I just died on my first try at darklurker. I got so close! he had less than 1/10th of his health left and I got instant-killed by a laser thingy. It was the first and only time I'd taken damage in the fight.
Now watch, I'm going to fight him over and over for the rest of the evening and not get anywhere near that close. That's how it goes. I'd put my money on my next 10 attempts end with zero damage on the boss.
I had all the souls from the first two dark chasms of old plus at least four runs of the current one in a bloodstain near the abyss to darklurker, and I fell in a damn hole near the beginning. For real.
I keep dying at the very end. What ends up killing me is that the two darklurkers take opposite sides of the room and stay that way. I keep running around hoping to find an opening to hit one of them, but it's impossible to see them both and I end up dying with one hit. But when I watch vids, they get the two darklurkers to stay together but never say how they do it. HOW?!?!?!?!?!
Well at the very least I'd switch a quartz ring for Flynn's and switch to Gold Pine Resin. Respeccing to quality/faith with Sunlight Blade would help even more. He's got so little HP on NG that you can negate a lot of opportunities to die by just killing him faster, especially if you manage to get a couple double hits in while he's splitting.
I don't know what you're watching, but I don't know of any way to "make" them stay together. Keep in mind you're watching someone's recording of when they were successful, you're not seeing their prior attempts where they maybe didn't get lucky with boss positioning.
I don't have any gold pine resin :( In fact, I now don't have any resin of any kind. Or humanity. I went through all 30+ of them. All deaths were when he had almost no health left - all because I get hit by the one I can't see after running around forever dodging and finally deciding to try to take a swing and BAM - dead.
After more than 30 tries I still haven't had a fight where they stay together, so naturally I assumed that they were doing something to make that happen. Mine separate and take opposite sides of the room and pretty much stay like that. I've tried waiting it out by dodging for a long time but they never come back together. A couple of times they got close but just separated again. I can see them both sometimes If I stay very far away, but then I have no way to damage them.
Quote from Serris:
Unless you're really having trouble with the dark attacks, I'd go for more damage
Do you mean increase my damage offense or increase my physical damage defense?
I'm basically an expert at dodging their attacks at this point. Trouble is, there's never a moment where I can stop dodging and live to tell about it. I could probably go an hour if I just never tried to attack one of them.
Well at the very least I'd switch a quartz ring for Flynn's and switch to Gold Pine Resin. Respeccing to quality/faith with Sunlight Blade would help even more.
If I was going to respec, wouldn't I go for caster? That seems to be the only reason to respec period.
I'll try flynn's. I've never worn it before because I thought it only helped if you removed all your armor. I might as well since I die with one hit regardless.