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Tonski - Actually, what you did was just 'sequence break' past the ice beam by using IBJing, right? The ice beam is basically never a mandatory item, since IBJing can basically almost always substitute for it - you could skip it in most hacks. I mentioned in the GD thread where you could go to get back to Eternal Hall, although maybe you still couldn't find the way. I'd say its the labyrinthine design of the Dark Gardens that's your problem there, not the sequence breaking.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Wall-jumping was actually really hard for me to learn after playing fusion so much. On fusion you can press jump immediatly after pressing the opposite direction, but that fails on super metroid, you need to hold the opposite direction for 3 frames, that took me a while to learn <_<. I got the hang of IBJing in about 30 seconds
Meri Kurisumasu! ^_^
Quote from P.JMan:
On fusion you can press jump immediatly after pressing the opposite direction, but that fails on super metroid, you need to hold the opposite direction for 3 frames, that took me a while to learn <_<.

You need to press the opposite direction for 3 frames, but you can press jump already after the second frame.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
That explains how it was easier to wall-jump from one wall to the other as opposed to a single wall I guess
Have all you people played this hack? Shocked
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Bolognab:
Have all you people played this hack? Shocked

I still haven't passed the IBJ part. Truth be told, I learned from my mistakes and made an easier version of my hack, one I hope will get the people who said screw it to give it another shot and succeed without annoyances. You should make a more tame version of your hack and I'm sure some of us will brighten up to giving it another shot. I know it sounds strange coming from me, I never practice what I preach, but I think some of the spikes in both our hacks aren't so much challenging as they are just plain annoying.
Here is a no IBJ version. I really liked the hard version of this hack more, but I guess people can't pick up IBJ as easily as others.
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Bolognab:
Here is a no IBJ version. I really liked the hard version of this hack more, but I guess people can't pick up IBJ as easily as others.

I think it's alright to modify the hack to be easier, granted that we made harder ones in the first place that we deem the originals. Will play this now!
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
I don't think you need to do the ibj if you're a quick enough wall-jumper
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Just finished it. Very interesting ideas you used in some places. Awesome idea in the end, I'd say your hack is better because theres a boss. The main room is pretty minimal but the puzzles are well conceived. Well done!
This is very flattering coming from you, thanks. I didn't want to change the items' look because I thought it would be unprofessional, but looking back at my hack I'd say it may have been a little better with more items.
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Bolognab:
This is very flattering coming from you, thanks. I didn't want to change the items' look because I thought it would be unprofessional, but looking back at my hack I'd say it may have been a little better with more items.

I stopped caring about how professional it looked after my ship got messed up. I figured if I put enough effort into the level design, such bugs would be overlooked.
Edit history:
Cardweaver: 2007-12-13 07:18:24 pm
Well, I've improved a bit more. Your hack is mildy addicting. 7 minutes this time.

I'll post an smv later, finals week and such.

edit: this was the no ibj version, though really that only saved some seconds. The real timesaver was practice on those tough 1 wall jumps, and good luck with the boss.

Woah ho ho, very nice. That's faster than I can do it! =D&gt;
Eschews avatars
Is there supposed to be an energy tank hidden somewhere? I'm stuck after supers; the shinespark stops partway through and I get stuck in the rock.
Gauntlet Entrance.
Hey Cardweaver, I tied ya.

Quote from Bolognab:
Hey Cardweaver, I tied ya.

Not anymore... although I don't think 6 minutes can be beaten without assistance.

Also, the second screenshot shows a bit of a predicament I found myself in. I speedballed right on through.

I finished it, but there was too much insta-death, in my opinion.  It wasn't really fun.

jk. I hate you now though.
Quote from Bolognab:

jk. I hate you now though.

Aimed at me and my 6 minutes I suppose? Oh well, wouldn't be the first time I've been shunned because of my talent Wink laugh new
I don't feel too motivated.  Why? 

Having to work at it isn't fun.  But...
Finally figuring it out is fun.

Sorry.  I find it a bit hard...  IMO The cost outweighs the reward. :-?

This is the first 1 room hack I've tried. Sorry, I guess it's not my cup of tea.  Embarassed

But that's okay, Right?  :P