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I have Magma sitting on my compy upstairs.  I'm supposed to get that and a bunch of other hacks from the old SCUForum to EP one of these days for him to put on the Hack List...
Quote from Cardweaver:
Also, I think most adventure/platforming games are just prolonged fetch quests. If you really think about it, in SM you have to fetch and kill each of the bosses, you have to fetch the items, and then you have to go fetch MB, only to later (maybe) fetch some animals.

No. You're using the definition "a quest where you fetch things" for the definition of fetch quest rather than the generally accepted definition that has to do with retreading areas you've already been through looking for an identical set of items that do not really add to your already existing repertoire of abilities, usually near the end of the game, that is obviously added on to pad game time and get more time out of mostly already existing areas. Using that definition, it's clear what part of a game is and is not a fetch quest. The reason why people tend to be critical of it is not really because you're 'fetching' things, its the whole 'padding the game time without really adding anything to the game' thing.
True, I think original Super Metroid does not have any fetching at all. You just get the items you need, kill all the main bosses and enter the final stage. In Redesign, you have all the bosses killed but you still have to run through the whole map hunting statues so you could finally enter the final stage, now that is fetching. Killing the bosses should be enough to let you enter Tourian. What is the point of running around the already pretty well known map if you have no real obstacles anymore?
Now some bright-head will say that it is part of the game to search for statues and solve the puzzles related to them. Screw that, there has been enough puzzles along the way so there is no point adding 12 puzzles that feel like extra, but still are mandatory. This is one of the reasons I do not consider Redesign as good as I could/should.

Now getting the same items is even worse than deactivating statues. Though you could make some kind of route with "stars" or whatever, but eventually that will just become boring and frustrating for player, because often items have similar routines. I can understand if you are supposed to collect weapons as much as you think you need against upcoming enemies, just like collecting missiles and stuff in Metroid games I have played. At least there you have a choice on how much you want to run around and hunt items.
I have to agree with Black Telomeres, I didn't find the fetching in SMR enjoyable at all.  In prime it was tedious as well, and just seems to be a time filler in the game.  Shows a lack of creativity and just laziness on the creator's part, IMO.  Oh, and the color for envy is green.  Jealousy doesn't have a color.  I don't think.
So wait... envy=jealousy isn't true? Oh crap, what have I been doing with my life!?
Envy is a stronger, more complicated emotion.  It expresses that while being Jealous, one also wishes that the one they are Jealous of be robbed of what is making them Jealous.  Or something.  Also, Envy is a sin.  AFAIK, Jealousy is not.
soooo... maybe jealousy is a lite-green?