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Gaius_4: 2009-03-04 11:03:18 pm
Quote from Lvimarine:
i played this but i dont know how to get the power bombs and missles

Power bombs or just Regular Bombs?

Presuming you don't have the missiles yet -I'll assume you mean the regular bombs.

If you have the morph-ball you'll need to go to the right from where you got that.  This is the first place you'll need to do some fancy moves. 

You'll need to know how to morph into the ball from a wall jump.  As you're spinning and holding away from the wall - just roll the direction to down.  So, jump off the wall that is over the acid and as you go back to the left -there is a small opening.  You'll need to do the mid-air morph to get into it.  The next room has your 1st missile upgrade.

Go back to the landing site, go passed your ship.  You should see a place with rocky platforms on the left and right, and they get narrower as you get higher.  You'll need to wall-jump/morph *very quickly* to get into and under that highest/tight ledge.

Edit: And if you really do mean Power Bombs... Eh?  I can't remember that one.  I know it's after you've done the suitless heat run...  You don't sound like you're that far yet.

Oh wait!  For future reference...

They're available immediately after you beat Crocomire.
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BiggestSchnoz: 2009-03-13 12:54:32 am
Hi, I seem to be stuck again....

I can't seem to proceed from this point:

This is the first full hack that I've saved the animals in, too.  I've also found all the lore, or at least the lore in Surripere, Eldridge, Melfad, Keruarn, and Juolbrin.

This is my favorite screenshot of this hack:

I love the level design, by the way grin new.  Although Cliffhanger isn't the easiest hack out there, it's definately a good one and I believe it's one that makes you a better player, through the difficult areas.  I wouldn't play this one on the PSP though because I'd have to use savestates, as there are no save rooms in this hack.  I can use savestates but I refuse to on a handheld video game system because I basicly grew up playing the Game Boy and Nintendo isn't in the habit of putting the option of savestates in the games they release, no offense to anyone....

Note to Bioniclegenius:

Don't give up or be discouraged, you're almost at the end.  Also, going up or down to/from the Golden Chozo area is not to be missed.  That's one of the best parts in my opinion after defeating Draygon.  After Golden Chozo, it's item hunting time and then on to the final boss.  Keep it up, you're almost there and have fun!!

Aarrgghh!!  I guess I can't make a spoiler within a spoiler....
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
I got the Eldridge lore on my play through the easy mode, so I guess that puts me at all lore found.
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
Well i give a try on the Normal version and now i'm stucked in Keruarn

Go ahead. Stare.
It looks like you are close to Crocomire, which if you are you should go ahead and fight him.

If you are stuck in the wall I can't help you out, I never had that problem...
When I first read your post, I thought you were stuck as far as not knowing where to go.  then when I saw your pic which showed you up in the wall , i started to think that maybe you meant you were perma-stuck ?  please elaborate.
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
I found that was a patch error, i repatched the game, and the problem was fixed.
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
Finally beated the Normal Version, it was a very difficult challenge but at the same time it was enjoyable.

All Lore Found

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Super KB: 2009-07-13 11:56:48 pm
Does anybody know where the spazer beam is in Super Metroid Cliffhanger? i dont want to know where EXACTLY where it is.. i just want 2 know what place i can find it Arrow
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
The Spazer is in Surripere
damn i still cant find spazer in superre
GO to the part of suriperre near where you first entered eldridge and look up to find the path. 
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Super KB: 2009-03-23 07:10:44 pm
ok now i found it thanks
<embed src="
It seems the videos were put in the wrong thread, although the first one is yummy.
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Super KB: 2009-03-24 01:56:23 am
hey has anybody beat ridley in Cliffhanger yet? wit not enough items, not enough armor?! he's just too hard!!!!!!! and im still getting my ass kicked. i thought the ''mortal kombat space pirates'' was worse but this is ridiculous! lol
If you're having a hard time with ridley then try using slow-down. 

PS - why do you keep posting unrelated vids in your posts in this and other threads ??
It's certainly made me want AM2R to be finished, though.
because every time somebody get done posting something i always see a picture or something so im wonder should i do the same thing just different
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Gaius_4: 2009-03-24 06:37:43 am
Quote from SuperKeenenBell:
because every time somebody get done posting something i always see a picture or something so im wonder should i do the same thing just different

How about "different" since/if the videos you're posting don't contribute to any related discussion...?  aiwebs_031

Or are you talking about Signature images?  Confused  Or attached pics/screen shots of the game or something?

Whatever it is...  It's not required for every post.

Welcome to the internet.
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Super KB: 2009-03-24 07:09:07 am
its the signature pics that i was jus concerned ...sorry i posted videos for no reason i jus like showing alot metroid tricks and silly stuff and i know it doesnt have anything to do with this topic
I discovered a glitch in this hack...
In the room of the picture (it is a room in turian) if you change the gravity suit to power or varia suit, the suit's color is the same as the gravity suit's color.
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Super KB: 2009-03-25 04:47:16 am
question. why did dmantra put all 4 reserve tanks in one room in Jurbolin? i thought it was awkward. go to 3:30 to see(I DIDNT MAKE THIS VIDEO (this was made by 6dissaor6 username on youtube)) and so far in the game im at where i found the plasma beam
Quote from SuperKeenenBell:
question. why did dmantra put all 4 reserve tanks in one room in Jurbolin?

Not to speak for him but, maybe it was for a bonus....?  The player wouldn't have to go that way and/or fight those enemies.  But if they chose to do so -they would be rewarded.

Not that they'd help in Tourian when you get hit by those one enemies. Razz

Also...  Not to minimod but I think that video might be considered a spoiler.  You might want to wrap it in spoiler tags.