I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Since there isn't one, I'll make a speed tricks topic.
Even though they really aren't speed tricks, I have most of the solutions to some of the puzzles, except for the 2nd rotating colors puzzle in Sanctuary Fortress. I did write down what they start as though, and since it seems that the first one is always the same, I'd think the 2nd is the same as well.
Lower one:
Now if those x's mark the things you shoot, think of them like this:
for the 4-shot solution, simply go in this easy order:
a once
b once
c once
d once
In the Minigyro Chamber, you don't need to scan the red thing to find the combination if you know it already.
Emerald Amber (enter) Crimson Cobalt
The upper rotating colors puzzle's initial setup is
I was too sleepy when I tried figuring what the best solution was, so maybe we can find that out now.
Echo Visor + Annihilator Beam puzzles
Main Gyro Chamber; look right at the door. If the far left 'horn' is 1, the one across from the door is 2, and the 'horn' by the elevator is 3, the solution is 1322.
Sentinel's Path-Missile; same thing, look at the door and then going from left to right for 'horn' numbers, the solution is 3313.
Profane Path-Beam Ammo; same again, I think..but when I got over to the right a little one 'horn' was further to the right than an earlier one. I shot 3213 to open that one.
I also found a much quicker way to get the Energy Tank in Torvus Plaza. I didn't know I was going to do it, but I did record after doing the first step. It involves what I call the "stickyboost", a maneuver that does help you get through most spider ball tracks faster (especially the Power Bomb Guardian, its actually a fun fight doing it).
Anyway, my recording can show what else to do (just a Screw Attack to the Energy Tank), but what I did was went up the half pipe like normal, and after the initial 3? parts of track, you get to the part where there are a couple of single pieces of spider track. From the lower one, I messed up a stickyboost so I went out and upward.
But I didn't fall; I landed either ON that stupid flower badguy or on the thing it is stuck to, and I unmorphed, then killed the stupid thing and saw that the Energy Tank was just a Screw Attack away, handily skipping over probably 80% or more of the spider track in that room.
As for the "stickyboost", I'm not sure if other people do it, but I do all the time now to make spider track areas go by faster. What you do is say you are going along the track, and at the end of it it goes upward. Go to the end and go past the track, and you will be off the track but connected. Use your boost and you should propel, but stick to the wall. Doing this allows you to skip to the end of some parts of track very quickly, like for example the Sanctuary Entrance when going for the Power Bomb.
In that, you have to go along a track, then up to the top, and boost across to a second track, and then up it, and then boost across again to a 3rd track above the first. If you just do a stickyboost from the top of the 1st track, you'll go right up to the top of the 3rd track, saving time.
Here's a crappy drawing showing how it could be useful:

Ok, you start at 'start' (duh) and are going to the bomb slot. You can go along the track like normal, bombing, dropping, and reattaching, or you can stickyboost to get through it faster.
From point A, since the track is going to the right, you could stickyboost from A to C, E, or maybe even F!
From D, you could try a stickyboost to G. If G or H are going upward, then you could say screw bombing up and just do a stickyboost right into the bomb slot (one of the bomb slots in the Power Bomb Guardian's room is exactly like that).
So yeah, go long post..let's see what speedy things we have found, guys. :o
*Sticky added by TRH*
Even though they really aren't speed tricks, I have most of the solutions to some of the puzzles, except for the 2nd rotating colors puzzle in Sanctuary Fortress. I did write down what they start as though, and since it seems that the first one is always the same, I'd think the 2nd is the same as well.
Lower one:
Now if those x's mark the things you shoot, think of them like this:
for the 4-shot solution, simply go in this easy order:
a once
b once
c once
d once
In the Minigyro Chamber, you don't need to scan the red thing to find the combination if you know it already.
Emerald Amber (enter) Crimson Cobalt
The upper rotating colors puzzle's initial setup is
I was too sleepy when I tried figuring what the best solution was, so maybe we can find that out now.
Echo Visor + Annihilator Beam puzzles
Main Gyro Chamber; look right at the door. If the far left 'horn' is 1, the one across from the door is 2, and the 'horn' by the elevator is 3, the solution is 1322.
Sentinel's Path-Missile; same thing, look at the door and then going from left to right for 'horn' numbers, the solution is 3313.
Profane Path-Beam Ammo; same again, I think..but when I got over to the right a little one 'horn' was further to the right than an earlier one. I shot 3213 to open that one.
I also found a much quicker way to get the Energy Tank in Torvus Plaza. I didn't know I was going to do it, but I did record after doing the first step. It involves what I call the "stickyboost", a maneuver that does help you get through most spider ball tracks faster (especially the Power Bomb Guardian, its actually a fun fight doing it).
Anyway, my recording can show what else to do (just a Screw Attack to the Energy Tank), but what I did was went up the half pipe like normal, and after the initial 3? parts of track, you get to the part where there are a couple of single pieces of spider track. From the lower one, I messed up a stickyboost so I went out and upward.
But I didn't fall; I landed either ON that stupid flower badguy or on the thing it is stuck to, and I unmorphed, then killed the stupid thing and saw that the Energy Tank was just a Screw Attack away, handily skipping over probably 80% or more of the spider track in that room.
As for the "stickyboost", I'm not sure if other people do it, but I do all the time now to make spider track areas go by faster. What you do is say you are going along the track, and at the end of it it goes upward. Go to the end and go past the track, and you will be off the track but connected. Use your boost and you should propel, but stick to the wall. Doing this allows you to skip to the end of some parts of track very quickly, like for example the Sanctuary Entrance when going for the Power Bomb.
In that, you have to go along a track, then up to the top, and boost across to a second track, and then up it, and then boost across again to a 3rd track above the first. If you just do a stickyboost from the top of the 1st track, you'll go right up to the top of the 3rd track, saving time.
Here's a crappy drawing showing how it could be useful:

Ok, you start at 'start' (duh) and are going to the bomb slot. You can go along the track like normal, bombing, dropping, and reattaching, or you can stickyboost to get through it faster.
From point A, since the track is going to the right, you could stickyboost from A to C, E, or maybe even F!
From D, you could try a stickyboost to G. If G or H are going upward, then you could say screw bombing up and just do a stickyboost right into the bomb slot (one of the bomb slots in the Power Bomb Guardian's room is exactly like that).
So yeah, go long post..let's see what speedy things we have found, guys. :o
*Sticky added by TRH*
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