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Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, sorry.  I didn't catch more than about five minutes.  It was one of those 'I have five minutes before getting ready to go out.  What can I do?' moments, so I flicked on, and saw that.  Your groan / sigh / sink into the couch was great. laugh new
One shall stand, one shall ball.
The Funkdoc's Castlevania runs will definitely be worth watching once they're up. He's crazy good at those games.
When (and where) can we expect to see the recorded runs?
whenever i finish combining and syncing the commentary and game streams.

where: http://speeddemosarchive.com/marathon/schedule/
Edit history:
ryu: 2011-01-12 12:11:55 pm
didn't you say after having synched last marathon's videos, that you'd never do it again?
it won't be quite like last time. at least that's what i'm telling myself at this stage.
Club 27 Goals
nate you should definitely make a "best of" collaboration with all the best moments of the runs <3
that's u.anchor's job. he did it last year too.
I forgot, was UA the one who did the "sleep cams" and stuff, or was that someone else?
have to ask him - i'm not sure.
BTW are you part of the small group of SDAers going to MAGfest or are you going home like most of them?
i'm already home.
Oh... Well then... That explains everything... aiwebs_014
fuck magfest.
Quote from BioSpark:
oh fuck yeah i'd go if you went poision. you're definitely cooler than those sda fags. oops i said that.

Curious about this.  Obviously you want it to be read so I have no problem commenting on it.  Sorry if you didn't like the people or if anybody was rude to you.  I found everyone to be pretty cool/fun and more laid back than what I'd heard.

Quote from ryu:
lol, so is trihex the guy who was supposedly 14-16?

Pretty sure Trihex is 21.  Not sure atm who you could be talking about.  He's in the m2k2 pic in this thead.
gyrotechnic lollipop
Quote from arkarian:
it was p. fun ... not sure if i'll go next year but maybe. depends on who from m2k2 comes. ;)

red chamber dream
Edit history:
ryu: 2011-01-14 03:42:44 am
Quote from ryu:
lol, so is trihex the guy who was supposedly 14-16?

Pretty sure Trihex is 21.  Not sure atm who you could be talking about.  He's in the m2k2 pic in this thead.

yeah. he looks like 14 even in there unless you lookat it in full size.
gyrotechnic lollipop
he does not look 14
yeah ryu jeez
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Yeah Flip, Biospark has been around Ark for TOO long.  He has Ark's sharp tongue.  I had fun with Metroid Prime 2 Multiplayer, oh yeah!
whoever came up with that idea is a genius. some random person in the chat iirc. we didn't get to do it on the bonus stream so they were probably disappointed but oh well. at least we had a good time tearing it up in the best multiplayer ever made.
red chamber dream
sort of interesting that that's the first multiplayer game i've played in probably several years. lol.
gyrotechnic lollipop
samus ga yottsu
gyrotechnic lollipop
oi koraaaa nihongo shabennayo, kore wa eigo no sure da