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ehm i recently got super missles what item must i find next or where... have been running through circles but didnt find anything....
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Sturmvogel Prime:
Stucked again, how i can get out of this room, can somebody guide me to the Varia and the Wave beam?

If the crouch-jump suggested doesn't work, you can walljump out in water, you just have to mash the jump button really quickly.
I'm having an immense amount of trouble getting to the top of the shaft just before the spring ball room, the water assisted gravity jump doesn't seem to be enough to get me that high alone, am I missing something here?  Many thanks in advance.

Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Shijin:
I'm having an immense amount of trouble getting to the top of the shaft just before the spring ball room, the water assisted gravity jump doesn't seem to be enough to get me that high alone, am I missing something here?  Many thanks in advance.

I wall-jumped up a bit before doing a well-timed wall jump out of there. I don't think you can get the height otherwise (though a crouch-jump -might- do the trick).
Got it.  Thanks for the advice Acheron.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Quote from Shijin:
I'm having an immense amount of trouble getting to the top of the shaft just before the spring ball room, the water assisted gravity jump doesn't seem to be enough to get me that high alone, am I missing something here?  Many thanks in advance.

You have to pay attention to the timing of the water.  The water turns off and on every few seconds or so.  You have to jump right before the water turns on.  If done just right, you will soar up to the top of the room.
Almost happy
Quote from butterflyboy1974:
You have to pay attention to the timing of the water.  The water turns off and on every few seconds or so.  You have to jump right before the water turns on.  If done just right, you will soar up to the top of the room.

IIRC that only worked for the springball room (also the timing was nuts, like 0-1 frame margin of error). In the room seen in that picture though, as Acheron said, I think a walljump from he middile was necessary (at least in the hard version).
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Why hasn't Cpadolf someone done a TAS of this yet? Come on, those only take like two minutes to churn out right?
Edit history:
skokage: 2008-07-07 10:10:02 pm
grrr....  soo  close...

Is there a different way to do this other then to jump in and do a really really quick speedball?

There's nothing there but a missile, and yes you must do that speedball.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Quote from Cpadolf:
Quote from butterflyboy1974:
You have to pay attention to the timing of the water.  The water turns off and on every few seconds or so.  You have to jump right before the water turns on.  If done just right, you will soar up to the top of the room.

IIRC that only worked for the springball room (also the timing was nuts, like 0-1 frame margin of error). In the room seen in that picture though, as Acheron said, I think a walljump from he middile was necessary (at least in the hard version).

It was necessary in the easy version too, I just forgot about the fact that you had to walljump
Stuck again, currently have
Charge, ice, supers, pbs, grapple, speed booster, 5 etanks, bombs and morph. From what I've read I need to get the spring ball, but I can't find the newbie tube. Suggestions/blatant spoilers are welcome. D:
Almost happy
Quote from Acheron86:
Why hasn't Cpadolf someone done a TAS of this yet? Come on, those only take like two minutes to churn out right?

Nah, you know I'm busy with real life problems, like the 100% TAS...

After that if I'm going to TAS another hack, Aegis is the most likely one (even though it isn't even done yet...), after that (if I ever do TAS Aegis) this would probably be the my top choice.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2008-07-08 12:50:08 am
Quote from Slaan:
Stuck again, currently have
Charge, ice, supers, pbs, grapple, speed booster, 5 etanks, bombs and morph. From what I've read I need to get the spring ball, but I can't find the newbie tube. Suggestions/blatant spoilers are welcome. D:

I can't play the game right now but I think its... 

Do you remember seeing a room in Eldridge with Metroids in it?  You'll need to work your way back towards that.  You'll get to the tube before you do.

Or a long hall-way that you had to speed-boost / run through?

....somewhere back -between- those things.
Sorry if this has been asked (I think maybe it has, but the thread is getting long), but was I supposed to get the gravity suit before the high jump boots?  If not, where did I miss high jump?  Also, is there somewhere I can pick up some energy prior to fighting GT?  I'm getting pwned pretty badly.  I suppose if a certain weapon worked he'd be way too easy though.
Quote from Gaius_4:
Quote from Slaan:
Stuck again, currently have
Charge, ice, supers, pbs, grapple, speed booster, 5 etanks, bombs and morph. From what I've read I need to get the spring ball, but I can't find the newbie tube. Suggestions/blatant spoilers are welcome. D:

I can't play the game right now but I think its... 

