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One shall stand, one shall ball.
Went ahead and finished up my STR/FTH character. My extreme lack of experience with bosses that require a dead Pontiff showed pretty hard with the Twin Princes, any adjustments I made to deal with the teleport bullshit was long since forgotten but I managed after a few tries. I think Midir might be a better boss than Twin Princes, that teleporty shit is real annoying.

I think I confused the Soul of Cinder he didn't change movesets until just before the swing that I kicked him into phase 2 landed, is that stuff time based? Second phase still fucks with me, largely due to inexperience I think, I don't know his attack patterns at all. Still went down fairly quickly.

I really liked this character! I never spent much time with Faith builds in the previous games, gave it a try a couple times in DS2 but it never really went much differently from my typical STR/DEX builds aside from not having a good weapon buff spell. In this game the various regen abilities plus the variety of weapon buffs available let me mess around with a bunch more stuff that ended up being fairly useful and cool.
I swear to fucking god that cutting off seath's tail is the hardest thing in the entire souls series.  I'm on attempt 8 now.  I end up committing suicide before he dies so I can just keep trying.  I hit him on the very tip of his tail, just like the wiki says to, over and over and over - nothing happens except his health goes down.  Why!?!?!?!?!?
You seem to do that every playthrough. Do you just really like MLGS? There's probably some video guides on making it easy somewhere
The video guides are no help because they're doing exactly the same thing I'm doing.  It's a tail.  You cut it.  In the video, it works.  In my game, it doesn't.  It's so frustrating. 
I;ve never even used that stupid sword because I never level INT.  I just want it because if I don't get it, I'll end up wishing I did.

Here we go with try #10
There are 3 videos of people cutting off the tail, and they're all full of comments from people just like me - wondering why the hell it doesn't work in their game.  There's either a bug, or some stupid trick like it only works when you're wearing a certain combo of rings or some stupid crap like that and the people who know the trick get off on not sharing it and watching everyone else go crazy.
I don't think keeping something like that secret works on the internet

The couple times I did it the tail just came off after taking 2-3 Soul Spears

Maybe it's the game telling people not to do it unless you have a use for it!
Failed again.  This is seriously THE HARDEST thing in the series.  What is the trick?  There has to be one.
It's actually a requirement for a trophy, so the trophy would only go to casters if you had to level up your INT real high just to get it. 
One shall stand, one shall ball.
There's no trick. It's just hard.
Magic is the best endgame build so it's a good idea to use it for a 100% character
Quote from tomatobob:
There's no trick. It's just hard.

I don't get what the hard part about it is.  You cut his tail.  And it has to be on the end.  That's what I'm doing.  What is the hard part, or another way to ask is: what am I missing?  What is the elusive factor that is not being included in the instructions: 'cut the end of his tail'?
More damage per hit might help? What are you using?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Opium:
I don't get what the hard part about it is.  You cut his tail.  And it has to be on the end.  That's what I'm doing.

The hard part is that it's finicky as hell. Far as I can tell it either works or it doesn't, no magic to it. It's just an asshole.
gargoyle halberd +14
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Opium:
I don't get what the hard part about it is.  You cut his tail.  And it has to be on the end.  That's what I'm doing.

The hard part is that it's finicky as hell. Far as I can tell it either works or it doesn't, no magic to it. It's just an asshole.

So luck is a big factor then.  I wouldn't use the word 'hard' then because it implies that you can get better at it, but what do I know. 

I only got it one time before and it was a total fluke.
I did it!  I added gold pine resin to my weapon this time.
wth.  I bought all of logan's spells.  I spoke to him a couple of times and all he did was mumble.  I homewarded back to the bonfire, went up to seath's room, and he's not there.  There's just a chest.  Please god don't tell me something's wrong and it was all for nothing.
When in doubt, warp to Firelink or wherever and back a couple times. These triggers are often finnicky.
I figured it out.  I have to buy all of the sorceries he sells - even if I already own some of them.  That's stupid. 

So I got the Wisdom of a Sage trophy :) 
Well yeah, all of his spells. Though it's weird that he started mumbling if you hadn't bought everything at that point.
he just said mmm.mmm then mumbled a bunch of inaudible stuff.  This was when there were still things in inventory, but I had bought them elsewhere.  Then when I cleaned out his inventory, he spoke again, but this time he was mean. 
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Serris:
Though it's weird that he started mumbling if you hadn't bought everything at that point.

Nah that's normal after you buy a fair amount of his stuff, or kill Seathe, or just talk to him a few time. I don't remember the exact trigger for the mumbling but I've definitely had him at that point before buying him out a few times, myself.
Oh ok, guess I just bought everything at once every time so I missed all that dialogue
So much for getting a slab from siegward.  I jumped into the pit to help him and everything I was carrying was broken within seconds.  Then I heard siegward die a second later, then I died.  I never landed a single hit on any of them.  Funny thing is, I've never been killed by any of those things before. I don't even think I've taken damage from one before.  I had no idea they could break your equipment and I had no idea they could hurt you so bad.  It's funny how you can play a part in this game 10 times, but then the 11th time it's like a different game all of the sudden.
the only time i managed to clear that part of the sidequest was when i killed all but one of these things with bow and arrow before even talking to siegward