it's just a way to keep the things scarlet mentioned from having to be "bumped" back to the first page - stickies always "stick" to the top of the first page.
all these thigs out there for the kids of today to learn from when back in the day I had to do things like use 28k modems. Ihad to camp out whole nights just to even post just one sentence, and then got banned because I didn't check the topics already posted. The times are a changin I tells ya
all these thigs out there for the kids of today to learn from when back in the day I had to do things like use 28k modems. Ihad to camp out whole nights just to even post just one sentence
Heh, I (not so fondly) remember the days of dial-up 28k. Of course, I wasn't all that old when they were around. The best days of my life were probably when we first got cable, and later dsl internet.
Meh, moved this to Metroid 2002, since it's about the forums.