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J-SNAKE: 2008-09-01 08:45:28 pm
thats me
Like some may have read the SMTac thread I will soon start the work for SM2 and SMT2 (just a project name by now, the name can differ, but the game can take place after the events of SM)

I am going to brake the common metroid-rules and go far over the common metroid-standards.
Some important points will be in short (don't expect anybody understand my words by now, but just pushing it a little in new direction):

advanced suitable A.I, each creature with its unique sense and understanding of the environment.

innovative use of the gravity-gun and the physic-system not only for combat but also for advanced movement puzzles

noise-system and sneaky mission will also be covered

most expansive high-level combat-system

innovative weapons, parametrical customizable to cleverly meet the huge varity of situations the game and A.I. will provide

non-linear advanced use of the weapon-programs and their combination

innovative possibilitys to create non-linearity in walk througs

for player non-calculateable surprising moments through dynamic higher level A.I.

extensible component based suit-system, each component with its unique functionality like fuel cells for missile, heavy bombs..., water cells for ice beam...

huge game, much to explore, many non-linear designed bosses requiring a creative use of your possibilitys

can't always be sure bosses are really dead after beating them, the way you fight and beat them might affect the further game

innovative approach to hold the exploration experience and surprising moments even after playing the game several times through

So now I want to know what ideas do you have for a 2D-metroid-game. Just feel free to post every aspects you like, does not matter concerning gameplay-innovations, the storyline or other aspects. If you think something certain could be improved or different in a metroid game, then feel free to post it here.

I will nothing take ridiculous, no matter how it sounds, but only suitable or not suitable.
Of course there will come much unimportant shit together, but this does not matter, there can always be a possibility even an unsuitable idea may lead to an interesting one. So feel free to do a little brainstorming, may be there will be something interesting in the ocean of ideas and illusions. More heads=more ideas

Thread title: 
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Wow, this sounds good. Are you coding it from scratch, or using the original SM engine?

Probably, a good idea would be to make it compatible with SMILE, so people could easily make their own little side hacks of of that. Just a suggestion. Maybe make the map gigantic, as in 10x+ the size of the original SM. Also, new items would be nice, like the wall-jumping thing, except that for earlier in the game. Stuff like bomb-jumping could be an item, like they don't propel you upwards unless you have this item. Things like that. Sound good?
(user is banned)
Edit history:
J-SNAKE: 2008-09-01 08:41:12 pm
thats me
Don't worry. The original SM - engine will far not meet the demands I require, I am not going to repeat the SM idea you see over and over again but go far over it.

I will develop a SM2-Engine with tools like a map editor with the possibility to build and test it with Samus in real-time
(like CRY-Engine2). This tools will be made for public use and I will offer them to the fans and will take then only the best graphic and eventually map-design results for SM2 when it is so far.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Cool. So basically, you'll make the engine, the tools to map-make and such, release it for public use, and when users submit stuff back to you, you'll take the best of the ideas and compile them back together, with a little modification on them? You ought to make the files pretty much in the way that people can't release mini-hacks of their own based off of it until it's completely released. Something like that. Or, you could select beta users who'll help you and won't release their own minihacks w/o your permission. Did I get it close?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Topic locked as per forum rules against announcements without content and for the solicitation of ideas.