For example, if I move down an elevator for the first time, can I have story text display?
Also, what must I do to change the names of the areas? Crateria and Brinstar are seemingly in every hack. I want to make an area called "The Green Layer."
The only thing I've ever seen anyone edit textwise in game is the beginning story text, the text box that appears during item acquisition, and text on the map screen / subscreen.
I'm really having a hard time visualizing that in any aesthetically pleasing way. Have you considered hacking Fusion instead? Seems much more feasible for what you are trying to do.
Text messages during lift traversal is a no-go, not without some serious hacking anyway. Text on the map is possible, and text boxes appearing upon entering rooms is possible via an altered PLM. You should check thorugh the guides on MetConst, as you're bound to find something.