Do you remember seeing a room in Eldridge with Metroids in it?  You'll need to work your way back towards that.  You'll get to the tube before you do.

Or a long hall-way that you had to speed-boost / run through?

....somewhere back -between- those things.

I know the room with the metroids in it, but I can't get into Eldridge due to the grey door?
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2008-07-08 01:10:04 am
Quote from DonnyDonovan:

Sorry if this has been asked (I think maybe it has, but the thread is getting long), but was I supposed to get the gravity suit before the high jump boots?  If not, where did I miss high jump?  Also, is there somewhere I can pick up some energy prior to fighting GT?  I'm getting pwned pretty badly.  I suppose if a certain weapon worked he'd be way too easy though.

High Jump...  :(

In the (Maridia) area in a room down and to the right of where those flying suction cupped freaks that take off 3 or 4 E-Tanks with one hit  aiwebs_006 are.  If you've already fought Draygon then you missed it.

Have several PBs on hand.

Edit:  Sorry. I can't help on the energy trouble - seeing as how I haven't got that far yet (normal version).


Quote from Slaan:
I know the room with the metroids in it, but I can't get into Eldridge due to the grey door?

You'll have to go around the other way...

Go to where the elevator is by the two cacti (red-brinstar'y area), go through the water room that is up to the left, then go to the big room where there are side hoppers and an enemy regenerating (net) at the top.  From here go right.
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
You can access the tube by taking the upper left door of the red brin elevator room. Then the upper left door of the water filled room. From there, you'll find your way.
Edit history:
Slaan: 2008-07-08 01:20:02 am
Alright I'm gonna give this a shot, thanks guys.

edit: Ah, good times. More places to explore. Also botwoon was a bit easy, I just stood by the door and he never touched me. :/
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Acheron: 2008-07-08 01:20:24 am
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from DonnyDonovan:
Sorry if this has been asked (I think maybe it has, but the thread is getting long), but was I supposed to get the gravity suit before the high jump boots?  If not, where did I miss high jump?  Also, is there somewhere I can pick up some energy prior to fighting GT?  I'm getting pwned pretty badly.  I suppose if a certain weapon worked he'd be way too easy though.

The high jump question was answered above, but you can get up there without it if you freeze enemies in the right places. I did it without realizing I could go through Melfad w/o gravity, all by accident... heh.

Do those WS ghosts always one-shot you? I never went back after gravity.

Quote from Cpadolf:
Nah, you know I'm busy with real life problems, like the 100% TAS...

After that if I'm going to TAS another hack, Aegis is the most likely one (even though it isn't even done yet...), after that (if I ever do TAS Aegis) this would probably be the my top choice.


I was kidding about the TAS thing of course, I know better than that. Yours never fail to entertain though. I guess I'll really HAVE to finish Aegis before you finish your 100% TAS. So how much time do I have left exactly? ;)
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
I think this question has already been asked, can't remember if it was answered and the thread has gotten too large to skim.

Are there parts of Eldridge that are only accessible once?  I'm playing my second time through the hack (cuz it's awesome) and I'm nervous about passing all the way through the upper portion of Eldridge with items left behind that I won't be able to get later.  My first time through the hack I tried for a long time to revisit the entire area but was unsuccessful.

If the answer is "YES, some parts of Eldridge can only be accessed once", then my second question is:  What are all the items I need to make sure I find ?
can someone please tell me where the power bombs are i have been running around in circles like a chicken with no head :P and didnt find them anywhere
Quote from butterflyboy1974:
If the answer is "YES, some parts of Eldridge can only be accessed once", then my second question is:  What are all the items I need to make sure I find ?
I'm fairly certain that any items in any place you cannot get back to after a certain point will be in multiple locations (same index but different location or something like that; I don't know SMILE).
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Quote from killern:
can someone please tell me where the power bombs are i have been running around in circles like a chicken with no head :P and didnt find them anywhere

keruarn.  get ready for another hells run.
thanks m8 aaarghhhh i hate hell runs :P *gets fried* laugh new laugh new Shocked