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Stuffs. Yar.
Hello, all. I seem to be stuck in Dependence... I have
Bombs, 6 etanks, 1 reserve tank, 50 missiles, 10 super missiles, 30 powerbombs, and the grapple beam.

Any hints to what my next key item is/where I can find it would be very much appreciated.

And I'm making this a new thread because it just seems weird to ask for dependence help in the GD thread. :P
Thread title: 
Eschews avatars
After the first few items, Dependence basically has no item order. If memory serves, exploring Red Brinstar or the Wrecked Ship by now should be productive.
He has Supers so the Wrecked Ship probably won't help him much. Red Brinstar basically only has the Grapple, Charge and Power Bombs and he has most of that (maybe he missed charge.)

But anyway, there is still a rough item order (it can branch depending on what areas you go to). It's just a lot more loose than most hacks since you can choose which areas you want to go to next at points.

I'd say from your item list, you need to go to the Green (western) Brinstar elevator room,
look for a platform that's sticking out of the wall for seemingly no reason. There's a bomb block next to it in the wall. This will lead you down to Kraid's hideout. Look for links to Norfair down there as well.
Edit history:
Edward_Tohr: 2008-01-09 04:15:50 pm
Stuffs. Yar.
Ahh. Thank you very much. And yes, I do, in fact, have the charge beam.

EDIT: Aaaand I'm stuck again... *sigh* Anyway, picked up the suits, Spring Ball, Ice Beam, Spazer, some expansions, and killed Kraid and Crocomire. I'm thinkin' I need the Speed Booster, but can't seem to find it...

On a more positive note, however, when I'm not stuck, this is a very fun hack. :P

RE-EDIT: Oh yeah, I also have the High Jump... kinda forgot to mention that in my first post. :P
Quote from Edward_Tohr:
EDIT: Aaaand I'm stuck again... *sigh* Anyway, picked up the suits, Spring Ball, Ice Beam, Spazer, some expansions, and killed Kraid and Crocomire. I'm thinkin' I need the Speed Booster, but can't seem to find it...

That's in a room connected to the room directly above Crocomire, so if you're still there, you won't be stuck for long.
Stuffs. Yar.
I love this hack... really, I do, it's just that I'm very bad at finding the way forward. :P

Got the speedbooster and X-Ray, and made it into Prototourian. I found the metal door above the tube-ish room, as well as the way back to red Brinstar... but not much else of interest.

Maybe next time I'll try a different item order...
You're missing something at the very top of the large Metroid infested room (and no its not just a SM pack or whatever  :))
Stuffs. Yar.
12:51, 92%

Very fun hack. Not quite as good as GD in some areas, but better in others.
The GT kicked my sorry ass... I went in with 13 Energy Tanks, and had to grab the one in his room when I almost died... and I finished him off with only two left over. Compared to him, Ridley was a walk in the park, even with the platform gone. :P Draygon, compared to the GD version would probably be easier, except for the grapple-kill. :P Botwoon was very hard, but I managed to beat him without dying... somehow. The new layout required a completely different strategy, which I liked. Crocomire... well, there's not too much you can do with him, but the Intangiblocks (tm) made for an interesting fight. Kraid was the same as always, and MB's room was definitely an interesting experience. :P The escape was pretty fun, too, and the old escape shaft would've screwed me up... But I had gone through that part several times, so I knew what to do. (The Spring Ball and Space Jump made it a lot easier, though... :P) Most of the expansions were in rather predictable places... Not nesecarily a bad thing, though... especially for me, because I never found the wave beam. :P
With GT, that's basically what you're intended to do, although I think I intended for people to have a bit less e-tanks at that point. Given how much damage you can take in that fight, I figured I had to put that e-tank up there, otherwise his difficulty would be way too inconsistant with the rest of the hack's bosses. I think it also leads to some nice strategic thinking on the player's part anyway, since most people would want to grab an e-tank as soon as they see it, but before they do, they'll realize that it'd be better to wait until their current energy is nearly depleted so they can grab it and double their lifespan.

Btw, as for the location of the wave beam, it's down near the start of Lower Norfair, under the room of the Golden Chozo (the one that lowers the acid). I assume you must've glitched past the reverse gate to get to Tourian since you didn't pick it up.
I'm playing through this game for the first time since shortly after it's release, which is good, because I've forgotten most of it.  Anyway, I'm in Norfair (already killed Kraid and Phantoon, got supers, etc.) and I seem to need one of three things to advance further, (1) spring ball, (2) speed boost, or (3) wave.  I can't find any of them.  I killed Croc too. 

