I do still have one gesture to get as well. It's the proper bow. You have to kill phantom yellowfinger heysel when she invades, then put out all the braziers in the swamp, then give a pale tongue to rosaria, then summon heysel at her sign in the swamp. No wonder I never got it before. Who comes up with this crap?
In the other games I got all the gestures and I don't remember ever having to do anything so unusual that there's only a 1% chance of anyone actually doing it on accident. It's just bizarre that they would think that people would do things like this unless they had a guide or were otherwise told that that's what they were supposed to do.
I'm playing offline for the rest of the playthrough. The invaders take up more time than the actual game and they just....keep....coming. As soon as it says I've been invaded I have to stop what I'm doing and find a place free of enemies and wait and wait until some douchebag shows up that I hack down to .00000001% of their health and then they drink estus, repeat 15 times, then I kill them when they finally run out and by that time I can't even remember wtf I was doing before they showed. By the time I remember, here comes another one. Just stay out of my game! Ugh!
I wish there was just some item you could use to keep them out and still enjoy the other online features. Sure, I can not be embered but as soon as I kill a boss, it embers me whether I like it or not. I have used like 2 embers in my entire 200+ hour file. I have no use for them or for being embered.
Sure, but I shouldn't have to do that. They totally force that part of the game on you and it's a major flaw imho. It wouldn't have been hard at all for them to add a way for someone to play online and not have their world open for douchebags to come in uninvited and bug the shit out of you.
I don't know, I generally don't like multiplayer stuff, but invasions never bothered me. Like I don't actively participate, but I get an invader now and then and they usually kick my ass and it's fine?
To be fair with the Heysel thing, I'm pretty sure most people do Cathedral before Farron anyway, if only because they nope back up the ladder once they see poison swamp. It's not out of the question that someone would go there, join that covenant and summon Heysel and finding the gesture by accident.
The thing that's the most unnatural for me is that I never would have looked for that summon sign because I played through the series without considering summons the first couple of times, and even if I did feel I needed to summon someone to assist with abyss watchers then I would be starting from the bonfire nearest them, not way back in the swamp. And I would have never thought it would give me something from summoning them.
I'm having a weird problem with the deacons on NG++. I keep getting cursed. I didn't even know curse was a factor in this fight, but once my curse meter starts growing it just doesn't stop even if I run as far away from them all as possible. WTF
A bunch of dudes start casting a big spell together occasionally, if you don't interrupt/kill at least one of them it goes off after a while and insta curses you
They have a bunch of stuff most people don't see since they die so fast on NG
I tried using vow of silence and for some reason it doesn't let you use it at all once you've gotten to a certain point in the fight. I know it would also prevent me from using magic, but once it wears off it doesn't let me use it again, strangely.
I ended up just equipping the highest curse resistant armor. Each piece was from a different set, but it still looked nice.
In the catacombs now. I kind of hate the rest of the game up until Lothric Castle. I know I can go there now but there are rings I have to get on my current path.