Time bomb set get out fast!
Acheron, I want to burn your minihack and cast its ashes to the four winds. I mean this in the nicest way possible. Much like the minigames in Mega Man Powered Up, it's very good at its intended purpose: driving the player to utter walnut-crunching homicidal madness. With MMPU, though it took amazing perseverance, I managed to beat all 90 non-boss-rush challenges. With this hack, I'm halfway through with savestates, and I'm honestly not sure I believe it can be done without them.
Can health be recovered anywhere other than the ship? If not, I may have to start over. I took a lot of damage earlier on the assumption that I could recover later, and although I'm sure you never have to get hit, this thing is hard enough without also having no margin for error.
Can health be recovered anywhere other than the ship? If not, I may have to start over. I took a lot of damage earlier on the assumption that I could recover later, and although I'm sure you never have to get hit, this thing is hard enough without also having no margin for error.