I know this didn't happen to me last time so obviously I've missed something relatively simple.  Thanks.
You need to find the entrance to Norfair that exists to the west in Kraid's hideout. That'll take you down near the spring ball. Then there's the speed booster which is right above Crocomire's room basically. The wave you cant get til much later.
Thanks.  Got spring, speed, grav, some more goodies, all good.  Except now I'm in Lower Norfair and with only charge/ice/spazer I'm getting pwned.  I've made it to both Goldy and Ridley but I'm not coming particularly close on either.  And the only way back out, so it seems, involves speed blocks and not enough room to charge (I suck at short charge so maybe I need to use slowdown?).  I obviously don't have s.j. so I'm not activating the statue either.

Do I just have to tough it out and keep trying?  Or can I somehow get out of this part of Norfair with my current equipment and go find more powerups in Prototourian?
Right near those speed booster blocks, there's a hidden passage in the ceiling. Keep jumping upwards and you'll eventually go into the ceiling, roll up into a ball, fall on a crumble block and be able to roll back out.
Edit history:
Edward_Tohr: 2008-01-13 06:35:28 pm
Stuffs. Yar.
[quote=Black Telomeres]
I assume you must've glitched past the reverse gate to get to Tourian
Actually, I quick-charged from the landing site room.
I missed that ceiling passage, although I decided to stick it out, managed to beat both GT and Ridley (I admittedly used a few savestates along the way, and I snagged the energy tank right in the middle of the GT battle and was able to avoid having to CF), and reap the rewards.  The additional items should make Prototourian not too bad.

I love the nonlinearity of this hack.  I had forgotten the extent of it.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DMantra: 2008-01-21 11:52:21 pm
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Great hack so far. Just stocking up before prototourian.

Edit: Can't seem to find the entrance to LN. Any hints?
The furthest west you can go in LN has the entrance, but it's an entrance that you can only reach from a segment of Brinstar. If you've only found 2 entrances to Norfair from Brinstar you need to find the third.
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past

Excellent design, the aesthetics amazed me in parts.
I'll have to give golden dawn another shot 'cause I'm a fan now.  :D
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Quote from Black Telomeres:
Quote from Edward_Tohr:
EDIT: Aaaand I'm stuck again... *sigh* Anyway, picked up the suits, Spring Ball, Ice Beam, Spazer, some expansions, and killed Kraid and Crocomire. I'm thinkin' I need the Speed Booster, but can't seem to find it...

That's in a room connected to the room directly above Crocomire, so if you're still there, you won't be stuck for long.

I killed crocomire, but I'm going crazy trying to find the speed booster.  The room directly above crocomire has a door on the left and one on the right.  I cant get to the one on the right, and the one on the left has a chozo statue with nothing on it.  help!

UPDATE:  omg nevermind

OK IM STUCK AGAIN.  I've got everything except space jump & wave.  I know where wave is, but I cant find Ridley so I can get space jump!  Someone please tell me where Ridley is.
k, I answered your PM about where to go.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Awesome, thanks so much for your help.  I spent time in that room but for some reason the path is not revealed with the x-ray scope and I was too retarded to attempt to pass through the wall anyways. 
Awesome hack, btw.  As soon as I'm done with it, I'm gonna give Golden Dawn another shot.  I didn't get very far in it before I gave up out of frustration, but if your first hack is this good then I think I need to put more effort into GD. 
Well, I'm stuck in Tourian of all places.  This is the only time other than the Speed Booster (I'm really bad at finding that in hacks for some reason) I've been stuck.  Even X-ray isn't helping. 
There's this series of rooms that kind of make a long loop with the elevator in the bottom left.  There just doesn't seem to be ay way out.

Eschews avatars
Bomb around in the bottom right part of the loop.
Rolling Eyes that didn't even show up on X-ray.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Quote from petrie911:
Rolling Eyes that didn't even show up on X-ray.

When will people learn. You cant always rely on X-ray in hacks. Sigh.
Theres an energy tankin Wrecked Ship In a tall room with ghosts, right near Phantoon. It's in the middle of a huge cube made of solid blocks, but I can't find anyway to get it. Iv'e tried bombing every block around the outside, shooting everything with missles/super missiles, X-ray, and mid air morphing into the sides and up. HOW DO I GET IT ITS DRIVING ME NUTS?!?!?

