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I just looked through the game list at SDA, and noticed that there's no run for Super Mario Bros. 2. Does anyone know if a run for that game actually exists? And if so, what is the time? Because I have spent some time running it myself, and would like to know if my time (haven't ever really timed it, but I believe it's under 15 minutes) sucks.

If not, I might try to perfect it a bit more and send it.

The run is done on emulator, and on the Super Mario All-Stars version of SMB2... is that allowed? Or do the runs have to be played on the console (which would make it impossible for me to actually do the run, because I don't own a SNES, and our NES is broken)? I don't use any glitches, except for one, which is that you are invincible to attacks the second you pick up something. I use this against some green Birdos (god I hate those firespitting things...). But not anything else.

The run itself is 10-segment, one segment for each stage. You only need to play 10 stages, which are:
1-1, 1-2,1-3 with warp to 4-1, 4-2 with warp to 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-1, 7-2.

But, the question still is: is there a legit SMB2 run out there?
Thread title: 
From my knowledge, the All-Stars version uses a modified Super Mario World engine rather than the original. I don't see why it wouldn't be accepted, but it probably would belong in a separate category because of a few minor changes, or at least that's my opinion.

I'm not sure if a real speed run has been done but here's the emulator rape (8:31):
Yeah, I knew about the emulator one-frame-per-second-record-cut-copy-paste-frames-so-it-looks-flickerbatting-great run, but I never dl'ed it. Though I'm sure it looks like it's played in an inhuman way. Which it of course is. I saw the SMB3 one and was fooled like everyone else.

Let's just wait for Radix to pop in here.
*sets a trap*

*spawn camps*
Quote from njahnke:
*spawn camps*

Ready and willing.
Well, emulator runs still aren't allowed... the original descision was from Fusion, where people were forcing every frame to be displayed, resulting in massive slowdown. I don't see a reversal in sight, but it's always up to Radix.
I did a SMB2 speed run sometime earlier this year (March?) with a finish time of 11:57. It's actually a poor run, but I was sending some stuff to TG anyway so I included it on the tape. I died twice on the run, but since some glitch rulings were still up in the air I decided to send it in before I spent any more time perfecting it. As it turns out, I never got around to playing again...

I didn't capture the vid and don't plan to since it is a slopfest, but it was verified by TG if you want to see my time checks:

Hmm... what tricks did you use, and which characters? I use Princess on all stages except 6-2, where Luigi is the choice, and 6-3, where I use Toad.

As for the tricks, I really don't know about many more than that you can skip half of 1-2 (I of course use the door shortcuts in 1-1 and 6-3).

And you DIED twice, and STILL got 11:57? Makes me believe that 10:00 is possible.
I used Luigi the entire way, although I had planned to use Mario or Toad on a couple of levels for a bit of extra speed. I used every shortcut that I knew of though, including a big one in 7-2. The 2 deaths probably cost me over 30 seconds. My own goal at the time was to get under 11 minutes.

I wouldn't be surprised if some things that I did won't work on the All Stars version. Maybe I'll try it out when I get a chance.
Big shortcut in 7-2? What would that be?

I use Princess thanks to her floating ability, my beautiful route on 6-1 wouldn't work without it. There's other levels too which I couldn't do like I do them without her. Only reason I'm using Luigi on 6-2 is that Princess can't take the first room without using charge jumps, and I'm trying to keep those to a minimum. On 6-3, the only thing that actually makes any difference in speed is how fast you lift things. Which makes Toad the right choice.

Is there any way of converting .zmv movie files to .avi, or .mpg, or anything that you don't need ZSNES and the ROM to watch? If so, I could share my greatest levels. Like, yes, 6-1 (watched my run of that one yesterday, and noticed it was almost perfect except for the Birdo fight. But the rest of the level is so good that I'm keeping it anyway). I take at least half of it in one continous leap, using snakes and stuff as stepping stones.
yes, they can be converted, but it requires a very fast machine and some special software (to convert; the resulting .avi can play on anything). let me know if there's anything i can do to help.

Well, how about trying to convert this:


(should be level 6-1. If it isn't, I confused the file names and packed the wrong .zmv file)

My computer is about three years old, so I don't really know if it goes under "really fast". And I don't have any "special software", either :)
sorry, but it looks like that zmv just doesn't want to work for me. :/ i can get it to go to the player select screen with princess selected, but it just sits there after that. could you try linking to another zmv and this time not compressing it please? if you need to, you can attach it to your message using the attachment addon below the 'post a reply' area.
Sure. I try to take the same one...


It doesn't look like it want to attach itself. Trying again...


The Extension zm5 is not allowed.

And it's not allowed at my normal uploading site eith-


I MIGHT have a solution.


There, managed to get it to my school home page folder... so here it is.

http://www.it-gymnasiet.info/~magnus.karlstrom/mario allstars.zm5

(you're going to have to copy the entire adress)
i'm sorry man, i have no clue what's wrong, it just goes to the player select with princess selected and sits there. i'm going to allow those extensions for the forum, but i don't think it's going to help.

what version of zsnes was it recorded with? can anyone else test this zmv and get it to work?
I'm using ZSNES 1.36.

Very strange, I watched it right now, too se that it was working...

And indeed it was. Nothing wrong at all...

I'll try attaching another, but I don't think it'll work better...

(I'm not really sure which one it is, but judging from the file name, it should be level 1-2)
okay, check it out. it came out pretty well imo.