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Quote from Light of Day:
Quote from Yoshi348:
Adventure/Hard+/No continues? That's pure evil, the one I'm missing too. It's just too damn hard.

That would be Crazy Hand, right? That's just about the only one I'm missing, too (there may be other, I havn't checked).

It's times like trying to get that one that I'm glad I havn't got an AR. I just know the temptation would be too much.

Adventure + hard + no continues is nothing, i used to do that when i was bored O_o;  I could do adventure Very Hard no continues without any effort at my prime.  I could do the All Star (i believe thats what its called) on hard with no continues as well.
Damn i used to be good with marth.

It was something that didn't involve skill, all of those were done naturally.  Jjust something that involved a ton of boredom.  Maybe it was every single bonus at the end of the level.. I don't really remember at this point.
I beat SSBM with my toes one time because I was bored.

Just thought I'd add to the silly bragging. :P Metroid I could see but Smash brothers takes like no skill in the first place.
*casts Protect and Shell on Hive Mecha*

Let the games begin!
Here's an easy way to get Shooting Star ... have 2 human controlled players with high dmg.  Get a Bomb and have them stand next to eachother, and throw it down.

Without too many tries, you'll get one of them hit the front of the screen while the other is flying towards space, and since hitting the screen takes less time, you'll get the bonus.