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Hey, as some of you know I have completed an any% run in 1:02. I have been trying to polish up on the lats segment so that my time will be 1:01 and tied with the world record for any%. Well...I dont think that i can do it, BUT I found some usefull tricks to save a couple of seconds and here they are.

i saved at the save point right before the SA-X with :59 on the clock. I go through the rooms and come to the fight and pound the SA-X with point blank range shots and beat its first form with still :59 on the clock. Then i kill its second form with three shots(is there any way to do it in 2?) Next I kill the third and final form on the sweet spot and then go and activate the controls. after doing that I run left instead of right to get enough room to build up a boost and then run right and proceed to do a boost jump of of the top ledge in the room where you had the fight and land right next to the door. I go down the elevator and go through all of the rooms. until I get to the long straight hallway. I build up a boost and charge a shine as late as possible in the next room.

Here is a hard trick(at least for me) after you have store your shine, screw attack down the shaft. about 3 4ths down press up on the control pad(or shoot)to straighten yourself so that you fall just right of the platform with the kihunter on it(or atleast he used to be) this is the hard part: just before you touch the ground tap A and hold right so that you will do basically, a low-hight shinespark through the next room and into the right wall of the hanger. An alternate method of doing this is harder IMO but you might find it easier. drop the the bottom of the shaft just like above but instead of pressing a in the air, land and go under the platform where the kihunter used to be and do a regular low-hight shinespark. i have yet to do this method but i think it is possible. Anyway, just fight the omega metroid and win the game! I used these tricks but it still wasnt enough to get 1:01.

I am about 20 seconds away from doing it and it just so happens that the "cutscene" that shows the SA-X getting killed (again) takes exactly 21 seconds! :x  I hope that these tricks are helpfull to you guys in your videos(and everyone else). If someone has already discovered this stuff then sorry about this useless long post!
Thread title: 
One more thing. If someone finds a new speed trick please pst it here! Even if it only saves a few seconds.
Sess isn't exactly a speed runner...
Ready and willing.
But he does like goofy tricks.
I've always done this in my speed runs, although I never did the low height shinespark.  If you do a normal shinespark you will make it until the very end of the next room (the ceiling is too low for you to pass).  I assume a low height shinespark gets you through the entire room?
Quote from Xin:
Sess isn't exactly a speed runner...

Have you watched his 1%?  Looks like he's runnin' pretty fast to me.  :D
Quote from Kridly:
after doing that I run left instead of right to get enough room to build up a boost and then run right and proceed to do a boost jump of of the top ledge in the room where you had the fight and land right next to the door.

I don't think that's faster than just running to the door. I've compared times with both and running seems about 2/10 of a second faster.  :)

Quote from GameCube04:
I've always done this in my speed runs, although I never did the low height shinespark.  If you do a normal shinespark you will make it until the very end of the next room (the ceiling is too low for you to pass).  I assume a low height shinespark gets you through the entire room?

that's right.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from RoboBlob:
Quote from Xin:
Sess isn't exactly a speed runner...

Have you watched his 1%?  Looks like he's runnin' pretty fast to me.  :D

Speed is a side effect to showmanship in Sess's case. Not his main goal.
That just makes him all the more awesome.  Speaking of which, when is the next segment coming out?
When its done.
If anybody finds any little speed tricks that shave off a few seconds like the one that I posted, please put them here so that me and others will be able to get better times.
You can rest assured that that will happen.

Look here. They're vmu files and stuff though.
i apologize for the massive delay of my run. looks like i should have time to put into it today, tomorrow, saturday and sunday, and if it's not done by then, well, i just suck.

by watching my run you should be able to pinpoint many helpful tricks, but actually 90% of them come from sess's technical demo.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
He's about due for his next segment, no? Just the secret message and run through Sector 4...oh. Okay.... :?
Quote from JaggerG:
He's about due for his next segment, no? Just the secret message and run through Sector 4...oh. Okay.... :?

And here we are, six months later, and still it isn't done yet. I think he is finally working on it though :) . I was just looking through this topic, and I think it's funny. Six months ago, the record was 1:01. That was more than a year after fusion was released. Six months later, tons of new tricks have been found, and the any% record has been lowered by more than ten minutes. Isn't it strange, that the most progress in a  game, has taken place more than a year after it was released? With Prime, all of the SBing started about two months after release, and new things are still being found every now & then.  One more thing. The next time you update the site nate, can you give me credit on the escape shinespark? I just noticed that there is no "discovered by" thing for that trick, and my first post in this topic is about it so....yeah.
Quote from Kridly:
Isn't it strange, that the most progress in a  game, has taken place more than a year after it was released?

imho, fusion needed metroid 2002 to come into existence to really start having work done on it. i assume the reason nearly everything happens about the game here is because i showed such an interest in it from the beginning (it was the first metroid game i ever saw played at length, actually) and offered resources to anyone else who would show an interest in it, as well. also, my 1:03 run was done right after the game boy player came out, so that was kind of the start of fusion running that people could actually believe (0:43 claims on gamefaqs, anyone?). then, when i started hosting sess's 1% demo, that kind of sealed the deal. so yeah, i think fusion running was kind of delayed while we waited on the game boy player and the site. of course, zero mission was born into a world already equipped with game boy players and m2k2, so it didn't suffer from the same delay.

Quote from Kridly:
The next time you update the site nate, can you give me credit on the escape shinespark? I just noticed that there is no "discovered by" thing for that trick, and my first post in this topic is about it so....yeah.

Quote from njahnke:
also, my 1:03 run was done right after the game boy player came out, so that was kind of the start of fusion running that people could actually believe (0:43 claims on gamefaqs, anyone?).

Well, there was somebody who had done a 1:03 run before you even started speed running Fusion Wink

Although you recorded yours and I didn't  :(
very true. i still have the log of that aim chat where you told me what to look out for when i was starting that run. ;) but i think this kind of community thing exponentially increased the number of tricks found, thereby helping the time down to its current low. from 1:03/1:01 to 0:50/0:49 is a pretty drastic drop, especially in such a linear game, and i think being able to prove your time helped a lot of people really think seriously about working on fusion.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from Kridly:
Quote from JaggerG:
He's about due for his next segment, no? Just the secret message and run through Sector 4...oh. Okay.... :?

And here we are, six months later, and still it isn't done yet.

It's barely 5.5 months! I got your back, Sess! Wink

Oh yeah, anyways, one speed trick I've found is in TRO, between the bombs and the Hoppy Tree Boss. in that big room just before the blue room with red caps and rising pillars. When getting that missile, I find it saves at least a second to bomb the block, then bomb the floor above the missile tank, then roll back, jump up and bomb the exit block. Then I roll down, unmorph ASAP before the tank, short hop, climb, short hop, morph, and roll through. Although I find that half the time, I make it to the next room before the block reforms, and other times, it reforms as I morph. I still get through, but I'm pretty sure that I had pull the trick off the same way almost every time. I have no idea why it reforms at different times. :?