I used to hate the cave but I think it's ok now. It's actually a very small area that you can run through in a minute once you realize where the invisble crystals are.
I used to hate the cave but I think it's ok now. It's actually a very small area that you can run through in a minute once you realize where the invisble crystals are.
Yeah the one positive is you can, once you know what you're doing, just run through it like any other Dark Souls zone. But you can still find yourself in geometry hell because whoops you touched the wrong side of that crystal. Or you could be playing a Sorcerer and really want that Blue Slab.
Quote from Serris:
I'm pretty sure Seathe only showed up in the Archive first so he can say he was technically part of a good area
He put his invici-crystal in the Cave just to piss you off. He ain't dumb!
Fuck blighttown. There's a spot where you cross a branch to get to the sealer set. For some inexplicable reason, if you try to cross back over on the branch you slip right off of it and die. It's like you can only walk on it in one direction. I've died four times trying to get back across it. I keep going back because I have 14 humanity and 30K souls over there. Why can you walk across it going one way and not the other? You take one step onto it going the other direction and immediately slip off like it's not even something you can step on. I'm going to go back one more time and then just homeward bone all the way back to Firelink. Bullshit.
When I fall, I'm walking carefully. I spring coming the other way and it's fine. Hell, I've had plenty of practice going that way on the branch now.
I ended getting the souls back one more time and then just homeward boning out of there.
Then I kindled, killed maneater mildred, and got my awesome great club. Also grabbed chloranthy. Farmed a few lrg t shards, then some invader with a quelaag fire sword shows up and kills me instantly.
Quelaag is completely kicking my ass this time around. The slam attack is an instant-death for me, and hard to avoid. My most powerful weapon does hardly any damage, so the fight drags on and on and on. Eventually she does that attack and it's just over at that point. Funny, I don't recall ever having a hard time with this boss.
I killed her right after bitching, which is usually what happens.
But then I get all the way up to Valley of Drakes and realize I never rang the damn bell. So then I start going back down to ring it, and die falling. As I'm falling I realize that I could have just homeward boned to the chaos servant bonfire. Bloody hell.
I'm so sick of being invaded constantly! I only become human when I want to kindle, and I get invaded instantly. One time it happened so fast that it turned off the bonfire I was sitting at before I could even select kindle after reversing hollowing. I just let them kill me, but it's so damn irritating to have to wait for them, or when they refuse to kill me when they realize I'm not going to fight back. I can just kill myself if there's a place to jump down from but there often isn't.
It's the worst part about this game. The reason I don't fight them in DS1 is because they all magically teleport from 6 feet in front of me to right behind me and do a backstab, and 90% of the time it's an instant kill because they all have weapons that are 5x stronger than my strongest one, and it's too frustrating to actually try to fight them. I would pay 1M souls for an item that just made invaders stay the fuck away.
I'm trying to kill O&S now. For some reason, the hardest part for me is the sentinels in the room before O&S. They kill me 4 out of 5 times I even try to get to the boss. I never had an issue with them before, so there's something I'm doing wrong and I think it has to do with dodge direction. I just completely suck at dodging in this game now but I never used to before. It's like I got used to doing it differently in DS3, and now in DS1 it just feels impossible to dodge in the direction I want to dodge in. I wish I could just run past them but the odds are even worse doing it that way because they're an instant-kill hit with those big axes.
So far with O&S I can kill Smough but the lightning aeo from ornstein gets me every time. It's another instant-death, despite my highest lightning protection. I move further away each time, but the aoe appears to be huge. It surprises me how far away I am when it kills me each time.