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Quote from Last Vampire:
puta....mil disculpas en tonces po ...xDDD..ajjajajaja
...bueno...entonces...espero q entiendas q el ingles es un mal necesario... lo odio..pero...no me keda otra q hablar esta -MIERDA de idioma...  ... y tu?... q opinas??
....saludos...  Twisted Evil
Una cosa es postear mensajes extraños; otra cosa totalmente distinta es postear basura sin medio palmo de sentido como has estado haciendo en los demás mensajes que has posteado en TODOS los demás temas por los que has pasado (principalmente los de la Space/Time Beam en la sección de Super Metroid). Si no quieres postear en inglés, nadie te llamó; te puedes esfumar por la misma vía por la que llegaste, y todos seremos más felices. ¿Te parece?

Y en todo caso, personalmente considero el ingés mucho más útil que el español, ya que el inglés se ha convertido en un idioma universal, que medio mundo lo habla; a diferencia del español, que sólo lo hablan un par de gatos en el planeta.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
red chamber dream
Or, more specifically: rawr.
Yeah, sorry for the outbreak, guys, but people like that irritate me. They say english is a hassle, and that they'd prefer posting in spanish, not before attacking english as a language; well, nobody called you here, you can disappear the same way you came around, and this'll be a happier place. I'll try not to let this happen again.
solo una cosa... ¿como pueden llegar a ser TAN rasistas (por llamarlo de algun modo)...???...y tu... (DominicanZero), llegar a ser tan ipocrita con tu misma sangre???... bueno...eso es problema tuyo y no mio (=...la cosa es q...yo vengo aki a compartir....y me encuentro con una hostilidad a lo "MOTHER BRAIN" xD...muy mal por uds. ...bueno...eso solo demuestra la cultura y el respeto a los demas...
...deja mucho q decear... pero...en fin...
y respecto a mi ingles... xDDD...SOY MUY PERO MUUUY MALO ESCRIBIENDOLO... pero no tengo ni un solo problema leyendolo, escuchandolo y hablandolo... es solo por q yo hablo frances y aleman... (el ingles no me gusta) ...pero como bien mensionaste... es algo muy util en estos tiempo... (no???)...
...en fin....

...well... that's all...
so... cya soon...

...and... any way... i stay will post in the best forum EVER!!!....
o... eso pensaba (no se como se ESCRIBE en ingles... Laughing )
...and...i steal play METROID 3!!!... (THE BEST GAME EVER!!!! Twisted Evil ) ... making bugs, and all that stufs... 8)
....see ya soon...
                                      Cristian Kohler
I know I'm seriously gonna get punished for this, but frankly, I don't care. Nobody insults me and a community I'm a part of with such freakin' STUPID and INANE reasons and gets away with it.

Habiendo dicho eso, cualquiera que te oye creería que eres la última Coca-Cola fría del desierto. Creo que no llegas ni a botella vacía.

Compadre, te diré un asunto: No me importan tres bledos lo que pienses, ni lo que vayas a hacer. Y te agradeceré que no me llames nombres en público, y menos nombres que no tienen ningún nivel de aplicación en mí. (Y menos aún cuando dichos nombres vienen de una persona que se dice hispanohablante y parece que nunca ha tomado una clase de ortografía en su vida, jovencito.) ¿Racista? De dónde; aquí hay gente de más lugares de los que te imaginas, y yo personalmente tengo amigos de todas las razas y colores; todo lo contrario, yo sólo miro mal a quienes no se ajustan a un patrón de comportamiento definido como "correcto" según las reglas y políticas del foro. ¿Hipócrita? Lo siento, número equivocado; pregúntale a todas las personas del foro cuándo he dicho algo y no lo haya mantenido. ¿Mi misma sangre? ¿Y qué demonios te hace pensar que tengo la misma sangre que tú? No tengo sangre azul, ni sangre de ricos, ni sangre millonaria, ni nada por el estilo; pero sí sé que mi sangre tiene educación, cultura y un nivel de conocimientos que, por lo visto, están muy por encima de los tuyos, y tu respuesta no hace más que confirmármelo.

En esta comunidad, respetamos a la gente que lo merece, a la gente que aporta y que de verdad representa un beneficio. No necesariamente tiene que ser con Speed Tricks o Sequence Breaks para los juegos; yo mismo he contribuido con un par, y no es de lo que me siento más orgulloso. Tú, lo único que has hecho, es aparecerte aquí preguntando cosas (por demás OBVIAS, si te dedicaras a leer un poco antes de empezar a preguntar estupideces), y encima con una calidad de escritura que, parafraseándote a ti mismo, "deja mucho que desear". No veo por qué he de mostrar respeto a alguien que no me ha demostrado que lo merece, y que lo que ha hecho es literalmente mostrarme lo contrario.

Y respecto al inglés: como si me importara. En casa hablamos única y exclusivamente español, porque los únicos que sabemos inglés somos mi hermano y yo, y no veo por qué esto debería servirme de excusa para poner en un lugar público una demostración tan pésima de mis "conocimientos" del idioma, como tú te has dedicado concienzudamente a hacer en cada uno de tus posts.

Esto es lo que realmente me hace coger la cuerda de la comunidad hispana: no he visto el primer maldito hispano que no se crea la octava maravilla del mundo, y que cuando lo corrigen, inmediatamente empieza a atacar hablando basura de racismo y mierdas similares. Francamente, con una comunidad como esta, a veces me avergüenza ser latino.

