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Quote from reaper902:
woo, now people might stop posting complete bull on this page, there you go new info, now just drop it guys, i mean this is really gettin stupid now.
OMG! i think i shit myself!
Quote from Opium:
Quote from reaper902:
woo, now people might stop posting complete bull on this page, there you go new info, now just drop it guys, i mean this is really gettin stupid now.

oh i see what you did there, made another pointless post, well done, i bet you feel good about yourself for that.
Almost happy
Quote from reaper902:
Quote from Opium:
Quote from reaper902:
woo, now people might stop posting complete bull on this page, there you go new info, now just drop it guys, i mean this is really gettin stupid now.

oh i see what you did there, made another pointless post, well done, i bet you feel good about yourself for that.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Oh, you kids.
any updates acheron
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
If Acheron had an update, he'd post it here.  Just FYI, asking that very question is usually frowned upon here, and is seen as pestering.  Don't start off on the wrong foot here, and you'll do fine!

Oh, and Welcome! =)
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I'm just waiting on some code from other people before we can enter beta.
i have another account i just forgot my pass word to it

reply to

If Acheron had an update, he'd post it here.  Just FYI, asking that very question is usually frowned upon here, and is seen as pestering.  Don't start off on the wrong foot here, and you'll do fine!

Oh, and Welcome! =) this comment
you know what i have been waiting for this hack to be finished sinsed 2007
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes.  Everybody has.  That's because it hasn't been released yet.
Devonodev: Other D
Perhaps he's gonna suprise us with a christmas release..
A man can dream, can't he?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from devonodev:
Perhaps he's gonna suprise us with a christmas release..
A man can dream, can't he?

I'd love to do so. Again, there's not really any work left on my end, and there's also no reason to go to beta since the stuff that most needs testing includes the custom code others are doing for me.

Not that I want to rush the guys who are helping me of their own volition or anything, of course. I know it's been a long wait, but that doesn't give me any right to demand people do me favors on my timetable.
Have not checked here in awhile nice to know where your project is at, im sure the people your waiting on will deliver what you need when its awesome and ready! happy new year an such ^_^
OK, 2 months is long enough to make it OK to ask again:  How's it coming, Acheron?
It has been a while. I would think these coders wouldn't deliberatley do this. Unless they didn't really care. Everyone is getting restless as the game is in it's final stages and yet we have to wait due to someone else's schedule. I don't know anything about coding but I can't see why it would take over 2 months to finish. Hopefully this gets done soon. :P
it is takeing way to long
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-02-21 10:38:24 am
Hey guys, Acheron actually has a life.  Don't get me in trouble for asking.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
You're all grounded.

I've gotten a new job recently and that has been my primary priority. That said, the hack is still as done as it was before, which is to say about 99%, and that last 1% is out of my hands. I haven't made much effort to get in touch with the coders, so don't blame them entirely. I should have a consistent work schedule in about ten days, when training is done, and then I will be able to sort out the rest.
I don't know anything about coding but I can't see why it would take over 2 months to finish.

It's more depression + some other issues than the coding itself that's been causing delay, at least on my end. I'm going to try working through it anyway, been dropping the ball long enough.
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-02-21 01:51:50 pm
Quote from Deep_Space_Observer:
I don't know anything about coding but I can't see why it would take over 2 months to finish.

It's more depression + some other issues than the coding itself that's been causing delay, at least on my end. I'm going to try working through it anyway, been dropping the ball long enough.

Nothing would cure your depression faster than throngs of nerds kissing your bare feet in appreciation.  It's the dead of winter, we're all getting bored and depressed.  The time is right for Aegis. 
Quote from Deep_Space_Observer:
I don't know anything about coding but I can't see why it would take over 2 months to finish.

It's more depression + some other issues than the coding itself that's been causing delay, at least on my end. I'm going to try working through it anyway, been dropping the ball long enough.

quote from opium
Nothing would cure your depression faster than throngs of nerds kissing your bare feet in appreciation.  It's the dead of winter, we're all getting bored and depressed.  The time is right for Aegis.

(user is banned)
Would you hurry up and release this fucking hack? Jesus Christ! Slag.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Yes, that's helpful.
I hate to pester also, but I think a lot of us have been waiting for this hack for ~2 years.  Can't blame us for getting a little antsy.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I'm glad people are looking forward to this.

I don't think that's a good excuse to be aggressive towards hack creators. It's easy to be judgmental when you're not actually making your own.

Trust me, I want to get this out there. Unfortunately, if I ignore real life to get this done, I'll soon be homeless without internet, and that would be bad for the hack.