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Well I can still use my original SNES

BUT ALSO my PS3 from whenever RE5 released still works well so let's call it a tie
The only console I ever had break on me was the wii.  We have 3 of them.  1 wasn't having any video output, and I had to have it repaired.  1 had the original wii disc drive that also played gc games, and the disc drive died.  Nintendo can't replace that drive with one that plays gc games so there's no point in having it fixed. 

My older consoles all still work, including the handhelds. 

My sweetie's Scorpio had to be sent in for repairs a few days ago. He inserted a disc and the system doesn't recognize that there's a disc in the drive.  Since it won't recognize that there's a disc in the drive, the eject won't work.  Xbox is fucking shit.  This is like the 3rd one that screwed him over in the few short years he's been playing.  I've never bothered to buy any sort of xbox.
I mean the Xbox is just a PS4 with no exclusives, why would you even have one

The only faulty console stuff I ever had was my first japanese DS lite, which had the common structural issue where the top screen just falls off. Lasted a couple years though

And the other one is that my Switch came with JoyCons that only have a range of about 1m before they no longer work lol. I didn't bother returning it because I don't intend to use them anyway
I have played my sweetie's xbox before.  It was the first console I played dark souls on, but I can't remember why I opted for xbox.  Maybe PS didn't have it in their store?
I also played cuphead and ori and the blind forest on it.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Now that it isn't a thousand degrees and I can think about things other than killing the sun I was able to get back into some Bloodborne. Took out Cleric Beast Part 2, kind of a meh fight.

I, um, don't know how I feel about Orphan of Kos. I got him after a good while but, like, I don't know. He seemed like a bit much. Unlike the Ringed City bosses he felt like he had reasonable HP to go with his probably too much damage. I got caught in combos a few times because all his whipping around made the camera get fucky and I ended up right in his path because the camera flipping around and sending my dodge back into his path which was pretty irritating when I all but had the kill and oops going the wrong way now. And, like, not every attack needs to be a fuckin 360 eat shit combo fuck, From. It's annoying.

On the plus side he was a pretty easy stagger, two hits from Ludwig's greatsword form would get him even after a fair gap between hits which was nice for getting a second to heal, or get an extra hit, or just breathe for once.

It's weird. It's a fight that toes the line between fair and unfair super hard and I'm just not sure where it landed yet.

It's just finishing up the main game left now. I know there's a boss at the top of Mensis to deal with before triggering the endgame phase which will probably be a joke now lol. And there's still Chalice Dungeons but I don't know if I care about those, wasn't super impressed by the first two.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Also the giant fish fuckers with anchors are still absolute trash.
Dood Trigger™
There's the occasional interesting boss in the Chalice Dungeons like the Watchdog, but eh. It is what it is. You probably already got the experience these dungeons had to offer. If you don't care about completion, you won't really miss out.

Unless you wanna check out the random ones, but it won't be that much different from... playing the fixed ones for the first time.

I think it's good to have a late-ish CD open for the NG+ cycles though. Great blood farming spots. One 5-minute run through a Depth 5 and you'll never run out of vials again.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Da Dood:
You probably already got the experience these dungeons had to offer. If you don't care about completion, you won't really miss out.

Yeah, that's kinda what I'm feeling. I think maybe if it wasn't a Souls type game and more of a loot game I'd be more receptive to them, they feel kind of weird here. The Blood Gems system doesn't really excite me for kind of the same reason and more gems seems to be the major reward from dungeon dives.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Oh also, how are you supposed to dodge Orphans's lightning attack? It just sort of missed once, and I thought I found a gap another time but a second wave popped up in that gap pretty much immediately and zapped me anyway. I never figured it out.
If you take the fight way out into the ocean the lightning doesn't reach there, that's the only solution I know

Also you'll need to collect a couple items before the end if you want to fight all bosses / the best ending

As for Chalices, you'll crush the boring ones now and some of the later ones have unique environments, enemies and bosses
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Serris:
If you take the fight way out into the ocean the lightning doesn't reach there, that's the only solution I know

That seems like the worst place to stand when lightning is happening! Also, I avoided the water like the plague because I thought I drown. huh.
You can run way out but there's an invisible wall so you can't fall off. So technically Orphan is an improved version of the Hydra fight.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Mergo's Wet Nurse is an extremely whatever boss with an annoying phase 2 gimmick with the clone that spawns when he attacks or whatever was going on. Which is a prefect dumb Nightmare of Mensis boss thing to do so whatever.

