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ok, so for years now i have played classics like zero mission and super metroid, and the one upgrade that i could never master was the speed booster.
i have seen in speed rn vids and such people speed boosting like made, stopping mid-dash and turning around and stuff.
for the life of me, i cant find anywhere that amply explains how to master the speed booster. can anyone provide me with a FAQ or just a straight up guide to speed booster? it's really been annoying and would be much appreciated.

and you guys seem like you know the most about metroid.
Thread title: 
hmm sorry about the double post and out-of-order topic creation, should have gone to "I need help"...
umm... but while this isn't locked yet, i dont wanna go there cuz it doesnt seem to be frequented much, this is kinda front page and will be seen. sorry mods, new here.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Most people looking for the controls or 100%ing tips look up the games on GameFAQs first. I'm not exactly gonna demand you do so for every question ever, but as much as its forums are bashed for their community, it actually does have pretty good resources.

Also for future reference, you can simply edit your previous post. Double posting causes a bit of unnecessary clutter, and is against our forum policies. I'm not gonna punch you in the face over it or anything, but be sure to go over the Rules and Policies thread. There tend to be slight differences in policies in different communities.