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Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Well, I'm about to take a crack at getting Boot Camp to work on my current laptop. Fingers crossed... I'd like to be hacking again tonight.

Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Can we try to stick to posts that make sense or have some meaning please?

Anyway, still doesn't work even with new discs. I am driving to the nearest Apple store and raising hell.
Well, good luck with your laptop. Check if it's a professional shop, they usually do that in a matter of hours. I'm really getting excited over Aegis and I don't want it to die.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
At no point has this project ever been in danger of dying. Prone to long periods of suck, yes. But never have I considered quitting.

I'm on the phone with Apple right now, ordering new install discs. I'm going to just format EVERYTHING and try to make this damn computer work.
if you format youll loose your project right?  Shocked
Merry Christmas
He might of backed it up. *Still waiting patiently*
Go ahead. Stare.
Quote from TailsLover:
He might of backed it up. *Still waiting patiently*

I vote for understatement of the year. Acheron backs his hack up after he places each tile almost.

Anyway, that really sucks with you computer issues right now. I'm hoping you get things worked out fairly quickly.
Quote from TailsLover:
He might of have backed it up. *Still waiting patiently*

Fixed.  I'm sure he has hundreds of backed up copies in multiple locations, including a safety deposit box in a bank in Zurich.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Anyone who's been around here a while can tell you just how obsessive I am about backing things up. "After every tile" is honestly not very far from the truth. I e-mail myself my own copies in case the three flash drives I use all fail.

You might ask why I am so crazy. I am crazy because it works. Also, because I accidently slaughtered a dozen rooms with a single error and re-editing a room is far, far worse than the first edit ever is.
Merry Christmas
I am the same way. I literally crashed it. I might consider hacking again. I don't have any motivation to start hacking again.
i got a motivation. help me with my hack.

jk  laugh new
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Oh! emailing is a great way to backup! I never thought of that. I only have 3 backup locations (and 1 older patch that Jathys may/may not still have). And if our house burns down (for some retarded reason), then they all go poof. Sooo... email FTW!

TBH, I never really trusted Apple stuff. In our family, we've had about 7 Ipods, and most of them broke for no reason (1 went through the wash and another fell out a window XD). And I dunno if it's the same in America, but here, everyone prefers PC's to Macs, cause they're just so damn hard to use. Easy to shutdown though - just open a program [/lamecrack]
Maybe if everyone here chipped in $5 we could get you a new computer. I wouldn't mind paying $5 for Aegis grin new
Close your Eyes,Nothing changes..
dang...sorry about your computer issue Acheron, hope everything gets better....tho i might recomdend a windows machine because i've had run ins with apple in the past and that made go straght to windows.
P.s: DON'T GET WINDOWS VISTA!!! unless you update constanley.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I'd never use Vista.

Frustratingly, I now have the install discs I need but I'm no longer able to get my Windows installer to take. It worked before, when I didn't need it to, but now it doesn't. I think I am just going to save up and buy a new computer.
Best troll thread EVER
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Uhm, okay.
Quote from Acheron86:
I'd never use Vista.

Frustratingly, I now have the install discs I need but I'm no longer able to get my Windows installer to take. It worked before, when I didn't need it to, but now it doesn't. I think I am just going to save up and buy a new computer.

So I guess hacking has stopped until you buy a new computer?
You silly youngsters and your buying stuff when a single problem occurs.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
You silly youngsters and your buying stuff when a single problem occurs.

If it were a single problem, I'd agree. This is just a case of fucking fail on Apple's part. Something keeps going wrong and unlike Windows documentation is scarce and Apple's technicians refuse to offer me any real help.

So, yeah, unfortunately we're back to the waiting game. sigh
Question, what are you using to post now and if it's a computer, can't you use it to hack?  And if not, what about public computers at a library or something?  Or can you not even get the files off the computer at this point?
Quote from FirePhoenix:
Question, what are you using to post now....?

That reminds me of that photo that was taken of the moon landing just after it landed...  yet, how did a camera get put outside of the spacecraft if nobody got out yet?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from FirePhoenix:
Question, what are you using to post now and if it's a computer, can't you use it to hack?  And if not, what about public computers at a library or something?  Or can you not even get the files off the computer at this point?

I'm still using the Apple laptop. I just can't get Windows to run on it in any form.

The public library computers suck, but I could probably use my college's computers. Good thinking, I'll try that tomorrow.
I'm still using the Apple laptop. I just can't get Windows to run on it in any form.

The public library computers suck, but I could probably use my college's computers. Good thinking, I'll try that tomorrow.

how well do they work
You got any news about the hack Achelon? Question