Gehrman sucks because the shitty uneven terrain makes dodging get fucky and all of his attacks in Scythe mode start up exactly the same and have huge reach and allow for instant 360 fuck yous because why would dodging be useful in this game where dodging is all you do. And toward the end of the fight he becomes unstaggerable and so you're stuck dodging for an hour and hoping this stupid infinite combo isn't one of the eight that end with him jumping a mile away. Also he can I guess just parry you whenever he feels like because fuck it why not rules are for dipshits.

Moon Presence was kind of a joke? It did some goof ass thing that just knocked me down to 1 HP one time but that was kind of it.

So overall, Bloodborne's good, but like Dark Souls it just super falls off toward the end. Just goes directly to shit at Mensis. It's a game with a lot of cools stuff and ideas and also just astoundingly bad design in places. Yahargul is a shit show. Frenzy is just a broken ass mechanic making the Giant Brain Guys a waste of a cool ass monster design. NPC Hunters are just an enormous pain in the ass and From seemed convinced that they were what we were all here for and threw them goddamned everywhere and based the early part of the DLC on that somehow. Dealing with them is just miserable. And the Giants with Anchors from the last DLC area are just a disaster. Chalice Dungeons are boring. Parries and Healing tied wholly to consumables is just baffling.

I like the faster combat most of the time. They integrated the Souls style into it as well as it could be. There are times where the commitment to actions and stamina bar feel real bad. Mostly against other hunters, who don't give a shit about stamina or bullets. Occasionally against some bosses like Gehrman that can gain infinite poise and attack forever. The rally mechanic is nice early on but later things either do too much damage, are too fast, or hit too many times consecutively for it to matter.  Early on it was great for poising through attacks and hitting back to recover the damage and let you sustain exploration. Later it just feels useless. Maybe if you really slam gems that boost rally it might actually work later. Blood Gems are also a thing that seem poorly thought out, randomized loot is not a super great fit in this game, and the only ones that seem useful are damage boosters.

But for all that, I enjoyed it. I'd like to try Arcane or Bloodtinge focused builds but those sort of feel like fake stats for most of the game. It's weird. So many weird decisions in Bloodborne.
Edit history:
Da Dood: 2018-07-20 08:26:37 am
Dood Trigger™
Quote from tbob:
his attacks start up exactly the same and have huge reach and allow for instant 360 fuck yous because why would dodging be useful in this game
And toward the end he becomes unstaggerable and so you're stuck dodging for an hour and hoping this stupid infinite combo isn't one of the eight that end with him jumping a mile away.

Is this finally happening tbob? Are we seeing Dark Souls 2 eye to eye? 'Cause that's how all of DS2 plays to me. Haha.

I'm just messing. Most of those are fair complaints I think. I really enjoyed the dodge/parry gameplay, and I guess I was enough of a tank that those bosses didn't bother me (I actually felt bad because my general strategy vs. Gehrman was to hit and heal like an easy turn based RPG... I never got to learn his patterns).

My biggest issue with BB is how linear the route is. Like, you can take a lot of detours, find side areas, backtrack and all, but the actual mandatory route from Iosefka to Wet Nurse is a point A to B to C straight line. And my favorite thing about Souls games is how open the route is. Even Demon's Souls which basically laid out the worlds like a Mega Man game gave you more route options than BB. I was having the same issue with DS3 before my PS4 went into hibernation.

But I think for a more action-y game, Bloodborne is excellent. Learning the Visceral stuff is so addicting. There are things you can do to mitigate some of your problems as well (certain rune combinations make rallying quite OP even at the end).
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Da Dood:
Is this finally happening tbob? Are we seeing Dark Souls 2 eye to eye? 'Cause that's how all of DS2 plays to me. Haha.

Hahaha yeah you're not entirely wrong there. It just bugs me more in Bloodborne since my responses are more limited, I think.

But yeah I used 19 Blood vials in my win against Gehrman because his scythe attacks are just totally indecipherable to me. lol

And yeah I didn't experiment much with Runes, I just stuck with the one that makes Visceral Attacks restore HP the one that gives more Echoes from kills and one other one I don't remember that probably didn't do anything useful. One of the Frenzy resist boosts probably. They are like the rings from Souls but you have to go through a loading screen to change them and another to test them out.
Dood Trigger™
Quote from tomatobob:
They are like the rings from Souls but you have to go through a loading screen to change them and another to test them out.

