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Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Not really, he is even less active there then he is here.
hey, guys, yea i think that youve all pretty much sussed it out for yourselves now, im a fake, and so is the hack,
i wondered how long it would take for you sad fucks to finally realise. haha, and you just kept giving me ammo to
bullshit you further, although i must admit after a while, it got really really boring winding you sad basterds wanting more,
well now you know, goodbye sad man community
OK who did it
i am seriously ticked of that this hack is not a real hack
Quote from acheron:
hey, guys, yea i think that youve all pretty much sussed it out for yourselves now, im a fake, and so is the hack,
i wondered how long it would take for you sad fucks to finally realise. haha, and you just kept giving me ammo to
bullshit you further, although i must admit after a while, it got really really boring winding you sad basterds wanting more,
well now you know, goodbye sad man community

this is fake
as in the acheron is just someone fakeing to be acheron
proof you can click on the real acheron's name
... why was it again that the decision was made to enable guest posting?
This is the perfect example of why this should be locked...
I think it should stay open.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2010-07-16 03:59:58 am
Gaius_4: 2010-07-16 03:58:29 am
Quote from megadude:
proof you can click on the real acheron's name

He had his screen-name changed.  The Admins can do that...  Edit2: they should also be able to see IP addresses of guests that post...  I would think.

Edit1:  O, u mene teh gest post'n uv "acheron" ?lol he got us gewd1 Mad

And I think this should stay open too.  We need every excuse we can to build post-count.

PC+1 aiwebs_008
so was this aegis stuff a prank after all ?
what's the current status?

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Prank = yes.

Progress =
Quote from Quietus:
I don't think there is any information.  The last few times Acheron has posted, he's said the same thing.  It's done.  He's just waiting on assistance from others, including music stuff.  There has been / is no further update to give, as far as I can tell.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
This got a little silly, didn't it?

I'm working two jobs and school. I'm also working on Aegis right now. All the custom code is finished--just bugbusting at this point. I will not promise a release date because I've made that mistake enough already.

Locking this thread for now... if anything new comes up, I'll share it with you all. Otherwise, the next post I make on this thread will be a patch so you can all play it. Sorry for the delays.

(P.S. If you're going to troll at least use proper grammar like I do. Jeez.)
Okay, for some reason people think Acheron faked it all.

I am a beta tester for Aegis, and I took some pics of the most recent copy I have to quell disbelievers.


The hack is real, and everything. So keep on waiting for this hack, it's a doozy and makes redesign look like a childs game, well Cliffhanger does as well.

But anyway this hack is amazing.
I think just one or two of the last posts made the accusation of it being a hoax.  I think most of us believe the game is real because we have seen too much video and heard too much talk about the development for the game to not exist. 
Oh, well. Still good to have material out there. ;P
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Showing off something I'm working on... Major thanks to DSO for this day/night palette code.

Looks awesome!  Thank you. 
Yay good use. Now if only you hadn't said anything, I could feel safe to go on IRC again >_>
One shall stand, one shall ball.
hay dso could you hook me up with some seekret Aegis content?!?!
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Deep_Space_Observer:
Yay good use. Now if only you hadn't said anything, I could feel safe to go on IRC again >_>

Sorry bro :(

Quote from tomatobob:
hay dso could you hook me up with some seekret Aegis content?!?!

I am very excited that this hack is finally near release. I have been waiting for a long time. I can't wait to play it.aiwebs_011
Quote from Steyiak:
I am very excited that this hack is finally near release. I have been waiting for a long time. I can't wait to play it.aiwebs_011
i want to play it also