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Use \ before commas in usernames
Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-09-21 07:59:24 pm
As you probably know from most of my posts, I tend to try to break character limits. That being said, I'd done the same with my sig, and noticed something funny. Whenever I try to go to 500 characters, and change profile, the last 4 characters get chopped off, leaving a limit instead of only 496 characters. I know this isn't a high priority issue, but I'm sure it's something the admins'd like to know. Any reasons behind why this happens?

See my sig below, which is missing a quotation mark at the very end because it gets chopped off. It annoys me greatly. Like fingernails (or a plastic fork, like my Psychology teacher used) on a chalkboard to Type A Personality people. aiwebs_001

EDIT: Read last post. And thanks again, Jerry9!
Thread title: 
I don't think you really need that first line in your signature anyway.
It's about as necessary as your comment was on-topic.

But seriously, try it out for yourself and see. The 500 character limit is a lie! It's 4 characters off, I tell you! And my sig has to stay the way I wrote it until my query gains a worthy reply, just for example.
Edit history:
Gamma_Metroid: 2008-09-21 05:14:12 pm
Quote from Zhs2:
It's about as necessary as your comment was on-topic.

My post was quite on topic, I was talking about signatures and their length, as was your first post.

EDIT: I just checked, and it was only three characters off.
red chamber dream
Okay, so there's a 496 character limit, then.
Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-09-21 07:41:01 pm
*sigh* :(

But do you think someone could make it less confusing? Or disappointing?
No. Stop trying to break character limits.
>.< Geez. Nobody understands... Then again, I don't expect them to.

Just so everybody knows, there's a 496/497-character limit on Sigs like Mr. Ark said, not 500 characters. The forum lies! It's a conspiracy!
not evil,just hungry
Don't returns count as 2 characters?
Quote from Jerry9:
Don't returns count as 2 characters?

No, returns count as only one character.  Also, nice sig.
Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-09-21 08:00:42 pm
Quote from Jerry9:
Don't returns count as 2 characters?

Shocked aiwebs_016 gah #-o

Oh... My... God. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you soooo much, Jerry9. Now I realize that returns count as a "/n"... and I'm a programmer, for god sakes! ](*,)

I just tried it, and found out that returns subtract one character from the character limit number at the top of the box, but actually count as two. Boy, I'm such an idiot. I take back everything I've said in this thread so far. Thank you, Jerry9! You've brought me to the light!

Oh, yeah. And M2K2 isn't plotting evildoings after all. Or are they...? But that's a story for another day. Wink
Yea, not a very important bump, but whoever fix'd the returns that subtract 1 instead of 2, thanks! That'll make it much less annoying in the future.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Don't bump, just edit your previous post, it still brings it up to the top and marks it as new.
Quote from Acheron86:
Don't bump, just edit your previous post, it still brings it up to the top and marks it as new.
No, editing does not bring a topic up to the top of the list; it only marks it as new. I've seen topics on the second page with new symbols when there were a large number of old topics I had not since clicked on before it. *cough*J-SNAKE*cough*
Bumping is alright if there's important/new information. In this case editing would be better I think.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from uNsane:
No, editing does not bring a topic up to the top of the list; it only marks it as new. I've seen topics on the second page with new symbols when there were a large number of old topics I had not since clicked on before it. *cough*J-SNAKE*cough*

Ah, my bad. Still, if you're already on the front page (and this one was) no need to bump.
Sorry, sorry. But, again, thanks whoever did that. I appreciate it.

Wow, I made this topic popular again. For a while. Yeah... >_>