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Nate, if you're reading this, apply Paraxade's changes, though I might have to re-do some tricks in the process. Also added 2 new ones.

Phaaze tricks

Cavern Alpha


"Spring sj then screw attack from the nearest wall to land on the platform shown in the video."

Cavern Beta


"Perform a space jump as shown in the video, delaying the second jump as long as possible to avoid colliding with the ceiling."
Edit history:
vykan12: 2008-07-01 01:33:38 pm
Found a new trick in Hall of the Golems, can't believe no one's discovered this yet. Unfortunately, it conflicts with another method for getting the early burrows expansion, so this trick might not be used depending on the 100% route chosen.

Hall of the Golems


"Perform a sequence of 2 spring sjs in Hall of the Golems to reach Burrows faster."

Maybe this should become the new speed tricks topic, since the supertopic is dead and I'm actually finding new stuff (to my surprise lol).
The second SSJ is old, not sure about the first one.
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vykan12: 2008-07-01 01:49:25 pm
Edit: I'm an idiot.
You don't need to ssj to get to that grapple point, all you need to do is jump. :P
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vykan12: 2008-07-01 02:28:20 pm
Time to redeem myself then :)

Grand Court Path


"Spring sj and screw attack to the above ledge for a quick expansion."

Definitely saves time in a 100% route, at least if you're coming in from Grand Court.
That's Grand Court Path, not Gateway Entrance. Also you don't have Screw Attack by then though iirc it can be done without.
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vykan12: 2008-07-01 02:39:40 pm
Quote from Paraxade:
That's Grand Court Path, not Gateway Entrance. Also you don't have Screw Attack by then though iirc it can be done without.

Why wouldn't you have SA? You have to re-visit Bryyo eventually so you might as well do it when you have acquired all necessary items. I'm pretty sure you need the SA from my dozens of failed attempts without it, though 2 bj sj might work instead.

Also, I was cruising through Thorn Jungle Airdock and there's a ship missile expansion that's very inconveniently placed near turret #2. Of course, if you take the optimal route, you get stuck in turret room #2 thanks to the glitchy cutscene aftermath. So does this mean that the turret skip is pointless in 100%? Obviously you'd use the skip on your trip back because you have to lift that thingy that gets you the energy cell in another part of Bryyo.
Quote from vykan12:
Why wouldn't you have SA? You have to re-visit Bryyo eventually so you might as well do it when you have acquired all necessary items.

You only need to go through that room twice (once while going to get Grapple Swing and once on the way out), and it'd be faster to get it on one of those already necessary trips through.

I'm pretty sure you need the SA from my dozens of failed attempts without it, though 2 bj sj might work instead.

SSJ off the wall to the right and get a ghetto to make it up.

Also, I was cruising through Thorn Jungle Airdock and there's a ship missile expansion that's very inconveniently placed near turret #2. Of course, if you take the optimal route, you get stuck in turret room #2 thanks to the glitchy cutscene aftermath. So does this mean that the turret skip is pointless in 100%? Obviously you'd use the skip on your trip back because you have to lift that thingy that gets you the energy cell in another part of Bryyo.

No, you'd just trigger the cutscene before destroying the turret.
The problem is, Gateway has the E-tank and missile expansion to get on a re-visit while Grand Court has a missile expansion too, so you have to pass through that room a third time. I'll record the ghetto if Nate asks me though.

Time for a new trick that's probably known/useless or something.

Arrival Station 2


"After acquiring the arrival station energy tank and orb cannon-ing back, move to the right ledge and use a precise double jump to land on the lower platform."

Seems semi-obvious, but it's a lot harder than it looks.
You do have to return to Cliffside Bryyo, but you don't have to go back to Grand Court Path. >_>
You're likely going from Cliffside Bryyo to Federation outpost or vice versa to sweep through all the items, so I really can't see how Grand Court Path is being avoided.

Anyway, here's an old trick, I believe it's Kip's.

Chozo Observatory


"Spring sj off the boxes in the video onto the above platform, then spring and screw attack to the ledge across the room."
Because it's pretty out-of-the-way and there's absolutely nothing down that path that you can't get the first time through.
The Grand Court missile expansion is guarded by an ice door. You don't get that until beating Rundas, and the next time you have to go to Bryyo, you're taking a different path to reach Fed outpost.
The 100% route would use late grapple so you don't have to go down there until you have ice missiles already.
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vykan12: 2008-07-01 05:26:09 pm
Bleh you're right, so no SA. I'll do the ghetto eventually, as I'm still searching through each planet for tricks.

Metroid Creche


"After screw attacking up the platform, walk to the edge of the platform and screw attack into the spider track. If done correctly, you'll morph automatically, so hold Z to land on the spider track, skipping most of the puzzle leading to the Metroid Creche energy tank.

Notes: You'll want to do 3 screw attack "jumps". The timing has the first jump being fairly early, the second late and the third reasonably late as well."

Can't remember who found this one.
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logitechSDAZ: 2008-08-05 08:23:38 pm
About the speed trick in Zipline Station Delta that I posted in the super topic a long while ago...I'm not sure how feasible it is to use this trick.  On normal, you can obviously kill the aerotrooper very quickly, and this would still be a speed trick.  However, on hypermode difficulty, this might not end up being a speed trick at all since it takes longer to kill the aerotrooper.  And this trick is a pain in the ass to pull off, and probably harder if you are speedrunning.  Also, this trick would come toward the end of a segment...not a good place for a difficult speed trick to be.  I'm thinking maybe it should not be used at all. 
Quote from vykan12:
Can't remember who found this one.

I did. (sequence break topic page 56)
Unfortunately, I am not aware of other places where this trick is useful. I haven't looked too hard though.
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logitechSDAZ: 2008-08-03 03:06:40 pm
Bryyo Main Lift speed trick for 100%
k, they're up. i may have missed some because they weren't in the zip. let me know.
Pretty cool that this actually got onto the site :P Looking through, noticed that "metroid hatcher" should be in the boss section, not the speed tricks section. I also noticed the Gateway speed tricks were missing.
Anywhere, everywhere
One other thing is that you now have the "skipping energy cells" section (which is a better way to put it in imo), but you still have the "aurora energy cell skip" in other. Also, the three energy cells you list to be fastest have changed. It's faster to get the one in phazon quarry after nova beam when going over to destroy the defense system than the one in docking bay 5 on valhalla.
hm, didn't notice that. On that note, this should also be in the energy cell skip section.
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logitechSDAZ: 2008-08-03 04:27:52 pm
Ruined Shrine bsj speed trick
One other thing I noticed looking at the section is that Defense Access is written as one word and with a C.

Good to have a speed tricks section though.