This really sucks about BB :\ People like the cozy hub area but that doesn't mean everything should *only* happen there...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Yeah, basically. I'm one of those people that likes the hub areas but having to go back and repair weapons and essentially put on different rings was a bit much. It's just fiddly stuff that Dark Souls solved, then double solved by making bonfires repair your shit.
BB is the best Souls game ... in every aspect that's not related to gameplay. It's almost like they were in the mindset of starting over from scratch so much that they in many ways failed to incorporate what they'd learned since DeS. The fast pace is at odds with awkward things like 8-directional lockon dodging and not being able to roll out of a sprint, the dumb healing system always makes you afraid of having to farm, discouraging experimentation and aggressive risk-taking, which the game was supposed to be all about, and the linearity and lack of build variety really hurt its replay value.  DS2 had already solved all of these things, and if your argument is that's because Miyazaki was wearing blinders during the entire development process, not even bothering to look at DS2 once, that's not exactly a great defense.
WTF is this? https://www.ebay.com/i/153123905884?ul_noapp=true

Dark Souls 1-3 for PS3?  Huh?
Edit history:
ryu: 2018-08-09 07:29:10 am
Empty Replacement Case!

pretty sure it's a custom made inlay art. the backside has ubisoft's logo
So it's not an actual replacement case, it's a fake case.  I wonder if the seller even knows.
Dood Trigger™
Took less than a day to get to where I was in Dark Souls 3. Farron Keep and Cathedral of the Deep are done.

My new character is similar to the other one, maybe a bit more powerful because I took some time to farm Lothric Knights. Initially I just wanted a Lothric Knight Shield, but they drop decent souls for early game, so I decided to get a few extra level ups from them.

Battle Axe+3 was my weapon until I found trusty ol' Zwei. I really like the Battle Axe moves and the power buff. I wonder if there's a better axe with similar properties.

Got 3 new places available, I think: Catacombs, Painted World (DLC, right?), and Irithryll... if I can find it. This is exactly where I left the game before, same bosses beaten, same areas explored. If nothing terrible happens *knock on wood* I'll continue tomorrow.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Axes have generally the same moveset and most have the same special as the Battle Axe, with added modifiers here and there. There's a couple good ones you can find later that you might like. There's one that I like a  lot that adds a shield piercing effect to Warcry.

I mean if really just have to give up the King of Swords. :v
Dood Trigger™
Thanks, tbob!

Cleared the Catacombs. It was okay as far as obligatory Indiana Jones-esque trap-filled Souls areas go. I assume there's a gimmick to the invincible skeletons, but I just ran to the exit. High Lord Bongo Bongo was pretty easy. So that's how you find Irithyll, huh, by... beating the one available area. This game is so linear, haha.

I have 9 Estus chugs and it's upgraded to +3. I wonder if it could've been much higher at this point. Also, the sorcerer guy died (he gave me 3 "free" curse-accumulated level ups). Is there a Yurt roaming Firelink or is his death part of his journey? Maybe I should've healed the Dark Sigil? It's so expensive, though!
Edit history:
tomatobob: 2018-08-20 07:18:05 am
tomatobob: 2018-08-20 07:17:48 am
One shall stand, one shall ball.
There's a little more to the Catacombs, more specifically more to the bridge leading to Bongo Bongo's room, you should give it a look if you're hurting for optional areas. It's not as good as Irithyll but it's got useful loot you might want before diving into Irithyll properly.

Don't know about invincible skeletons though, some of them have one free revive, some don't. A Blessed Weapon kills em dead the first time.

That guy dies after you reach Irithyll or if you get five levels out of him, whichever comes first. You'll miss out on an ending option for not getting all five levels but that's it really. A few items also I guess. You can heal the Dark Sigil now if you want, it's role is tied to a large sort of complicated questline that starts with getting those five levels. If no one showed up to take his place down there that questline's done for this playthrough. You can also leave it alone. The effect is entirely cosmetic at this point. It gets more expensive to heal as you level up so probably don't worry about it, just wear a helmet. Razz