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UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-02 03:10:14 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-02 03:09:32 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
post the speed tricks you've found across the game.

here's mine:

- in Sector 2, when fighting the monsters in the part with the falling icicles, if you throw the monsters in the water using missiles (since they have a big knockback), they die instantly. this can save time if you manage to throw them in the water with your first shots (man, i'm missing prime's room names and scanning the enemies to know their names)
- in the final cutscene with MB and the wasp things, you can end it as soon as you have a clear shot on MB. blast the enemy in front of you with a regular missile and inmediately lock onto MB and it should take only ~2 seconds.
Thread title: 
Shortcut through the swamp room!

Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Ha!  Now THAT'S more like it!  I HATE that room!  Good job, Paraxade!
Indie Lover
good one paraxade!
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logitechSDAZ: 2010-09-02 11:17:08 pm
Sector Generator Room using shinespark

Not baaad. Personally I had trouble with the multi wall jumps trying to get just such an outcome.
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Prime Hunter: 2010-09-03 05:19:43 am
Prime Hunter: 2010-09-03 05:19:27 am
Awesome tricks. That first one looks like it'll be a pain for me to pull off successfully, but worth it.

Edit: Forgot to mention something I found out about a little earlier during my hard mode run. When attacking a lot of enemies at once (so let's say, Space Pirates since I know this can work.)  if you jump on one of them for an Overblast, when Samus jumps off you can sometimes jump forward again in mid-air before she lands. If you're lucky you can land right on an enemy next to the one you were fighting and use another Overblast attack. I think I managed to chain a good three or four Overblasts in one battle and depending on what you're fighting you can take out a group of enemies pretty quick. I used Space Pirates as my example because I know I got this to work in the room where you first get the Ice Beam.
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Aruki: 2010-09-03 10:32:19 am
Personally I've found that the best strategy for half the enemies in the game is just to shoot a missile at them because that immediately stuns them and lets you use lethal strike.


Indie Lover
did anyone tried any trick to walljump a single wall? i tried, but i not skillful enough to know if it's possible, i know that if you go into morphball mode you can get back to the wall faster, but i not fast enough to tranform into ball before you get too far from the wall...
yep. I kinda found a way to do it, but only one time and it's a very slight height gain if any. What I did was get a full charge, wall jump, then shoot the charge shot, morph/unmorph, and spin back toward the wall. IIRC I was able to get back on the wall slightly higher than before, but it can't be chained because you slip off the wall while waiting for the next shot to charge, even with every Accel Charge. Don't think I actually got any height from it when I was trying to skip a puzzle in the Biosphere with it, so dunno. :/
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ajbolt89: 2010-09-03 12:14:32 pm
lol no way
Dude parax, I tried that last one for so long! Great job man, you're fantastic at those diagonal bomb jumps. Is there any advice you could give me? I know how the timing works, I just don't know really whether you're supposed to hold in the direction you're coming from or tap or what, nor do I know whether the timing's just the same as for the pseudo vertical bombjumps you can do. Setting it up too, do you just want to get some momentum and let go to be going straight, or do you just tap. Yeah.

On another note, I've noticed that just morphing right as you hit the sort of edge you won't fall off of is faster than spin-jumping off. Morphing and doing a springjump, then unmorphing also can be faster to get over the little things Samus won't automatically climb over.
Thanks... Yeah, it can be kind of tricky. Don't start moving until after you're airborne, otherwise the bomb will send you off at an angle. I mostly pretty much just hold the direction, might need to shift the direction you're holding or let go for a second though to avoid being sent off at an angle again.
Quote from Paraxade:
Personally I've found that the best strategy for half the enemies in the game is just to shoot a missile at them because that immediately stuns them and lets you use lethal strike.

Yeah, my trick is more for the weaker enemies towards the beginning of the game that can be taken out in one or two Overblast shots. (And is also useful for situations that are difficult to get into first person with for very long.)

