Played through this to what I'm guessing is the end... IE, I can go on in a normal Norfair if I want, I guess? Anyway, it's pretty cool. I like it. Some minor and semi-major bugs, but you'll run into all of them in a normal playtest yourself. If you want help bugbusting feel free to inquire on the SMILE Help thread.
The tiling is pretty original, using the Wrecked Ship tileset as the main first area. There are minor tiling errors but those are nothing that can't be corrected with some extra time. Also, there are some major problems, but they're also basically solvable.
As the first pic indicates, you can get stuck at the Gravity suit if you get it in a certain way right after the Varia. Plus the items reappear (I assume you know)
2nd pic just means you have to remove the scrolling sky completely in order to be free of its evil powers.
Any particular reason you decided to stop here, besides the fact that entering Crocomire's room from the wrong side causes horrid errors?
cheers for all the comments, much appreciated and now that i know the whole set works well , im gonna go off and make a full hack from scratch as i think i can make it even better :-D
Played it through, and even managed to get the sneaky missle tank in the morphball room, though it was hard due to scrolling/tile errors. One thing I did love was that when I gave up trying to navigate croco's room, I had well over 100 power bombs.
This looks very nice, and I like the recolored Wrecked Ship. The level design is quite good, especially for a first-time project, although the stair-slopes get a little old. Did you do the tile recolors in TLP or the SMILE graphics editor? (I'm considering making some new tilesets, but for various reasons I can't use TLP, and I would be interested to know whether those kinds of changes are possible just in SMILE).
I also loved the displaced save stations. I should try and figure out what it takes to change those load points...
EDIT: holy crap, you recolored crocomire! I didn't think that was possible! Mad props to you, sir.
I also loved the displaced save stations. I should try and figure out what it takes to change those load points...
Save Stations aren't that hard to use, just fool around with a back-up, thats what I did!
Region : The area it in Ex. Crateria, Brinstar, etc Index : (using SMILE 1.32) The same number as the [low] on the save station PLM RoomID: the room its in Door Data: value for a door that connects to that room, just press "L" over a door in another room that connects to RoomID. Unknown: Usually 0000, sometimes 0001? Scroll X: Horizontal Scroll - Counts "scroll areas" for example, 0000 is the top left 0100 the next one to the right, and so on! Scroll Y: Same as Scroll X, just with vertical. EX. 0000 is the top left, and 0100 is the next one down! Samus Y: Vertical count on pixels 0000 is the top, and inceasing the number goes down Samus X: Horizontal count on pixels 0000 is the middle?, increasing the number goes right Save: Done:
You can change palettes within SMILE but you can't edit the appearance of tiles beyond that. I think there -may- be applications besides TLP but I don't know why you'd use them anyway.