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Eh? As some 1 pointed it out to me i should put this forum here...oops.

Well anyway as il was saying me an my cousin are doing a hack of the game, we just need some help from the fans:
we need info on making changes to the door sprites how to change its style, its not a big problem but it be a nice thing to know in future wise.
This project has no name yet but in the mean time is known as L.M.

I try my best to put more info on here when have time.
if there's anything you wish to see in this hack please give some advise would be much thanks.
cant post all the time doing the project.  Wink
Thread title: 
Samus...? Is that you?
Any screenshots?

To change the door graphics, go to Tools -> Graphics Editor -> GFX -> CRE -> Export. Then, go to Palette -> Export. Then, download TLP (Tile Layer Pro) and open the .GFX file in it. And change the view mode to SNES. Then load the palette in TLP. Now you should be able to edit all CRE graphics. If it looks like some graphics are missing, patch this fix to TLP using Lunar IPS.
After making your graphical changes, go back to Graphics Editor -> GFX -> CRE but this time select Import and choose the GFX file to import.

Good luck on your hack, M and your cousin
No. 2 teach
yer i see the no.2 and im doing screen shots now thanks for the reminder mate. and thanks for the TLP advise will try using the program, :) il try putting some screen shots on here asap :)


considering the time i have theres not much time iv got to do to the hack. Time is time i
cant always post a post trying to the hack with me L
Edit history:
M: 2009-08-12 08:40:21 am
the first 2 pics. nothing special just a glimps will have to do a lil video soon

also heres what L did

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Use .png's, and save tonnes of space. aiwebs_011

They look very basic at the moment, but it looks like you have good attention to detail with the tiles, as there're no obvious errors in the majority of the tiles.

The most obvious thing I can think of would be to make the terrain more natural, as it still looks very square.
okey i keep that in mind about the squares. an thanks for the tip about the pngs. will do my best.
Thanks to the main creator of Redesign i was able to create my own hack mini game of sm
a picture of a lil edit in Brinstar, Norfair

What'd you say?
Quote from Quietus:
Use .png's, and save tonnes of space. aiwebs_011

Quote from M:
an thanks for the tip about the pngs. will do my best.

You liar, also, you should just link to the picture into your post, like so:

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Although you may want to spoiler tag them if the picture is huuuge.
can u tell me what i lied about Question
plus i dno how to do what u just did.
You said you would do your best to save images as .png flies, but you didn't do that with you last screenshot.
well i apoligise for not putting it in pngs, i was rushing to get new pics up.
will do so next in future.
pngs on the way
You can put an image in spoiler tags by inputting the following code:
[spoiler]blah blah blah[/spoiler]

and it will come out like this:
blah blah blah

Just put the images there instead of blah blah blah.  Read the Help pages for more information.
okey thanks. btw i just had a look on putting the pics to pngs well it seems i cant when my pc wont let me ...supid win2k. SOOOOOOO will put them on spolier instead :).

when finished there will be a thank you txt in the file to the SMILE team an other ppl that is an has helped.
Samus...? Is that you?
If you have Paint, you can very easily convert your JPG/BMP/whatever to PNG. Open the image in it, then click File -> Save As -> Now you can change it's name, choose where to save it AND you can change the format. There's a dropdown list of what you can save your image to. (BMP [DO NOT use this], GIF [saving in that format may screw up some colors], JPG [DO NOT use this] TIFF and, the best one, PNG!! Dancing) If your you computer doesn't have Paint, download it. If Paint doesn't work on your computer, buy a new one.
Or you can download The Gimp, which is much better, here.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Converting a jpeg/jpg to png won't raise the quality of the image again. You would have to save it as an .bmp or .png from the beginning.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
I don't understand the fuss with pngs and jpgs to be honest. If someone only wanted to show how they built a room, ignoring palettes and effects and stuff, then how does it really make a difference if the colors are slightly mixed?

Though I admit, when showing off smaller things like th HUD or FX blends or anything else, quality is important.
PNG images are great for they're high quality and small size.
JPGs have terrible quality and BMPs are very large.
So given these reasons pngs are definitely the way to go for screenshots.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
I don't understand the fuss with pngs and jpgs to be honest. If someone only wanted to show how they built a room, ignoring palettes and effects and stuff, then how does it really make a difference if the colors are slightly mixed?

Though I admit, when showing off smaller things like th HUD or FX blends or anything else, quality is important.

You have a perfect point good sir!

That's why I only bitch about .png where it really matters.

Though I just had to post my last post in this topic anyway so people don't get the wrong idea about image convertion. :E

Why are we discussing image type and quality anyway?
Do we really need the main frame of every new topic to be image compression just because the project leader decided to use .jpg instead of .png *just* because quality is lost?
Does the quality of the image really even matter that much? This is an SNES game we've been exposed to for long enough, so why are we complaining when we've ALREADY SEEN THE SAME TILE SETS 92375189640376 TIMES?
We already know what it would look like ingame, so there's no fucking reason to go on like this.

I'm sorry for going off, but I really think this is all stupid. The image quality is barely effecting us, and I really think we don't need to have pages worth of discussion on image format for every new user that wants to share his project.

thank you all of you :) will do so. ive converted my hack to my laptop an going to carrie on from that i have adpbe photoshop cs2 instead of paint should help me out on the pics plus iv decided to put all my pics to youtube instead of making everybody angrey about pngs saves the hassel :)