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I have beaten the game once and am now trying to beat it on the "Hard" setting.  And I must admit that, WOW, is the Omega Pirate *hard* on the Hard setting.

Is there any sort of trick I can use to make this easier?  I saw a tip somewhere about the ledge with three phazon tubes, but either that was for a different version than I have, or something, because I can't get up there.  Is the ledge trick real, and if so what am I doing wrong since I can't get there?

What weapons do the most damage to his invisible form?  I have read that the Ice Spreader is best, but I don't know if that's true or not.

More importantly, what is required to interrupt his summoning of the pirates?  I managed to do it once or twice, but other times I'll set off a power bomb and he'll summon the pirates anyway.

Any help would be fantastic.  Every bit of advice I could find elsewhere was simply a repeat of the basic (and pretty self evident) explanation of "shoot the phazon plates, hit his invisible form while using X-Ray scope".


Thread title: 
There is a trick you can do with power bombs that will finish him off in one round. Bascally, when you first destroy all four of his armored areas, boost around to avoid the troopers. Then, as soon as you hear him appear, boost over to the phazon pool that he is at. This should be the far phazon pool where he started unless you're right beside it. Anyway, lay a power bomb right on the edge of the pool, unmorph, and put on the X-Ray visor so the power bomb does its damage. Here's where you need to trick out OP. Boost over and wait beside one of the other two phazon pools. Right now OP is invisible, but he'll make a noise a bit before he reappears. About 3 or 4 seconds after this noise, lay a PB beside the phazon pool you are near, then boost over to the final pool. Unmorph, put on X-Ray, and OP will take the damage. This always works because OP will never appear at the same pool twice or a pool that you're waiting beside. Therefore, he must appear right where your power bomb is. Repeat the last step again and that power bomb should finish him.

A vid might be helpful to do this. I know there is one; I just don't know what the address is. Maybe someone else could tell you.
Quote from smilingjack13:
A vid might be helpful to do this. I know there is one; I just don't know what the address is. Maybe someone else could tell you.

boo  8)
Stay far enough away from him that he can't easily swipe you and that you can react fast enough to dodge his shockwave, but not TOO far away or he'll launch his missiles which do LOTS of damage.  Standing somewhere between those extremes will cause him to only do the shockwave. Try and avoid the Phazon Pools, and boost around him when he backs you into a wall.  Plaster him with charged Plasma shots to quickly destroy the plates. When the Troopers come, take them out as quickly as possible. This isn't tremendously difficult so long as you're good at quickly switching beams and charging. For Ice Troopers, freeze them with a charged shot then shatter them with a missile. For Plasma Troopers, plaster them with two or three charged Plasma shots. If they don't die, don't worry; they'll burn to death soon enough. With Power Troopers, obliterate them with Super Missiles. Try and shoot them when they're close together to catch them both in the blast. Wave Troopers are the most annoying, but just hit them with charged shots until they die.  Ideally, you'll take out all of the Troopers before OP appears in one of the Phazon Pools; listen carefully to hear the noise he makes when he appears, or just switch on your X-Ray Visor after learning what type of Troopers he's summoned. Once he appears, ignore the Troopers as best you can and hit with with as many Super Missiles as possible. Try and get in two or three before he returns to battle, then destroy any remaining Troopers and repeat the process. Make sure you've got lots of energy (you can have up to 11 of the 12 tanks at this point) and Missiles. It'll be a long, hard fight, but you should pull through.
Radix, SmilingJack13: Thanks.  I haven't gotten a chance to try yet, but I think I can make that work.  I'll post one way or another.

Again, thanks

I never could get the power bomb trick to work.  Maybe I've got a different version?  Or maybe OP has to get hit with all three power bombs during the same period of invisibility?  I managed to hit him twice during the same period, but then when I nailed him again on the next cycle he didn't die...

At any event, the practice I got trying for the power bomb trick paid off, I managed to kill him using Ice Spreader blasts.  I *finally* got a load of Ice Pirates instead of the usual "let's pound on Brad" load of mixed Wave and Plasma pirates.  Sometimes I think my gamecube hates me ^_^

Thanks again,

Ok, now that the OP help is done: Any tips for MP's form 1 in hard? Even with 100% she's tearing me apart in round four. She just loves the "wave form, shoot off bombs that take more hits to destroy, plasma form, shoot nasty magma beam straight at my face" manuever.

Really, any tips on how to avoid damage would help a lot.
You could use the Dash Jump to quickly avoid The things that are thrown at you.
The dash jump does work well, especially if you release the L button just after you hit B.  For the "bombs" MP shoots, the best way i found to do it on hard mode was a charged shot, then a missile.
Hi .. im new here .. just bought Metroid Prime a few months ago and enjoying every minute of it with the help of this website ... im still having problem defeating Omega Pirate .. andy idea, and abt the dash jump .. how it is done .. i hv tried it, but was unable to execute it.
Well, here's a strategy to use against Omega Pirate:
a. Webster is your friend
b. Keep your distance but not too far away. It takes getting use to how far exactly but at this distance, he can't swipe you with his arms and doesn't fire his cannon
c. Use Super Missiles to eliminate his armor
d. Eliminate the summoned pirates quickly
e. Use your favorite damage method: Power Bombs, charged Plasma Beam, Super Missiles, etc.
f. Rinse and repeat (especially step a)

If you really want to speed through the battle, do what zoidi did in his speed run. As for dash-jumping, you have to let go of 'L' immediately after dashing. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to let go of the analog stick, though usually it helps if you aren't turning in a random direction. And my usual problem is letting go of 'L' too early, not late. Practice it on a Geemer and you'll get it eventually.
Thx dude ... finally i got to detroyed Omega Pirate. I stayed close to him and blash him with every super missle i've got.

As for the dash jump .. still unable to get it right. Im still trying.
Quote from Ekarderif:
Well, here's a strategy to use against Omega Pirate:
a. Webster is your friend

what do you mean by that?

EDIT: So that I don't double-post...

I've been trying to get the OP dead in 1 round, however, it only seems to work for the first P.bomb. When I use the second one, and get out and into X-ray, it doesnt damage him. Am I doing it too soon, too late, not close enough? What could be the problem?
Ready and willing.
Quote from I aM A mAnO:
Quote from Ekarderif:
Well, here's a strategy to use against Omega Pirate:
a. Webster is your friend

what do you mean by that?

That was subtle hint to the asker to spell better. Webster's dictionary.

Quote from I aM A mAnO:
I've been trying to get the OP dead in 1 round, however, it only seems to work for the first P.bomb. When I use the second one, and get out and into X-ray, it doesnt damage him. Am I doing it too soon, too late, not close enough? What could be the problem?

You're probably not swtiching back to X-ray fast enough.
Quote from Yoshi348:
Quote from I aM A mAnO:
Quote from Ekarderif:
Well, here's a strategy to use against Omega Pirate:
a. Webster is your friend

what do you mean by that?

That was subtle hint to the asker to spell better. Webster's dictionary.

oh.. gotcha. lol i was thinking that but im like, no, maybe its some cool thing i've never heard of. too bad it wasnt, haha.