But man, what is it with you and those diagonal bomb jumps?
Quote from Paraxade:
yep. I kinda found a way to do it, but only one time and it's a very slight height gain if any. What I did was get a full charge, wall jump, then shoot the charge shot, morph/unmorph, and spin back toward the wall. IIRC I was able to get back on the wall slightly higher than before, but it can't be chained because you slip off the wall while waiting for the next shot to charge, even with every Accel Charge. Don't think I actually got any height from it when I was trying to skip a puzzle in the Biosphere with it, so dunno. :/

The only use that is where you fight the armored worm in pyrosphere before going in the volcano. To reach it you need to have a space jump. But I don't know if it can be used as a speed trick and/or early missile tank without the space jump.
Forgot to mention this earlier, and I'd need to check it out for myself again anyway once I get back there.

I know in my first playthrough I was able to use a shinespark in the large sand room with the crane to skip using the grapple beam after I did the puzzle there. Is there enough room to shinespark up to the switch that turns off the hologram without spinning the crane around? I'm pretty positive that we won't have to spin it around the second time to get to the door if we shinespark up to it. (Depending on which way is faster)
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Forgot to mention this earlier, and I'd need to check it out for myself again anyway once I get back there.

I know in my first playthrough I was able to use a shinespark in the large sand room with the crane to skip using the grapple beam after I did the puzzle there. Is there enough room to shinespark up to the switch that turns off the hologram without spinning the crane around? I'm pretty positive that we won't have to spin it around the second time to get to the door if we shinespark up to it. (Depending on which way is faster)

I did it earlier today. Even with shinespark, there are invisible walls all around the railing except for that one area where you normally land after using the grapple. And I've only found one specific spot to do shinespark and barely make it. I'll probably make a video later.
The question is, is shinesparking up to the hologram projector AND the exit actually faster than just spinning the crane?

Remember, you'll have to build up 2 heads of steam to pull that off, and the run "away" from the exit so you have enough distance may not be worth it in the long run.

BUT, it could go well if it's possible to skip items. :P
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Prime Hunter: 2010-09-03 05:47:19 pm
Uh, grapple is one item that I don't think we can ever skip.
Need it to get inside the Queen and finish her off with a Power Bomb, remember?

And yeah, that's what I was asking about the crane and the shinesparks. I haven't gotten back to that room to check it out for myself yet.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I can also think of at least one instance where there's an invisible wall preventing you from crossing the gap unless you use grapple.

People need to focus less on skipping items and more on finding more badass shortcuts, because skipping items will go nowhere.
Indie Lover
the single walljump can help getting the missile in the room where you fight the first tree giraffe.

you can get the tank part in the second hologram room in SEC1 with a shinespark, and is faster than using the normal route.
Environmental Test Floor without grapple. After activating the hologram, the method for the 2nd trick seems to be the fastest as far as I can tell. It is kind of difficult though to get the timing right. Not sure if this is how Prime Hunter did it as well.

Oh wow, that's pretty cool with the shorter charge for the speed booster. But no, I haven't really played all day so I'm still not back there yet. On my first playthrough I just ran from the door towards the higher one and shinesparked up that way. (This was when I was going through the room later in the game, not the first time in.) Your method is much cooler and could actually be useful for skipping the crane part of the room.
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Tahngarthor: 2010-09-04 01:39:22 pm
Bangaa Bishop
This is useless/mostly useless and people may/may not already know, but Samus can speedbooster along roooms that curve or around circular shaped rooms and paths. basically anyplace where you can keep going by only pressing one direction on the d-pad.

Edit: Additionally, when returning to sector 3, after crossing the big lava bridge that's wrecked from your first visit, you'll encounter a miniboss again in the control room. Starting from one side, it's possible to engage the speedbooster and shinespark into the enemy. It damages him but I'm not sure if this is helpful in getting through faster or not.
That trick alone probably saves 3-5 minutes if you can do it reliably.  There are some other areas you can do it in as well that'd save some time.
Quote from Tahngarthor:
This is useless/mostly useless and people may/may not already know, but Samus can speedbooster along roooms that curve or around circular shaped rooms and paths. basically anyplace where you can keep going by only pressing one direction on the d-pad.

There's a few items where you're required to do that. :P