I have beaten the game once and am now trying to beat it on the "Hard" setting. And I must admit that, WOW, is the Omega Pirate *hard* on the Hard setting.
Is there any sort of trick I can use to make this easier? I saw a tip somewhere about the ledge with three phazon tubes, but either that was for a different version than I have, or something, because I can't get up there. Is the ledge trick real, and if so what am I doing wrong since I can't get there?
What weapons do the most damage to his invisible form? I have read that the Ice Spreader is best, but I don't know if that's true or not.
More importantly, what is required to interrupt his summoning of the pirates? I managed to do it once or twice, but other times I'll set off a power bomb and he'll summon the pirates anyway.
Any help would be fantastic. Every bit of advice I could find elsewhere was simply a repeat of the basic (and pretty self evident) explanation of "shoot the phazon plates, hit his invisible form while using X-Ray scope".
Is there any sort of trick I can use to make this easier? I saw a tip somewhere about the ledge with three phazon tubes, but either that was for a different version than I have, or something, because I can't get up there. Is the ledge trick real, and if so what am I doing wrong since I can't get there?
What weapons do the most damage to his invisible form? I have read that the Ice Spreader is best, but I don't know if that's true or not.
More importantly, what is required to interrupt his summoning of the pirates? I managed to do it once or twice, but other times I'll set off a power bomb and he'll summon the pirates anyway.
Any help would be fantastic. Every bit of advice I could find elsewhere was simply a repeat of the basic (and pretty self evident) explanation of "shoot the phazon plates, hit his invisible form while using X-Ray scope".
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