Gravity Suit I believe. Though if you don't want to do some fancy enemy freezing for extra height you should head to get Hi-Jump Boots first in whatever he calls Maridia. And explore the Wrecked Ship (Eldrige I think...) and you could be on your way to Gravity.
I've always gotten the Gravity Suit right after wave beam.
So have I... I've never really needed Hi-Jump very much because it is in such an out of the way placement and Draygon would be terrible without Gravity. You might want to collect a bunch of Super Missiles before heading to Gravity though...
will i still be able to use my grapple beam to kill dragon? i saw a video where you can kill him with the grapple beam. you got to let him grab you first, then you shoot your grapple beam at one of the broken defense drones on the walls and he'll get shock to death.
No. Not unless DMantra put in an invisible grapple block somewhere as he has blocked off the electric things on the side. But his room is very flat and nothing to it, it is actually a very simple fight.
No. Not unless DMantra put in an invisible grapple block somewhere as he has blocked off the electric things on the side. But his room is very flat and nothing to it, it is actually a very simple fight.
And it become even more simple if you have the X-Ray scope
Enemies hit by plasma have a time period during which they can't be touched. This runs during X ray, so you can quickly turn X ray on and off and a charged plasma will continue hitting draygon every time the X ray is turned off, letting you hit him many times with just one shot.
Ive been playing this hack for three days and i accidentally did a savestate right as one of the ghosts in the wrecked ship appeared. now im stuck in a dying loop and i was wondering if anyone had a savestate near the beginning of that area that they would be willing to give me.
Enemies hit by plasma have a time period during which they can't be touched. This runs during X ray, so you can quickly turn X ray on and off and a charged plasma will continue hitting draygon every time the X ray is turned off, letting you hit him many times with just one shot.
Enemies hit by plasma have a time period during which they can't be touched. This runs during X ray, so you can quickly turn X ray on and off and a charged plasma will continue hitting draygon every time the X ray is turned off, letting you hit him many times with just one shot.
Opium: You can see a vid of it here:
Holy crap, does that trick work in just about any hack on just about any enemy?? If so, I suspect Ridley might to start to fear me....
Holy crap, does that trick work in just about any hack on just about any enemy?? If so, I suspect Ridley might to start to fear me....
It won't work on Ridley. The Plasma beam/X-Ray Scope trick only works on enemies that Plasma passes through. Plasma hits Ridley, and then disappears which makes it impossible to do that trick on him.