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Lol your such a noob, you may not post but you will check this thread everytime it gets bumped, and every time youll cry a little inside cause it still hasnt been released... +1 to the post count yall!
At this point, anyone who actually gets hopeful over a new post in this thread deserves to cry a little on the inside.
I'm done with this forum and I'm not going to waste my time on this shit, "IF" it ever gets released... for the sake of the argument OP is a troll...
Yoshi is back
Get a life, dweed, troll is for losers.
not going to post anymore hey dave? *sniff sniff* I smell bullshit and wow... "troll is for losers" Your posts read like your from a racial minority either that or you are a 5year old that has retarded parents that think this is the best way to give their child a "edgemacation" either way it sounds as tho you don't even know what an internet troll is. so go and look it up before you make anymore stupid comments... Douchebag.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-10-14 12:08:32 pm
Yoshi is back
Alright Bitch, fuckin piss me off one more time and I'll fucking tell you off on this forum, and if you don't think I won't, think again. I'm ready to let it out, trust me. you don't wanna fuck around with me. Twisted Evil
Whoooaaaa! LOOK OUT! Stupid comment from dave incoming! LoL I didn't realise what I said was the truth, no wonder your such a cranky little turd... Wait what's that? Your post was actually somewhat readable! OMG!... Your mommy helped you with that didnt she?... Oh oh, Im sorry I ment he. don't feed the trolls and your retarded arse may be forgiven... Or not the choice is yours dickhead
One shall stand, one shall ball.
haha this thread took a hard right turn to besttown.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-10-14 09:00:08 pm
Yoshi is back
Thanks Asshole. I love your sense of stupidity. It tells me that your being your fucking self. Now, what was that you said about my mom. You better back off mothafucka your taking a wrong turn to my fist if I was down there.
Edit: Yes, I'm Canadian and I'd kick your ass.
Dave... Your canadian? Im so sorry, that explains why your so fucking retarded. Why on earth do they let you people have computers in dumbfuckistan in the first place? anyway what are you talkin aboot when you say "down here"? Its obviously not aboot democracy, but it is obvious that is said your mom has to help you type your posts... (maybe dave needs him to read them out to him as well) please just do us all a favor and go play with your pet rock... No no scratch that, I think its aboot time you just strait shut the fuck up
Anywhere, everywhere
Close your Eyes,Nothing changes..
Come on guys
Say what you REALLY mean
What'd you say?
Quote from rekameohs:
What I really mean? OK!  The person that tags as "DaveBatista" if a fucking moron and needs to learn how to shut the fuck up and not epic fail every time he posts his drivel on this thread. When my dog takes a shit its more intellectually engaging than what "DaveBatista" writes in his posts...
Until you said that, I felt alone and ashamed about my intellectual fascination with dogs shitting.
ROFL! I see what you did there, BUT! im sorry I must disapoint you now, your still alone on that one. im not and never will be fascinated by a dog shitting, that's just a reference to the level and scope of FAIL! that comes from every post "DaveBatista" makes...
Wow. This thread has become so... I can't even describe it. Man, it's starting to get painful to read this. I'm getting tempted to just ignore this thread, but I don't think I will for fear that I'll miss something vaguely on topic.
Aegis is taking too long to be released and people no likey. that and its thread has gotten to the point where it should have been locked ages ago, why? because it would have stopped all this shit, yet remains open cause the mods are a bunch of pansy arse fucks... there...
What'd you say?
Wow, this is becoming a funny read!
i hope the mods do something in this forum
DDDs needs to leave
DDDs needs to leave
Yoshi is back
Quote from DDDs:
Dave... Your canadian? Im so sorry, that explains why your so fucking retarded.

Oh, you racist dumbfuck. Why don't you go take a fucking dirt nap. If you think your so fucking smart you would have shut your fucking mouth a long time ago. If you like word fights you got one and you got it with the wrong person smartass.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
The proud Canadian race is well known for their hot blood and internet battle prowess.
What'd you say?
I thought they were well known for maple syrup and hockey...