper maridia  Im thinking that lower maridia will be brinstar like since  it is said parts of old brinstar are in maridia
I'm still daydreaming about beta-testing this game.  Is it too early to ask for a progress report?
Yoshi is back
Quote from Tyjet66:
Quote from Saga:
Very cool I like the place will look like Maridia...!
However, it is always renewed  these areas because there is no M1...
So I hope a very good area of Maridia since  several alternative ways in M1...
Of course, with several events hidden...!

See You Next Time !!!

Sarabada !!!

Man... that was a pain in the ass to read... Maybe choose a different color next time?

I totally luaghed my ass off when I saw that! Good job Ty. Haha, yeah, I can read it fine just the fact that NORMAL FONT would help alot aiwebs_017
Ill tell you one thing  the more people ask me about my game and want to know the progress  the more it motivates me and It gets me  more and more excited about finishing it. So dont ever think its too early for a progress report  ask and ye shall recieve! I almost have kraids area done  and im going to play through it to make sure its just right  and no problems then im going to start blasting away at norfair nd ridleys area  i have some ideas for maridia and im still thinking about how to make the wrecked ship area. that ones going to be a toughie
Cool beans.  Keep going, man!  It's gonna be awesome!
Yoshi is back
Yeah, what she said......I'm lovin this, Don't stop man! you can do it.
Keep it up, man! I'm largely looking forward to this hack.
Edit history:
Opium: 2011-01-06 09:39:25 pm
Super Metroid Old School = most anticipated hack of 2011

(and probably of 2010 as well)
What'd you say?
Quote from Opium:
Super Metroid Old School = most anticipated hack of 2011

(and probably of 2010 as well)

Close, but I disagree, Aegis...
Oh yeah....that one....  *eyeroll*
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I mean no offence to tbolt, as I'm sure his hack will be all he wants it to be, but with the quality of the overhaul hacks currently in production, it seems odd that you'd choose it as number one, Opium.  Some of the more recent stuff to come out is amazing.  I'm still waiting for the hack (I think it's Black Falcon's) that allows you to take back off in your ship, and land in different areas. aiwebs_004
I never go to MetCon any more.  I got tired of the lack of activity and stopped checking it.  With the exception of Phazon Hack, I haven't been aware of any major hack releases since all of the hacker activity migrated over there. So I am probably out of the loop when it comes to up-to-date info on hacks, as I still rely on this forum for info.