Jewyama's Contra III run was pretty good, too. But that was expected. Probably the worst run in the marathon was Halo, but that's 'cause that game sucks for speedrunning.
Fuck no. Have you watched stuff on High Speed Halo before? Half of the run on each level is like staying in one area and just battling waves of enemies coming at you.
back in the "good old days" (like 2003-2004) I was pretty good at it... I remember falling just one minute short of whatever the Zero Mission record at the time was. Came close with Fusion, too. I think I could be a good speedrunner if I tried, but I don't think I want to try!
Single-segmenting the GBA Metroid games is a good place to start. They're not all that hard. RPG runs are also pretty easy if you're good at keeping a lot of info in the back of your head.
and just think, then I would have been sitting there on that couch taking shit from that asshole computer, telling me where I can and can't go like he owns the fucking place.
The absolute shattering of Pokemon was pretty cool and the commentary actually explaining what this shit is that's happening (Castlevania had this too and was also cool) was really nice, but Yoshi's Island was pro as hell and super fun to watch because Trihex is really good at the game and just does ridiculous shit while also going crazy fast because he can. It was a lot of fun and Trihex is easily the best showman of anyone involved.
Several times during the marathon, last year's as well, I felt like I was kinda wasting my time watching these runs that are not likely to be better than what's on the site already and largely games I don't care about. Sometimes the runs would be kinda bad actually and you'd just have unfunny commentary alongside a speed runner who would clearly rather have everyone talking dead at the moment. With Yoshi's Island it didn't matter what happened because the player was clearly just having as much fun as possible and making the game as fun to watch as possible while also being really fucking good. Obviously not everyone can do that due to their games or personalities, and Yoshi's Island may not have been strictly speaking "the best one" but it was by far the most fun to watch and I have no interest in ever playing Yoshi's Island.
Admitedly I did miss like half of the runs because my router's power cable melted, but I still feel pretty safe in saying nothing else was that much fun.
I'd also appreciate suggestions for which runs are worth a watch. I caught what I could of the marathon, and having Mike read my name and message out for my donation was cool.
I caught a chunk of Arrow's SMG2 run. It was pretty cool, and I managed to see a number of small timesaving tricks. I caught AndrewG's Marble Madness, Excitebike, Mario 1, 1 Blindfolded (didn't work, so he sat facing the wrong way, wearing a Mario emblazoned jacket and a sombrero ), and Mario 2, as well as the end of Mario 3. He died on Bowser, and his face dropped because it was unexpected. He said "No, that was my fault. I got cocky." I caught part of the Pokemon Yellow run, and it was great. I've always been fond on the first generation anyway, but the commentary was exceptional, and makes a world of difference. I caught the Super Metroid run. This was probably one of the only ones I was a little disappointed with. There was next to zero commentary, and the run was average. I was gutted that I missed Jiano's SM64 run. From everything I read in the chat, it was fantastic. I caught Sonic 2, which was a great watch, mainly because it was glitch central. I caught all of Streets of Rage 2, which was apretty good run, with a really good / lucky Level 7 lift section. Also, Shiva's manipulation was (as always) very funny. I caught part of Ark's Uncharted 2 run, but it was just as he got to the "unh, I hate this chapter" part. I witnessed his deaths on the bridge, and then his miraculous survival with a grey screen, in the middle of about five people, and them all missing him. I caught the part when they hit their first goal of $25,000, with one guy giving $1,000 with a message just saying "$25,000 *snipe*". I also caught the very end, when everybody in the room had a massive group hug. Awww...