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I am at that mission, well... I was at that mission a year and a half ago when I got stuck and started playing other games, in the Harbour where you butdrop and make the fruit come out. It the mission is entitles something about Yoshi so I take it you brong that fruit to his egg somewhere, where? I can't find it anywhere... what do you do?
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Ready and willing.
It SHOULD be on that patio at the end of the level where all the townies are...
Really? So you just pop out the fruit and bring them ten steps to where the egg SHOULD be? And then he will break out and you can get him from now on?
Ready and willing.
Erm... was that supposed to be an insult?
What? O_O No, I'm sorry if it sounded that way, but I was just making sure if thats what I was too do. You made it should so symple so I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Sorry and thanks for helping me out, I can finally progress on that damn game. :)
Ready and willing.
'salright. It was just phrased oddly, that's all. I was confused.
Yeah, now that I look at it again it does look really sarcastic so I can't blame you for thinking that, I'll think when I write next time. :P Thanks again and I'll be back when I get stuck.
I hated that mission... Especially when I had to do it over again to get the blue coin.

Now that I have all the Shines, I'm never touching it again :P