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All reviews speak of remixes... I can recognize only the lower norfair track. The music at the elvator is obviously from Metroid I, but thats it. Where are these "other remixes"?

(again to sad that they didnt use this second Brinstar theme... ;) )
Thread title: 
Where are these "other remixes"?

OverClocked Remix Baby!!!  :D
Check out all the Metroid Goodness:
Metroid I and II: http://www.ocremix.org/alpha.php?alpha=M
Super Metroid: http://www.ocremix.org/alpha.php?alpha=S

Then again, they could have been talking about Metroid Metal Dot Com: http://www.metroidmetal.com/

Or were they talking about Relics of the Chozo: http://smproject.ocremix.org/

Perhaps the midi remixes of: http://www.norfairdepths.com/downloads-smetroid.htm
Or VG Music: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/index-sz.html

Appologies if that's not what you meant.
I dunno...I think what he meant was which tracks in Prime were remixes of Super Metroid themes.
  If that is your question, then yes, the Lower Norfair theme is the only main one, but there are others. Here are the ones I can think of:

- Title Screen music is a funky remix of the Metroid series theme, natch
- Samus Appears/ Get Item jingles are the same as they've always been
- Parts of Samus's Theme (the Super Metroid intro music) can be heard in Prime's intro and outtro
- The main Brinstar theme from Metroid I (ie the one also remixed in Smash Bros) has been remixed to form the first Tallon Overworld theme (the one you hear when you first land)
- Of course, there's a funky techno version of Ridley's theme when you fight Meta Ridley...that's a particularly good one.

That's all of them, as far as I remember. Not a huge amount, but hey, I'm gald they went ahead and tried something new. By the way, I don't think the Prime Elevator music was exactly a remix of the Metroid I elevator music per se - it just sounded similar...
@Omega Pirate
You got it.
Hm, concerning Super I was right (ok, I forgot the jingles, but hey, no "music" here, btw I absolutely love this "item aquisitation" jingle). Haven't played Metroid I and II to much, so thank you for your detailed analysis.

Hey, no problem :D
I dunno...I think what he meant was which tracks in Prime were remixes of Super Metroid themes.

Oh.  Embarassed

Still, great music on those sites.
I want a remixed Kraid theme! ZM's just didn't cut it. Maybe if there's an MP2 Kraid...
Kraid's theme as in the lair or the boss? I don't remember the boss music, but the lair music I thought was pretty good. I liked the intro they had with it. All orchastraty and stuff.
You mean the Kraid's Lair theme? The Brinstar Depths level of Smash Bros Melee has the most awesome remix of that tune that I've ever heard...or did you mean a different track?
Listening to Vigiliante's Zebesian Midnight remix right now. The end part is a LOVELY interpretation of the collection of notes in 1/3 beat that is Kraid's hideout. I LOVE that song!

Oh, and yeah... Magmoor, Norfair... The Jingles... that's pretty much it. I thought I was the only person in the world who noticed the obviously intentional similarities between the original Brinstar theme and the Mission Final theme from Prime, though. You could take one and put it on top of the other and it'd still sound great, at least in the beginning.
Forgot the theme when you land on Tallon IV, a remix of Brinstar from Metroid 1 and the first Crateria theme in Super Metroid.
Quote from Xin:
Forgot the theme when you land on Tallon IV, a remix of [...] the first Crateria theme in Super Metroid.

Honestly, with a LOT imagination  :?
Ehm... the first Crateria theme isn't even music. It probably falls under the category "ambient sounds".
No, I meant the area Kraid. Yes, Brinstar depths is pretty darn good. But not good enough!
Quote from MetalRidley:
No, I meant the area Kraid. Yes, Brinstar depths is pretty darn good. But not good enough!

Damn, man! That theme's being remixed all the time - you'd think there was one version you'd like! You're a hard to please guy, aren't you? :)

Oh, yeah, and thanks, Rox - I forgot that the Mission Final music was a remix of the first Tallon Overworld theme, which in turn was a NES Brinstar remix. I can't see how Super Metroid's Crateria theme is the smae, though... :?
Upper Norfair music is in there too, but only in a small part.  Go down to Magmoor from the Chozo Ruins.  That room and the next room (the 1st heated one) have the Upper Norfair music from SM.  Once you enter the next room, it switches to  Lower Norfair.
I don't think this track is a remix, it sounds similar, yes, but remix? no.