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I have ben working on this game for a long time and now I have made significant progress.  The enitre section of old brinstar is now complete and i will be a guarented trip down memory lane. Dont believe me  then these screnshots should convince you otherwise.  Some graphics are straight from the orginal metroid  check them out!!

Thread title: 
Oo! This looks interesting. Just a suggestion... since Samus can traverse through rooms much quicker than in the NES days, you might want to make the rooms a tad longer.

Looks quite nice :p
Merry Christmas
I always wanted to do this. I wonder what it would look like when its done.
thats an easy one to answer  its going to (hopefully)look like a replica of the very first metroid.  all and I mean ALL the orginal areas from the first game will be back in all their glory  wich will leave marida and the wrecked ship intact but revamped  hopefully it will come out good!
What'd you say?
Simply amazing tbolt, once this comes out I will finally be able to say I beat the original metroid.  grin new (I always got stuck at kraid)
How many M1 remake projects are going now?  We have my old project(back in business now) and simonbelmont's abandoned project, now this one.  I just hope you just don't make it exactly like mine.

Edit: Well, mine has some new things since the original Metroid, and there won't be a Maridia, so you have that for yourself.
Well i do not have any intention of copying anyones work. i just plan on making my game as close to original metroid as possible while integrating wrecked ship and marida into the mix
Edit history:
n155: 2009-04-27 11:52:52 pm
great work :) a new effect in the game, like expanding the old brinstar zones..
here some questions and/or suggestions...

1. The start zone will be brinstar like in nes, or the landing site of crateria?

2. Kraid's and Ridley's lair will be as separated areas or are respective parts of brinstar and norfair like in SM?

3. if in SM the old tourian is linked to old brinstar, where is the elevator to crateria-brinstar in your hack, or dont have? Eh?

4. Phantoon and draygon are needed to gain access tourian?

sorry if my english is confused (i'm latin)
Regards.  Wink
A very good question  heres the info

1. the landing site will still be the starting position but the elevator room going to jungle brinstar have been moved to where it was in orginal metroid. 
naturally kraids lair will be in a different area of  kraids hideout  however  ill put in mini kraid in kraids original room.

Im currently working on kraids hideout and kraid/ridleys hideout will be just like they were in original metroid/ separate areas  jungle brinstar will become kraids hideout and lower norfair will be ridleys hideout.

the elevator going from crateria to original brinstar will remain

and finally draygon and  phantoon will be intergrated  into the game    remember the tunnel leading from blue to yellow brinstar?  thats where you will access maridia  and crateria to wrecked ship will remain intact but i was thinking about changing them up a little bit  for fun    hope that answers a few questions
I think most of us "came up with" this idea at some point, but not many get as far as you appear to have.
I once thought it might be a nice idea to add some more of the old Metroid 1 areas to super metroid, Brinstar for example would be quite easy to attach, as would Old Tourian.
Quote from tbolt76:
1. the landing site will still be the starting position but the elevator room going to jungle brinstar have been moved to where it was in orginal metroid. 

then, tunnels in crateria are will suffer several changes in comparison to SM...
referenced in Zero mission the access to old brinstar is localized in a part very similar where you get bombs/torizo boss in SM .. but in zm don't have elevator Eh?
this is a idea which can put the elevator in the hack, and feel more than zm 

Quote from tbolt76:
naturally kraids lair will be in a different area of  kraids hideout  however  ill put in mini kraid in kraids original room.

mm.. then Kraid can't put in original left door (like in nes)... but is a detail in the game

Another questions:
some areas in blue brinstar have acid (mzm) or like swamp in the bottom... can you replace acid with sand ?

are in hack the long beam?

Abandon All Hope !!
Yes, Indeed Excellent SM Old Games !!
I think that everybody like !!
Perhaps play with Samus Suitless more more SHOW !!!

I waiting for this games !!

Sarabadá !!
Im going to redo the part of crateria where the access to brinstar was but you just gave me a great idea!! instead of the bomb torizo room  have the elevator going to brinstar  becuae if you'll remember in zm  there was a shaft going from crateria to where you started in zm  as for the former acid  yess i think ill put sand in its place  but the good news on my game  is im averaging about 2 to 3 rooms a day done minimum and unlike on some games  this one will never be abandoned  ive come to far!
What'd you say?
Quote from tbolt76:
this one will never be abandoned

Hurray!!  Dancing
what do you think about this? one of the corridors that I used to make old brinstar actually came from a no longer used room from tourian i was thinking about spicing things up a bit by leaving the metroids in there so youd better get some missiles and ice beam before you tackle this room?
heres somemore screenshots for ya!

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
In the item room, you should try and have the pipes not just end.  Ther is a perfect tile for finishing them off, and it looks much better than them just ending.

In the 'To Kraid' room, try and have the fading grey edges at the top of the lift finish below the floor, with the floor tiles continuing above them, as it looks odd at the moment, with the lift tiles running all the way up to make a floor.
Merry Christmas
dude nice. For super metroid hell will have a suprise for tourain. guess what it would be?
I need an opionion on something.  What do do with crocomire and spore spawn minibosses.  and If they should be integrated into the hack in some fashion.  Also since Due to this swine flu stuff i have alot of fre time now  so im really  going to be going to town on this project  then maybe ill release a demo!
Merry Christmas
Umm, add a room for them
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Well, all of the minibosses are able to be placed into simplistic rooms, which would fit the Metroid map style.  Botwoon, Gold Torizo, and Crocomire would all fit prefectly well into horizontal rooms, forcing you to kill them to pass.  Spore Spawn would fit prfectly well in a vertical room, so they can all be used.  I'd say go for it.
Heres a little update. i got a total of 4 rooms done today in kraids hideout and its really starting to take shap.  im going to complete even more tomorrow and hopefully by the end of next wek ill have hideout 1 completly done
Heres a little more from the world of kraid!

Edit history:
Saga: 2009-05-06 04:49:38 pm
Abandon All Hope !!
Quote from tbolt76:
I need an opionion on something.  What do do with crocomire and spore spawn minibosses.  and If they should be integrated into the hack in some fashion.  Also since Due to this swine flu stuff i have alot of fre time now  so im really  going to be going to town on this project  then maybe ill release a demo!

Well. Crocomiro and Spore Spawn really they can not be left behind!
In other words you would be committing a serious flaw in the tradition of Metroid.
Try placing them in positions of special event, you would be obliged them faces !!!!
You would put a few extra areas that neither Metroid zero mission?
Another interesting thing would be the puzzles to make us lose more time as an example a maze!

Very important detail.
The serious songs the classic and the current?
Merry Christmas
How far are you done?