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Quote from SuperKeenenBell:
has anybody got to this point in norfair? im having trouble reaching the map room behind this.
i cant stand up and blast through this for some reason (it wont let me)
do i have to boost in ball form?

There's room for a short charge which might take a few tries.  While you have a charge, jump and then, at the peak of the spinjump, shinespark through the speedbooster blocks.  Boosting in ball form isn't necessary.  Tricky but doable....  After the map room it's not as tricky to make your way out of there you'll be glad to know.
Merry Christmas
I did the hell's run on the origional patch. I got the speed booster. Very Happy grin new laugh new
i cant find the grapple beam in the easy version, tried evrything. Where the hell is it?
one week passed since i am searching it.

I try speed up on landing site, found a way there but blocked with speed thing again, cant get through it :[

(sorry 4 bad english -_-;;)
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
In the room above your ship that you are talking about, try NOT shooting all of the blocks, and build a platform to build up your speed boost. Very Happy
omg got it after 5 min when i wrote the last reply :o
now i am stuck at a big water see where an elevator is on the right side, but i will try first, no help plz :P
Merry Christmas
Quote from Staticskill:
i cant find the grapple beam in the easy version, tried evrything. Where the hell is it?
one week passed since i am searching it.

I try speed up on landing site, found a way there but blocked with speed thing again, cant get through it :[

(sorry 4 bad english -_-;;)

Its Maridia and Im doing Origional.
I'm doing a TAS of super metroid cliffhanger  Very Happy

I have done a preview vid : http://www.filedropper.com/filedownload.php?id=cliffhangerpreview1

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Not bad.  It didn't appear to be perfectly optimised, but I don't know how experienced you are.  I'd like to have seen more of it, to be honest. Very Happy
Merry Christmas
Is it ok when you beat this hack on origioanl in 1:20
What'd you say?
Quote from Rydia3667:
Is it ok when you beat this hack on origioanl in 1:20

It's alot better than me, I still haven't even beat it on easy and I'm up to about :55 I just killed phantoon awhile back.
Merry Christmas
I play super metroid over and over and never get tired of it.
What'd you say?
Quote from Rydia3667:
I play super metroid over and over and never get tired of it.

Wrong thread i'm guessing?
Merry Christmas
I guess so
What'd you say?
Once again I have no clue where to go, Pbs and plasma don't seem to really help at all, can anyone point me to the right map to look in please?

Item list:

Energy tanks: 6
Missiles: 75
Supper Missiles: 20
Power Bombs: 20
Grapple Beam


Morphing Ball
Spring ball

Speed Booster

Bosses/ Mini Bosses:
Spore Spawn
Did you go through the unlocked grey door in eastern keruarn (norfair) yet ?
Edit history:
Tyjet66: 2009-04-29 10:03:21 pm
What'd you say?
The one with the weird spike things/monsters and the wall I have to speed boost through? I've been through there already. Brb supper time.

Alright, I'm still confused.

Am I supposed to go this way?

No, I think you're supposed to be in lower norfair.  I dont know how you could have gone down there and speed-boosted through the wall and everything without running into ridley.
Quote from tyjet66:
The one with the weird spike things/monsters and the wall I have to speed boost through? I've been through there already. Brb supper time.

Alright, I'm still confused.

Am I supposed to go this way?
that way leads to the space jump. you cant go far without the gravity suit. beat ridley first and collect the wave beam, then go back to elderige (wrecked ship) and find another path using the wave beam.
What'd you say?
I went through that wall again, I go down, kill the two spike shooters. I go left two rooms and get an e-tank and a dead end, I got right into a tall room with rippers, nothing in there, if I go right again I go to a dead end which requires wave beam. If I go up the tall room with rippers I am lead to the Wrecked Ship which just leads me in huge loops. I have bombed the hell out of everything I can think of and I can't go back the way I came. Any idea whats next? I'm sitting at the bottom of the tall ripper room.

I'm going to sleep, I might be back on in about 4 hours. Peace.

Item list:

Energy tanks: 7
Missiles: 80
Supper Missiles: 20
Power Bombs: 15
Grapple Beam


Morphing Ball
Spring ball

Speed Booster

Bosses/ Mini Bosses:
Spore Spawn
All i can suggest is looking at the map:

Quote from Quietus:
Not bad.  It didn't appear to be perfectly optimised, but I don't know how experienced you are.  I'd like to have seen more of it, to be honest. Very Happy

Actually, that was a TAS test so, there are many mistakes.

I have done the TAS test so, i have paste my Very Very small W.I.P improved on youtube  Wink

Quote from PZ-powa/hellow:
Quote from Quietus:
Not bad.  It didn't appear to be perfectly optimised, but I don't know how experienced you are.  I'd like to have seen more of it, to be honest. Very Happy

Actually, that was a TAS test so, there are many mistakes.

I have done the TAS test so, i have paste my Very Very small W.I.P improved on youtube  Wink

are you doing any % speed run?
Go ahead. Stare.
Quote from tyjet66:
If I go up the tall room with rippers I am lead to the Wrecked Ship which just leads me in huge loops. I have bombed the hell out of everything I can think of and I can't go back the way I came. Any idea whats next? I'm sitting at the bottom of the tall ripper room.

Trust me... You like loops a lot. This is when I figured out what DMantra was doing and found the rest of the game rather easy to figure out. Just go back into the Wrecked Ship, and look caefully at the rooms. There are very small, hidden details that will tell you the secret you need to know.
Quote from SuperKeenenBell:
Quote from PZ-powa/hellow:
Quote from Quietus:
Not bad.  It didn't appear to be perfectly optimised, but I don't know how experienced you are.  I'd like to have seen more of it, to be honest. Very Happy

Actually, that was a TAS test so, there are many mistakes.

I have done the TAS test so, i have paste my Very Very small W.I.P improved on youtube  Wink

are you doing any % speed run?

Yeah, it's a any % run  laugh new
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect.

Hintity-Hint Hint

You tell me. :O