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Abandon All Hope !!
yes indeed love to see another WIP :)
Merry Christmas
OMG awesome
Ok  i have 2 weeks off so im really going to town on od school  I should have norfair completly done  soon and then its off to the races with ridley so hopefully ill have this done by the end of the year hopfully
Merry Christmas
Yours & JAMS = a keeper.
As Tails here pointed out  Jam is making a project very similiar to mine  I suggest you check it out beacuse its awesome!  I have norfair abot 40% done and I will go to town on it tomorrow also I plan on integrating the experimental rooms that came out pretty good into the game wich means you can acess crocomires room as you normally would but you have to explore to even find his room and the new areas but if you find them the rewards will be great!!
Ok heres the deal and im sure youre all gonna love this  in addition to the metroid 1 rooms im rebuilding  im going to expand on some of them with entirly new rooms  to make the game even bigger so you'll have not only metroid 1 but entirely news areas and rooms with some well hidden stuff.
Quote from tbolt76:
Ok heres the deal and im sure youre all gonna love this  in addition to the metroid 1 rooms im rebuilding  im going to expand on some of them with entirly new rooms  to make the game even bigger so you'll have not only metroid 1 but entirely news areas and rooms with some well hidden stuff.

I like this idea.
Are they going to be optional or will you need to explore them as well to finish the game?
Abandon All Hope !!
Yes it would be great you put several items hidden.
You let the players fully activated and so hunt item
However I have a small idea to the case ...
Why do not you make fun event to fool players??
Surely it would expand still more you interact with the game ...!!!

What do you think bolt76  ?
Time bomb set get out fast!
This new area sounds like a good place to put the extra bosses.  I guess the alternative would be to make Kraid's Hideout and Ridley's Hideout out of Maridia and Crateria; otherwise those environments are going to waste.

There are some interesting design implications to a project like this.  For instance, it hadn't occurred to me before that NES Metroid has no large rectangular rooms.  They're all either strictly horizontal or strictly vertical.  Since those rooms are the exception in Super Metroid, a lot of rejigging must be required.
Ok here are my plans for old school.  There will be new areas  and although the extra areas will be optional. But if you  skip them you will miss out on cool stuff and the game will be more difficult to  finish.  There will be maridia and wrecked ship but they will be redesigned and the wrecked ship will be essentially underground. They excavated it just before super metroid.  Also with a little asm hacking im hoping to make mother brain as she was in metroid 1 but i dont know  how yet. Also  updated metroid 1 music will be in the game. And evryone from super metroid will be in the game.  including crocomire botwoon  phantoon and Draygon.  hopefully these will be some good ideas!!
Abandon All Hope !!
Their plans are great I also agree with updates of the songs to make the soundtrack more original ...
So I wish you great job
Good Luck!
I have played through my game and I am having some serious second thoughts about it. I feel like I rushed to complete several rooms and im running into some problems so i may have no choice but to just get rid of it and start over  this time taking time to make sure everything looks good and is playable i want you all to play a good game and not somthing that was rushed. But rest assured Old school will be completed
What'd you say?
Please don't scrap it, just go room by room and tweak whatever you feel needs adjusting, I plan on doing that for my new hack.
Edit history:
tbolt76: 2010-01-01 11:44:05 pm
Heres a update on old school and Im sure all you metroid 1 nostalgia buffs are going to love this one  due to some breakthroughs    you WILL take your leave of exploding tourian via elevator all its going to take is revamping of some rooms  and no modifing elevators nessacery just like the original  also ill have some before and after screenshots  of the rooms that i fixed that i think didnt turn out like Ihoped they would  also With a little asm hacking id like to make the room and battle with mother brain just as it was in the original  now thats somthing to get excited about
Has anyone ever modified the MB fight before??
What'd you say?
Quote from Opium:
Has anyone ever modified the MB fight before??

Not that I am aware of.
While you're doing some ASM were you planning on adding the long beam?
What errors do you have?
What errors do you have?
What'd you say?
Quote from Qactis:
While you're doing some ASM were you planning on adding the long beam?

Pure win.

Quote from JAM:
What errors do you have?

Quote from JAM:
What errors do you have?

The error he has is mysterious, it causes him to double post the same message after about 4 minutes have passed.
Edit history:
JAM: 2010-01-07 06:51:20 pm
JAM: 2010-01-07 06:49:52 pm
JAM: 2010-01-07 06:46:44 pm
JAM: 2010-01-07 06:34:54 pm
Quote from Tyjet66:
The error he has is mysterious, it causes him to double post the same message after about 4 minutes have passed.

ROFL =) Sorry about that. Forum is glitching on my computer
The errors im having are nothing that cannot be fixed.  just some random solid blocks and some background isuues that i can easily fix  however I want to modify mother brains room to look like it did in original metroid but i need to know how to mess around with the zebetites  the mother brain battle itself  im not too concerned with  and yes im putting in the long beam upgrade as soon as i figure out how!
The long beam sounds like it would be hard to do.
All 4 Zebetites are just 1 enemy. I guess, adding another one Zebetite and change their positions isn't very hard. As for Mother Brain, you'll need to write new enemy that will jusst sit there and do nothing when alive and set timer and brake the wall when destroyed.

Both of this requires an ASM works. So, the best solution is don't touch this room for now and go further. I want to do the same but while I don't know how to do it I'll do this room as a final room for my hack.
Ok folks  Ive done it  i have recreated the original escape shaft with all the fixings  the explosions  flashing lights  and even the elevator  i also changed a room in brinstar i didnt like  check em out