I'm wondering the same thing, Hows it coming Acheron?
Is that not the question that have been asked like... the past... I dunno...ALL PAGES of this topic?
You dudes need to relax and chill some by the angry chozo's in the topic over there (under, over, this one some thing.) Relax! I'm sure Acheron tells us when it is done.
Trust me, the angry fire chozo is worth the distraction from Aegis. Do it for the scenery/graphics and the unique physics if nothing else. We need to rally our forces against the angry fire chozo. It's 5.3 light years away from Aegis, but at the nearest planet in this sector of space relative to us. We'll rendezvous at Aegis once the dust settles and after a few stops for fuel for our ships....
I have one question... When this Hack is done, will it be released on Romhacking? If not, where would this hack be posted? Also, will there be new bosses? cause that'll be awesome.
He said he'd be using certain common enemies as new bosses, but as for bosses from scratch, I don't know. He's got a lot of work entering the custom soundtrack as is.
Well I'd thank Achy would make a new thread for the release, as this one is pretty much tattered with 40+ pages of people asking "when will it be ready?" Well since he's amod anyway he'd probably delete this one so no one would ever know the difference... except for the obvious lack of pages.
The nerve of you trying to give a legitimate reply to a series of questions, let alone address a new person, clearly they are to be ignored at all times.
The nerve of you trying to give a legitimate reply to a series of questions, let alone address a new person, clearly they are to be ignored at all times.
Sorry sir! I will remember to do so at all times sir!
I'm quite possitive Ach will let us know when it's done. I highly doubt he would finish it completely, then think "hmmm. You know, I don't think I'll tell anyone". lol
I'm quite possitive Ach will let us know when it's done. I highly doubt he would finish it completely, then think "hmmm. You know, I don't think I'll tell anyone". lol
I'm quite possitive Ach will let us know when it's done. I highly doubt he would finish it completely, then think "hmmm. You know, I don't think I'll tell anyone". lol
1. acheron isn't going to release this soon; he wants it to be the best he can make it, and has quite a bit of work to do to get to that point.
2. acheron has a life. OMG!!! who woulda thought?! well yeah. he's not some kind of android generating hacks for us. he takes the free time he has to get work done on it, and by makeing pages upon pages of "om g guys is dis hak dun yt it look so cool maybe relese soon" you' re only making more shit for him to have to reply to. he'll update when he gets the time. he'll post content if you want. but as it seems, he doesn't seem to be doing that as of now. So learn patience and please cut the "is it done yet?" out. it's old.
In fairness, only one person asked when it was due out, and it was the same guy who asked on the last page. At worst, the rest of us were guilty of off-topic by continuing the sneaky release idea.
I'm just keeping quiet until I've got good news. Right now the only news I have is how much it sucks to take nine credit hours in a four-week semester.