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I hope you're not going for halfhack with this
What's wrong with half hacks?  :|
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Bolognab:
What's wrong with half hacks?  :|

They aren't as long.
Wow Acherons reason is totally different than mine, even though it also tends to be true.

Anyway they keep the same planet layout so there's a huge limit to how original the room design and exploration can be.
That's a problem in my hack. I had to make some parts more like a full hack to make it more nonlinear.  :|
Quote from Acheron86:
Quote from Bolognab:
What's wrong with half hacks?  :|

They aren't as long.

Quote from Black Telomeres:
there's a huge limit to how original the room design and exploration can be.

Not too much of a limit. I think that some hacks tend to give halfhacks a stigma of sorts.
Quote from Cardweaver:
Not too much of a limit. I think that some hacks tend to give halfhacks a stigma of sorts.

Uh, 'not too much'? If you know what the map looks like, you know where you have to go boss-wise and area-wise and have HUGE hints about all possible ways to get there and you merely need to find which avenue is not blocked off. The exploration is limited to "where did he move the key items this time." Halfhacks are fine if your goal is to make tricks and obstacles along the way, but you do not get anywhere near a new game as far as exploration. And unless you really make an attempt to differentiate your tiling of all the rooms from the original SM, you're not getting much in the way of different tile design or aesthetics either.

Your room design possibilities are for the most part limited to the dimensions of the original rooms, rather than any other dimensions imaginable up to 50screens and any possible room arrangements within the what, 30x50-60 unit-wide area maps?
Nice to see new colors, which was a logical next step;Variety is usually a plus.
But sounds like some people have some unfortunate relationship with their eyes. Glad i don't experience that.
These actually look pretty to me, and an interesting pallete-combo.
Maybe some Hello Kitty in there too, but that's circumstantial.
Thanks for the comments guys and this isn't going to be a half hack its going to be full :)

It'll take some time but it shall be worth it :P
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Cardweaver:
Not too much of a limit. I think that some hacks tend to give halfhacks a stigma of sorts.

I agree with BT on this one. For the record though, as far as halfhacks go, yours have been the best. That's why I tell you to make a full hack already! :P
There are some good half-hacks though.  Darkness Spreads 2, Reverse, Gravy, T-Metroid, I liked all of these.  Half-hacks are a different experience.  It's like playing the original but with one or more twists.  Many full hacks are great, but both have their place.
Can someone help me I'm having door trouble :(

I have been testing out editing the doors on a test ROM but for some reason after I have put in the correct numbers for the door destination and click on remember and then save room it doesn't save and instead has me entering the room on the other side :S

Any ideas.......?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Super_Metroid_1990:
Can someone help me I'm having door trouble :(

I have been testing out editing the doors on a test ROM but for some reason after I have put in the correct numbers for the door destination and click on remember and then save room it doesn't save and instead has me entering the room on the other side :S

Any ideas.......?

Use the existing SMILE Help Thread for questions like these.

Don't copy the door values manually, use SMILE's door cloning.
Okay Thanks and it worked :)
Quote from Acheron86:
I agree with BT on this one. For the record though, as far as halfhacks go, yours have been the best.

We'll see about that.  Wink
Quote from Acheron86:
Quote from Cardweaver:
Not too much of a limit. I think that some hacks tend to give halfhacks a stigma of sorts.

I agree with BT on this one. For the record though, as far as halfhacks go, yours have been the best. That's why I tell you to make a full hack already! :P

Thanks, but I'm not sure I'm capable of fullhacking. The work and creativity involved is quite possibly out of my league. I also really don't have the patience to redesign entire rooms from scratch. Not that it might not happen though...  Wink
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Cardweaver:
Thanks, but I'm not sure I'm capable of fullhacking. The work and creativity involved is quite possibly out of my league. I also really don't have the patience to redesign entire rooms from scratch. Not that it might not happen though...  Wink

See, if you were ever on #jzd you'd know that I'm going to make a template hack after I finish Aegis which will set up a bunch of nice big cleaned-out rooms to make fullhacks with.
Just as an update incase anyone gets confused...


I missed out an "r" in the topic name Rolling Eyes
Here is the teaser trailer for this hack!

Enjoy!!! :D

You seem very unprofessional in that.

First, a bounty is given for catching a villain not for fetching an energy provider. Second, DNA can't be used to power anything. DNA is genetic information that tells a cell what to do. Third, three exclamation marks at the end of a sentence seems like something better left for first grade. Fourth, "derprevation" isn't explained at all, and the entire introduction is completely pointless. All we know is that Samus SOMEHOW knows that the Galactic Federation is up to something bad with no evidence of it at all.

Sorry i had to say this, but it really annoyed me. Please don't use a new story in a game without massive, extensive, lengthy edits to support it. If you wanat this story, fine, but you'd better actually incorporate it into the game.
you'll just have to wait and see then  extra_smug


No one truly knows the nature of DNA (especially DNA from a Metroid to be exact!) so I could be right for all you know, plus its fiction so come on!!

A "bounty" isn't always necessarily for a villain as such bounties can be placed on more than just villains (take an entire species for example)

Whats wrong with exaggerating matters with 3 ! ??

and if you don't seem to understand this is a prologue! a prologue doesn't explain everything at once thats why you play the game to see what happens :P
Hated by all
First of all, what they Feds were trying is to harness whatever the energy of the Metroid was. Secondly, DNA would be used as means of genetic engineering, say like, for infusion with blood plasma for medical research. Third, there's no such real literary definition of "Derprevation", the closest term I could find close to that is "deprivation", and I don't know what you're getting from that. Fourth and foremost, Samus is knowing the Feds are up to something, that wouldn't make sense, unless Ceres Station was controlled by an anti-Federation company that lied and said that they would use it for good.

I have to agree with Bolognab on that one.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
It is, of course, your hack, and how you want to present it is entirely up to you.

That said, it's important to remember that you're often your own worst critic. I find it's really helpful when making hacks to consider the input of others, since they're not going to have the obviously favorable bias the hack's creator will have. If you really want your hack to excel and stand out among the many other hacks out there, every little bit counts. My 2c.
Nah don't worry I want as much input as possible all im saying is that its a teaser trailer that showed a prologue for a work in progress which is fiction and could be anything that the person who inputs desires :)

I'm not getting at anyone but I am sorry if I came across like that :)
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
custom youtube intros ftw