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Are you using those hp-eating blocks made by Insom?
hack looks cool, but I kinda find it a bit dissapointing that you're not using the exact graphics from SM, but rather palette-changed SM graphics. :p
Edit history:
tbolt76: 2009-06-08 08:20:58 pm
i didnt know about the blocks made by insom but i am using graphics straight from super metroid itself  except for tiles that were in the first game that didnt make it to sm  like the lava  for example.. 

and  one thing ive started to notice  is alot of folks are really getting pumped up and excited about this project.  With each positive comment and alot of people wanting this  just makes me more and more determined to get this thing done! Very Happy and yes  It WILL be finished!
Sexy... I am quite excited :D

Also, I just noticed the second part of your sig tbolt. Loved the Mummy movies except for the crappy 3rd one released last year.
Ok heres the deal.  Level redesign is going smoothly and hopfully with no more glitches  i should have norfair done by the end of the month
Edit history:
tbolt76: 2009-06-27 12:06:44 pm
Heres a little news for ya!  Because of numerous severe storms  in the area lately  I have been delayed in making the hack  however I have several days off so I can make up for some lost time  ill keep you posted
I apoligise for updates taking to long but I was in the hospital due to a heart attack.  But im out and have resumed work on the game  i have ben getting some good suggestions and yes crocomire will be incorperated into the game  in fact  you will have to defeat him  if you want to get to ridley  Ill have screnshots available as soon as i complete some rooms for ya
Ouch! Glad you're still kickin'  extra_smug

Jeebus.  Cardiac problems are nothing to mess with.  Get healthy.  Hacking can wait.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Agreed!  We're all looking forward to the hack, and I know very well that working on a personal project is sometimes just what the doctor ordered -- but if it starts stressing you out, don't be afraid to set it aside for a while.  (This is all assuming you're talking about your own heart attack and not someone else's, of course.)
take a break for the hack, first is your health
I am going to resume work on the hack tomorrow I figure 2 rooms a day is very nice progress and its not at all stressfull. I am taking it slow because i want this to be a good  game and good games are not rushed  im ok now and work on my game has been resumed
Its just not fair in norfair!!

Wow...nearly indistinguishable from the original game.  Looking good !
If you like that  youre gonna love this

Edit history:
tbolt76: 2009-07-15 05:54:31 am
Ok I need to cool it on double posting.
Merry Christmas
Hope your ok. It was a slap in the face when I went to the hospital for my collapsed lung. Its all fixed up and no restrictions. I forgot of what I was working on. I don't even remember how to do all the glitches in Super Metroid. Take a little break. Hope you get better.
i had to go to the hospital last year cause i had air bubbles near my neak any way when thats done i will do an lp of that
Abandon All Hope !!
Quote from tbolt76:
If you like that  youre gonna love this

Really a Great Work !!!!!
I waiting to play The Classic Of Classics !!!!
I wanna Die Play Old School Metroid !!!
Ok let me get this straight  is this the way you say you want to see more? ..........    IVE GOT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you enter from the RIGHT in Crocomires room?? Is that even possible? :O
yes it is but i don't know ask he knows how
Well heres the plan  what you do is bomb jump into a secret ceiling passage and you go up and over crocomire and drop down in front of him and do your stuff after you enter from the right 
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
This thread is getting ugly, both grammatically and thematically. Let's avoid double-posting, and if you're just talking to one person, please use PMs; don't post a conversation on the boards.

That's all, carry on.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
tbolt, I'm guessing you haven't tested Croc, because that won't work. Like with Kraid, Croc's AI damages Samus when she is within a certain X value. If you enter from the right, you will be behind that value, and would take constant damage, and it might even cause a game breaking bug.

Look up some videos on youtube of how to get behind Croc and you'll see what I mean.
Edit history:
tbolt76: 2009-08-01 11:05:28 pm
ok everyone got quiet all of a sudden  I dont want to double post  so I need some feedback because i have a ton of screenshots  of my latest work thats just screaming to be shown  I need some ideas for crocomires roon as well