Mods and admins: I beg your pardon, but this kind of irresponsibility just pisses me off. As soon as the fumes over this EXTREMELY STUPID message that precedes my own go down, I'll make sure to edit this post and include a word by word translation to english of its contents. Also, should you consider I should get punished for this message, please, go on, for I accept my responsibility; I know this message could be taken as out of line, but frankly, when I see people like this, I don't honestly give a damn anymore.

EDIT: True to my words, here's the translation, word for word:
Quote from I, this time in english,:
Having said that, anyone who hears you would be tempted to think that you're the last cold Coke in the desert. I think you don't even qualify for an empty bottle.

Dude, I'll tell ya something: I don't give a freaking damn what you think or what you'll do. And I'd thank you if you didn't call me names in public, much less names that do not apply to me at all. (Much less when said names come from someone who calls himself hispanic, and seemingly hasn't taken EVER an ortography class in his entire life, young man.) Racist? Where'd you get that from? Here, there are people from more places than your short-handed mind could ever imagine, and I personally have all kinds of friends; on the other hand, I only look down upon those that do not fit into a behavioral pattern defined as "correct" according to the forum rules and policies. Hypocrit? Sorry, wrong number; ask anyone here about me once saying something and not keeping my word through and through. Same bloodline? Where the hell did you get that one out of, kiddo? I may not have royal blood, I may not be rich, nor have any rich relatives; but I do have an education, a culture, and a level of knowledge that seemingly, are way over your level, and your reply doesn't do anything but confirm my own words.

In this community, we respect the people that deserve it, the people that provide something to the community and that really represents a benefit to it. Not necessarily related to Speed Tricks or Sequence Breaks in any way; I myself have submitted a few here and there, and they're not my best contributions here. However, all you've done is asking dumb questions (to which their answers are pretty much otherwise OBVIOUS, if you had taken the time to read around a little before asking stupid stuff right and left), and on top of that, with a writing quality that, paraphrasing yourself, "leaves much to desire". I don't really see why should I show respect for someone who has clearly shown me that doesn't deserve it, and that what has indeed shown me is the complete opposite.

And regarding english: as if I cared. In my home, we only speak spanish, since only my brother and I understand english, and I don't see why this should be an excuse to me to post in a public place like an online forum such a terrible demonstration of my "knowledge" of the language, as you have thoroughly dedicated yourself to do in each and every single one of your posts.

This is the kind of thing that makes me go extremely angry at the hispanic community as a whole: I have yet to see the first farkin' latino that doesn't believe himself to be the eigth wonder of the world, and that when someone corrects them, doesn't start attacking saying pure bullcrap about racism and similar trash. Frankly, with such a community, I sometimes feel ashamed of being a latin-american.
That is so cool now their are secrets to uncover in this game.
red chamber dream
I just deleted an off-topic post. Any further off-topic posting will be deleted, followed by a warning to the offender.
I can't get the ZMV videos to load. I've got zsnes but the videos don't run, I just stay at that purple background. How exactly do I get the videos to play.
1.  Make sure that your ROM has the same name and is the same version as the one used for the video.  Kejardon always uses the name "metroid3", as far as I know.

2.  Open up the ROM as if you were going to play the game, THEN open the video file.  It sounds like you skipped this step.
I don't understand this trick. How do you get stuck in a wall? And how does the X-Ray Scope force you to stand? It doesn't, as far as I've tested it... which isn't much. >_> If this could be cleared up for me, that would be greatly appreciated.
i dont think there is much need anymore as the nbmb run has been pretty much finished by kej me and several others.
Im not sure what kej and the person who discovered this trick are on but im on 88% 89% if i include varia suit but i cant get back out of room once entered as i appear on other side of kraid and need to fight him.
Mabee in the furute when someone figures same wierd glitch that makes it possible to make the game think you have killed phantoon we will be able to get higher but until then the nbmb run will stand at about 88-90%
To do the trick you need to stand as close as possible to the transition blocks then do a slanding spin jump and just before you hit the floor turn around and you will go into the next room and be stuck in the floor standing then from there couch, turn xray on and press left while xray is on then turn it off and mess aout like that and it will force stand you then crouch and repeat.
The trick gives access to pretty much every room in the game if you know what routes to take and thats the hardest part to figure out
The lower norfair items behind ridley are the hardest as you need to be able to get in and out under extreme heat conditions.
If there is a way to get the varia then escape the room and get back to normal areas i think we would have that solved and the nbmb run becomes alot easier wen you go past 73% but it is possible to get there and back without the varia its just the route i found means there is no room for mistake as you make it in to normal areas non heated with around 20-120 energy with a perfect run and you need about 20 million things to go right just to get there and out again anyway.
I cant use the roms as i cant do most of the tricks with a keyboard i just cant get used to it so im never able to get any vids but i am trying to get my digi cam to get a vidio of it but the 1s i have so far are too dark so i need to get a new cam.
Until then good luck with descovering new things
Quote from Vogue666:
i dont think there is much need anymore as the nbmb run has been pretty much finished by kej me and several others.

Oh?  Then record it.  As far as I'm concerned, I know no one else that has even obtained the plasma before draygon, besides Kej and I.  I did it with save states and detailed tile maps.